Wildcat Weekly November 1, 2024
Sagewood Middle School Staff Update
Ben’s Bulletin: Weekly Insights & Updates
Happy Friday Wildcats!
It was great to see all the spirit and creativity this week as we celebrated Halloween on Thursday and had so many staff dress up alongside students. Thank you for making this a special, fun day for our students. The assembly was a fun way to cap off the day as well! Our fill the calendar fundraiser wrapped up with staff getting pie'd at the assembly! Thank you to everyone who agreed to do this and PTO now has some funds to spruce up our staff lounge!
Next Friday morning Danny Winsor, assistant superintendent, and Kristin Drury, Executive Director of Schools for Parker, will be visiting Sagewood and we'll be doing some classroom walkthroughs. These are the two questions they're asking us in these walkthroughs:
How is the work that you are doing in PLCs directly translating to improvements in the instructional practices happening in your building? How do you know?
How is rigor seen in the instructional practices in your building? Are there measurable data points that show the growth of students aligned to the data?
Our Big Rocks continue to be the implementation of PLCs and our SGMS Instructional Framework this year. The hope is that these areas will be visible and are impacting what is happening in classrooms.
For our staff meeting on Tuesday, please consider nominating a colleague for a Wildcat Wonder Award!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend~
- Ben
Halloween Dance
Consumer Family CSI
Chick Fil A
"My pleasure!"
Happy Birthday to These Wildcats!!
Maria Walker - 11/4
Trent Feldt - 11/5Rebecca Bock & Diana Hulseberg - 11/7
Here is the schedule for the next week
Monday, November 4
Tuesday, November 5
- No team meetings because of staff meeting
- Staff Meeting, Library, 3:00 pm
Wednesday, November 6
- PLC Meetings
- 8th Grade Girls Basketball- A/B AWAY CiMS, C HOME 4:00 pm
- Wrestling Dual vs. MMS HOME 4:00 pm
Thursday, November 8
- 8th Grade Girls Basketball- A/B HOME vs. CRMS, C AWAY 4:00 pm
- SGMS Theatre - Shakespeare Double Feature: "Hamlet Zombie Killer of Denmark" and "Drop Dead Juliet"! 7:00 pm
Friday, November 9
- SGMS Theatre - Shakespeare Double Feature: "Hamlet Zombie Killer of Denmark" and "Drop Dead Juliet"! 7:00 pm
Saturday, November 10
- SGMS Theatre - Shakespeare Double Feature: "Hamlet Zombie Killer of Denmark" and "Drop Dead Juliet"! 7:00 pm
PRIDE Focus for the Week
You should have received an invite to join our new SEL program, Wayfinder. We will share more about this at our staff meeting on Tuesday and what lesson we'll be doing in Wildcat.
Team Meeting Notes
We took an inventory to see who needed school-issued hall passes (please eMail Graig if you need one and weren't in a meeting)
We also distributed student removal passes and universal Wildcat passes. Let Terry know if you need more before next Thursday!
Wildcat Wonder Nominations
For our staff meeting on Tuesday, please consider nominating a colleague for a Wildcat Wonder Award! This is a great way to recognize a colleague for going above and beyond! CLICK HERE TO NOMINATE.
Wildcat Spotlight - Megan Hill
AVID Spotlight
AVID Collaboration Strategies
AVID Collaboration strategies are powerful tools that can enhance student engagement and deepen understanding in middle school classrooms. By fostering an environment where students actively participate in their learning, these strategies encourage critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. Whether you choose to implement think-pair-share, collaborative note-taking, or small group discussions, each method provides a structured way for students to express their ideas and learn from one another. Check out this link for fresh inspiration for next week!
Link to strategies: Structures for Collaboration.pdf