Cougar News
Sylvan Middle School December 16-20

Upcoming Events
Now - 12.18.24 Food Drive
Now - 1.24.25 High School Open Enrollment
12.20.24 Early Dismissal 11:14 am
12.23.24-1.6.25 Winter Break
1.6.25 End of 2nd Quarter (No School)
1.14.25 CTE is for Me Event (8th Grade During School)
1.17.25 Taste of Sylvan (Students with a 3.0 and no D's or F's)
1.20.25 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
1.22.25 Skate Night 6-8 pm
Annual Sylvan Middle School Canned Food Drive
From December 9th-18th we will be collecting canned goods, other food items and financial donations. We use the financial donations to purchase additional breakfast, lunch, and dinner items for families. Students should bring their donations in to their 2nd period class.
On Thursday, December 19th, we will deliver the food baskets to families.
The support we have received from families and students for this food drive has been overwhelming! Keep it up and thank you for making the holidays special for other families.
Open Enrollment for High School 2025-2026
The Open Enrollment period has officially opened. The Open Enrollment Lottery is a process that allows families who live within the boundaries of San Juan Unified an opportunity to request a High School of their choice, provided that there is space. This is a lottery system, so there is no guarantee of getting in, as it is random and based on available spots.
The time to apply for Open Enrollment is from December 9th at 8:00 am - January 24th at 5:00 pm. Below is the link for more information and how to apply.
7th Grade Dissection with Ms. Peña
Last Friday, Ms. Peña held an after-school lab for students. A full class signed up to attend and they got busy dissecting cow eyeballs! What a wonderful learning event for these students.
Nominate an Employee for the 2025 Classified Employee of the Year Award
San Juan Unified realizes that there are many outstanding employees in service within the district. The district is accepting nominations for the Classified Employees of the Year to recognize classified employees.
If you know a classified employee who goes above and beyond for San Juan Unified and the surrounding community, you may nominate the employee for consideration. Any San Juan Unified employee or member of the surrounding community may submit a nomination. Access the 2025 Classified of the Year Nomination Form for information about the eligibility requirements, nomination process and more.
All nomination forms must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 20.
The outstanding employees in each category will be announced at the board meeting on Feb. 11. Finalists will be entered into the Sacramento County Classified Employee of the Year program.
Citrus Heights Rotary Club Donates Shoes to Sylvan Students
Last month, the Citrus Heights Rotary Club donated over 600 pairs of shoes to schools in the area, including Sylvan Middle School. The Citrus Heights Sentinel did a story on the donation and included this photo of our own staff member, Daren Canaday! Thank you again to the Rotary Club for supporting our local families. (Image courtesy, Bob Churchill)
Yearbooks Are on Sale Now
Yearbooks on Sale $25 and are available for purchase at the Front Office.
You can also purchase these online at :
School Code: 725149
Looking for a place for your student to go after school?
Academic Resource Center
Sylvan is proud to offer our Academic Resource Center (ARC) to assist students everyday after school. Some of the services available are: retaking tests, completing homework, use of Chromebooks, readily available project supplies, tutoring, and more. The ARC is open five days a week and it is FREE. Please let your student know they have a place for more assistance if needed with four adults waiting to help.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 2:40-3:30
Thursday - 1:20-2:30
Math Block-Round Two
What is Math Block?
Math Block is an embedded support time that we use to provide targeted assistance in Math for our students. Math Block occurs everyday except for Thursday and each cycle is 5 weeks long. The Math Block is scheduled after 3rd period, but the class itself rotates, so that students will have an opportunity to be with each of their scheduled teachers for a Math Block rotation.The rotation seems confusing at first, but the students get the hang of it quickly and we have staff members out during passing period, helping to remind them where they go as well as announcements over the intercom and on our school news. This next Math Block class is your child’s 3rd period teacher and will start on November 4th. This second Math Block will run until December 18th.
The schedule is as follows:
1st period
2nd period
3rd period
Math Block (with 3rd period teacher)
1st lunch/4th period
4th period/2nd lunch
5th period
6th period