Bobcat Family Newsletter
Week of June 3, 2024
June-Important Dates :
June 3 - 6th Graders - Disneyland
June 4 - School Spirit Day - Wear Hawaiian/tropical attire & BMX Assembly (Schoolwide) 9:00 a.m.
June 5 - 6th Grade Promotion 8:30 a.m. (Quad), HS Senior Visit (Alumni) 11:45 a.m., 6th graders to Camelot 3:00p.m.
June 6 - Field Day - TK - 6th GR/Minimum Day - Last Day of School
First Day of School - August 21, 2024
Bobcatpalooza Pictures
Stop by our office to pick up your Bobcatpalooza pictures or download them by clicking on this link: <KB2_1540-L.jpg>5/31/24 Camp Bobcat -
Happy Retirement Mrs. Granger!
Please join me in congratulating Mrs. Granger (4th grade teacher) for her 35 years of service. She will be retiring at the end of this school year and we want to wish her the best in her new chapter!
Order next year's school supplies today!
Parents, it's time to buy your 1st Day School Supplies. I know it seems early, but before you know it, summer will be here. It's important you order your supplies before it's too late or supplies run out. Start the school year with the exact supplies your teacher requested, and give your child the confidence they need to conquer next year! Get them today before it's too late!
Simply click on the flyer below.
Support VPE this Fourth of July
Make sure to note "VPE" under program designation in order for us to receive credit. Thank you for supporting VPE! Vouchers must be purchased by 6/27. Deadline to sign up to volunteer is 6/15.
Kindergarten 2024-2025 Enrollment
Please note. All lost and found items left on the last day of school, June 6, will be donated. We have sweater, jackets, lunch pails, and water bottles. Thank you.
Villa Park Elementary School
Location: 10551 Center Drive, Villa Park, CA, USA
Phone: (714)997-6281