Bobcat Strong Tracker
March 7, 2025
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
March 7th - Bobcat Bash @ 6pm Los Altos Community Center
March 13th - Minimum Day
March 29th - Santa Rita Family Picnic 2:30-5:30
April 7th-11th - Spring Break- No School
April 26th- Junior Olympics
LASD 2024-2025 Calendar
LASD 2025-2026 Calendar NEW!
Reporting Attendance: Santa Rita Student Attendance
Santa Rita Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org/santaritaes
Look at our AMAZING students and staff in action at Santa Rita! We love seeing our school community shine!
Santa Rita students are having fun in PE.
Ms. Selincourt is providing fantastic support to her student.
Our kindergarteners are mastering their math skills.
Dear Santa Rita Families,
We have daylight savings starting on Sunday. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour. We are still looking for volunteers for our Parent Teacher Association. Without a proper PTA board, we won’t be able to support our students, teachers and community. We truly need your support.
For the month of March, the character trait we will be learning about and focusing on is Cooperation. Oftentimes we think this simply means that people are working “together”, but we want to push this definition even further and include having a shared goal or outcome. Learning is such a social endeavor and I am excited to see our students continue to build their capacity to work collaboratively.
Cooperation isn’t just something we teach our students—it’s something we practice as a school community every day. One of the best examples of this is the incredible work of our volunteers, especially our PTA. From organizing events and supporting teachers to enhancing school programs, our volunteers embody cooperation by working toward a shared goal: making our school the best it can be for all students.
Join Our PTA Executive Board – Make a Difference!
Our Santa Rita Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is looking for dedicated and passionate individuals to join the PTA Executive Board for the upcoming term! We are currently seeking candidates for the following positions:
🔹 Vice President – Support the President, coordinate events, and help drive PTA programs forward.
🔹 Treasurer – Manage PTA finances, budgets, and fundraising efforts to ensure transparency and efficiency.
🔹 Auditor – Review financial records and maintain accountability in all PTA financial matters.
Joining the PTA Executive Board is a fantastic way to stay involved in your child’s education, build strong connections within the school community, and make a lasting impact. No prior experience is necessary—just a commitment to supporting our school and students!
If you’re interested or would like more information, please reach out to one of our Nominating Committee members. Together, we can make a difference!
Nominating Committee Members:
Denise Khalid (Principal) dkhalid@lasdschools.org
Sherri Rose (Parent) mrs.sherri.rose@gmail.com
Amber MacDonald (Parent) amber@santaritapta.org
Jennifer Finley (Teacher) jfinley@lasdschools.org
Let’s Go, Bobcats!
Denise Khalid
Our BIG Bobcat Bash is today Friday, March 7th from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Tickets will be on sale until Wednesday, March 5th at 5 pm. No ticket sales at the door and kids must attend with an adult - this is not a drop-off event. Ticket Sales: BASH TICKETS
AI Learning Playlab
We have an exciting event on Friday, March 28th from 3:30 - 5:00 at Blach where some of our LASD alums from MVHS will be leading an AI Learning Playlab. The event celebrates the National AI Literacy Day (https://www.ailiteracyday.org/) and gives participants an opportunity to learn more about AI. Please note the event is open to LASD teachers, parents, and students in 5th - 8th grade. Space is limited, so please RSVP quickly at bit.ly/aiplaylab.
Living Classroom Docent Training
9-Noon Mondays 3/10, 3/17 & 3/24
Los Altos School District iLearn Studio
201 Covington Road, Los Altos CA 94024
Do you like to connect kids with nature? Living Classroom is seeking volunteers to teach our fun nature-based lessons and/or help care for our school gardens. No experience necessary as we teach you everything you need to know. Please join us from 9-Noon on Mondays 3/10, 3/17, and 3/24 at the LASD iLearn Studio for our Spring Docent Training. If Mondays don't work for you, please ask us about our apprentice-style training option. Questions? Please email livingclassroom@lasdschools.org or call 650-947-1103. Check us out at LivingClassroomLASD.org!
Every Santa Rita TK-6th grade student is learning computer science this school year. Computer science builds logic, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity skills, and provides a way to experiment with math concepts.
Thank you to those who’ve donated to LAEF to help fund computer science teachers this school year! If you have yet to give this year, donate to LAEF today and help support teachers and essential programs. Gifts of any amount are appreciated and make a difference.
MVLA Parent Education Series: Finding the Right College
Join us for a panel discussion on Finding the Right College
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 7PM, MVHS Spartan Theatre, 3535 Truman Avenue
Hear from four professionals involved in recruiting, applications and admissions on how to find the right college and where to look for great programs that will hopefully lessen the stress of applying.
Lorenzo Gamboa- University of Santa Clara; hyperlocal, looking at Catholic colleges/Jesuit schools with mission of service, social justice, commitment to the community.
Jermaine Rucker- University of Idaho; looking at public universities who are WUE members, benefits to studying and living outside of California as an alternative to UC/CSU. (WUE: The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is a tuition savings program that makes attending out-of-state colleges and universities more affordable for students in the West.)
Riley Stewart- Reed College; Member of Colleges that Change Lives, liberal arts college experience, distinctive grading philosophy, rate of students pursuing advanced degrees, Reed Thesis. (Colleges that Change Lives - Distinctly Different Liberal Arts Colleges)
Morgan Volkart- Lehigh University; Member of CACHET , interdisciplinary majors, research opportunities, business, looking at schools farther away from home. (CACHET - national coalition of colleges and universities committed to promoting opportunities for students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM))
Moderated by: Laura Duran, Counselor, LAHS College and Career Center
Audience: Parents, caretakers, teachers, and high school students
Registration: Register for this free event
For more information, visit mvlaspeakerseries.org. Events are free thanks to our generous sponsors: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, and the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Únase a nosotros en un panel de discusión sobre cómo encontrar la universidad adecuada
Martes, 1 de abril, 2025, 7PM, MVHS Spartan Theatre ⧫ 3535 Truman Avenue
Escuche a cuatro profesionales involucrados en el reclutamiento, las solicitudes y las admisiones sobre cómo encontrar la universidad adecuada y dónde buscar excelentes programas que, con suerte, reducirán el estrés de la solicitud.
Lorenzo Gamboa- Universidad de Santa Clara; hiperlocal, mira a colegios católicos/escuelas jesuitas con misión de servicio, justicia social y compromiso con la comunidad.
Jermaine Rucker- Universidad de Idaho; búsqueda de universidades públicas que sean miembros de WUE, beneficios de estudiar y vivir fuera de California como alternativa a UC/CSU. (WUE: Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) es un programa de ahorro en la matrícula que hace que asistir a colegios y universidades fuera del estado sea más asequible para los estudiantes del oeste.)
Riley Stewart- Reed College; Miembro de Colleges that Change Lives, experiencia universitaria en artes liberales, filosofía de calificación distintiva, tasa de estudiantes que buscan títulos avanzados, Tesis de Reed. (Colleges that Change Lives - Distinctly Different Liberal Arts Colleges)
Morgan Volkart- Universidad de Lehigh; miembro de CACHET, carreras interdisciplinarias, oportunidades de investigación, negocios, búsqueda de escuelas más alejadas de casa. (CACHET: coalición nacional de colegios y universidades comprometidas con la promoción de oportunidades para estudiantes en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM))
Moderado por: Laura Duran, Consejera, Centro Universitario y Profesional de LAHS
Audiencia: Padres, cuidadores, maestros y estudiantes de la preparatoria.
Registración: Regístrate para este evento gratuito
Para obtener más información, visite mvlaspeakerseries.org. Los eventos son gratuitos gracias a nuestros generosos patrocinadores: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, y Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Santa Rita School
Email: dkhalid@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!