Montgomery Elementary News
September 1, 2017
Contact Us
Linda Overbeck, Principal
Amy Debelak, Asst. Principal
Office 686-1730
Absence Line 686-1736
FAX 792-6131
School Nurse 686-1733
Cafeteria 686-1735
Transportation 686-1785
Website: http://www.sycamoreschools.org/Domain/13
Location: 9609 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 513-686-1730
Facebook: www.facebook.com/montgomeryelementaryofficial/?fref=ts
Twitter: @Montgomery_Elem
Login to funrun.com and donate to help fund materials for our STEAM initiative. AND we will be donating 10% of our profit to the Hurricane Relief Fund in Houston!
Positive Character Trait Word for the Week of 9/4/17
TRUSTWORTHINESS – A trustworthy person keeps promises, tells the truth, and will not hurt anyone with unkind actions or words.
TRUSTWORTHINESS means being reliable.
Specials Schedule for the week of September 4, 2017
Monday 9/4 - No School
Tuesday 9/5 - B Day
Wednesday 9/6 - C Day
Thursday 9/7 - D Day
Friday 9/8 - A Day
9/1 - PBIS Spirit day - Students and Staff wear PBIS t-shirts
9/4 - Labor Day - No School
9/15 - Grandparents/Grandfriend's Day
9/19 - Fall Pictures
Friday, September 15th
Grandparents and other older adults can be very important people in children’s lives. Children feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when they know that people in their extended family and community are interested in their education. So, we’re having a special celebration! Grandparents & Grandfriends Day recognizes the importance of our heritage, our community, and relationships across generations.
We’re inviting the grandparents of our students on Friday, September 15. Your child’s teacher will be send out more detailed information next week with the schedule of their events and an RSVP so we know how many to plan for.
This event is intended for children and their grandparents/step grandparents or a special “grandfriend.” Sorry – our space is limited, so parents and siblings cannot attend this event.
We understand that all children don’t have grandparents, and that some grandparents will be unable to attend. We encourage these children to bring another special older adult – a family friend, other relative like an aunt or uncle, or a neighbor. If no one is available, we are inviting some older adults from a local seniors group to act as “grandfriends” to students. Some children are also happy to share their grandparent with a classmate. If you have questions about who to invite or arranging for a grandfriend, please talk with your child’s teacher.
If your child has a grandparent who cannot attend the event, please ask them to write a note to their grandchild and put it in a sealed envelope for the child to open and read on Grandparents & Grandfriends Day. Grandparents can mail the note directly to the school or pass it along through you. In this way, grandparents can still participate in the event with their grandchildren. Grandparents & Grandfriends Day is a special day for both young and old. Thank you for your cooperation in making the event a success and a positive, memorable experience for your child!
Reporting Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Incidences
In an ongoing effort to provide a safe learning environment, Sycamore is requesting parents, students, and staff to inform administration (or whoever) of any perceived incidences of harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
Per the Sycamore Board of Education policy JFCF, harassment, intimidation, and bullying are defined as any provoked and intentional written, verbal, electronic or physical act that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the behavior both:
causes mental or physical harm to the other student; and
is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student.
To view the complete policy, visit www.sycamoreschools.org, under the Board of Education tab, scroll down to “Policies”, search for policy “JFCF”.
Sycamore will do everything possible to address any complaints of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. We encourage students, staff, parents, and community members to report this type of behavior to the district if help is needed to solve a problem.
To report an incident of harassment, intimidation, and bullying,
Go to the website, www.sycamoreschools.org
Under the tab “Forms”, scroll down until you see the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Incident Reporting Form for the individual schools.
Fill the form on-line and submit it electronically.
Hard copies of this form are available in each of the schools.
Complete the hard copy of the report form and turn it into the building principal.
The building principal or designee will promptly investigate all reported incidences.
It is difficult to investigate reported incidences that are anonymously submitted. However, every effort will be made to maintain the confidentiality of the reporter. Deliberate false reporting of harassment, intimidation, and bullying is prohibited.
The Sycamore Community School District is currently looking for registered nurses who would like to be employed as substitute nurses. Applicants must have current nursing experience, preferably with children, special needs, diabetes and an active nursing license.
If you qualify and are interested, please call Julie Ferron, R.N. at 686-1743 or email at ferronj@sycamoreschools.org.
Want another great way to keep up with what is happening at Montgomery Elementary? Like our Facebook Page!! If you took a first day photo that you would like to share please visit:
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Boosterthon's Castle Quest has begun! Please visit FunRun.com and register your child for this epic adventure. Each day from August 29-September 7, your child will be engaged in fun character and fitness lessons that teach the six virtues of becoming a hero, all while earning money for our school. We are raising funds for STEAM items (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) to supplement our amazing curriculum. In addition, the PTO will show our students first-hand how we can be heroes by donating 10% of our profits to the Hurricane Harvey victims in Houston. You can check out all amazing the character lessons on Fun.Run.com. Our Castle Quest will conclude on Friday, September 8 in a Hero Fit Challenge,when each grade will show off their hero fit skills and complete a series of 30-35 zany exercises! Mark your calendars and please attend as follows:
9:20-10:20: 2nd Grade/AM Kindergarten
10:25-11:25: 1st Grade
11:30-12:30: 3rd Grade
1:25-2:25: 4th Grade
2:35-3:35: PM/FD Kindergarten
Hassle Free fundraising is an easy way for you to help Montgomery Elementary with little effort! Here's how:
Pipkins Receipts - Send all of your Pipkins receipts to the main office in a clearly marked envelope or baggie. Pipkins generously donates a percentage of your spending back to our school. We collect year-round!
Labels for Education - Send all of your Labels for Education to the main office in a clearly marked envelope or baggie at any time throughout the school year!
Kroger - Link your Kroger Plus card to our school, NPO #80687, through the Kroger Community Rewards program. The PTO then receives a percentage of your spending. If you signed up in the past, please take a moment to check a recent receipt to make sure Montgomery Elementary PTO is your designated organization. If not, please re-register online.
Box Tops for Education - Please clip and save those little pink Box Tops. This year, we will have two collections, one in the fall and one in the spring. Look for more information in the weeks to come. In the meantime, please have an adult cut off box tops (expiration dates need to be visible) and glue to a piece of paper with the child's name and homeroom.
The PTO thanks you for all of the time and energy it takes for these small tasks. Every penny adds up and helps our students at Montgomery Elementary! If you have any hassle free fundraising questions, please contact Caroline Tyler at carolinetyler@me.com.
Feed Students, Not Landfills! Montgomery Elementary is excited to announce the Food Sharing Table! A Food Sharing Table provides an opportunity for students to place unwanted food and drinks for other students to take. Providing a Food Sharing Table feeds hungry students, teaches students that food should not be wasted, and prevents good food from going to the landfill.
At the end of the recycle sorting station, there will be a Food Sharing Table where students can place their unused food. Unused food has to be in an unopened package or a fruit with a skin. So what can students put on the Food Sharing Table? Bananas, apples, unopened milk, applesauce, cheese sticks, chips, crackers, any other unopened and uneaten food. Kids will be able to take food from the table as well. On Wednesday the food will be picked up and taken to Operation Give Back. We will be reviewing how to sort and recycle and teaching how to use the Food Sharing Table during lunch times. Any questions? Contact Shana Berge shanabecca@gmail.com or Kara Willis karaj.willis@gmail.com. Go GREEN and Gold!!
Want to spy on your kids during lunch? Then volunteer in the lunchroom! Click this link for all the details.
In case you missed your hard copy forms, you can access the Membership Form, the Volunteer Form, and the Homeroom Parent forms by clicking the links. These forms are also available on our website.
Please follow our private Facebook group, "Montgomery Elementary PTO" to learn about upcoming events and see photos of your children having fun experiences at school.
Does your child have a pile of books sitting in their room that they have already read? Do you wish you had the opportunity to exchange them for more exciting reading materials?
Our Little Free Library is for you!
How it works
Bring any “gently used” books to school and drop them off outside of Mrs. Barrometti’s room (room 212).
Students will be encouraged to select any “gently used” books of their choice from the shelves located by the flying pig. If your student takes a book, they are encouraged to then return a book back to the drop off in Mrs. Barrometti’s room to then be put on the library shelf.
The books will be placed on the library shelf as they come in. To keep our library replenished and full, we will need donations throughout the year.
Book Criteria
Please make choices carefully before bringing in books. Books will only be accepted under the following guidelines:
Books must be appropriate for grades K-4. We always need chapter books, though!
Books must be in gently used condition: cover on, no rips, tears or bent edges.
Books with coloring or writing in them will not be accepted.
Coloring books, activity books, and sticker books will not be accepted.
Questions: barromettim@sycamoreschools.org