Southeast Newsletter
February 2025
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Important Dates
2/13 - Kings and Queens Dance - 5:30 to 7:00pm All Grades and Families
2/14 - No School - Act 80 Day for Teachers
2/17 - STUDENTS IN SCHOOL - Snow Make-up day from Jan. 16th Snow DayPlease help us keep our parking lot safe!
We have many cars arriving at SE for arrival and dismissal compared to the size of our parking lot. This has caused a lot of traffic congestion at these times, leading to frustration for many people, and, at times, unsafe situations for our students. To ensure a safe and orderly parking lot experience, please follow these guidelines at all times:
- Always stop at the crosswalk to make sure no one is crossing in front of you.
- If you are dropping a student off and want to watch them come up to the door, please pull into a parking spot to do this. Cars sitting and watching students walk are creating traffic issues for those behind them.
- The parking lot allows room for 2 lanes of traffic. It is preferable to stay in the same lane you started in at all times. We understand that at times, it becomes necessary to change lanes – if this is the case, please do so cautiously.
- Please be courteous! Traffic is an inconvenience for everyone, but by working together and staying calm, we can minimize the inconvenience for everyone and maintain our focus on the safety of our students.
Thank you in advance for your help in maintaining student safety during arrival and dismissal.
Kindness Matters
Celebrate today with a random act of kindness. There are many free ways to spread kindness, including some of the suggestions below.
- Give 3 people a compliment.
- Make cards for local hospitals, nursing homes, police stations, fire stations, neighbors, school, etc.
- Leave a special treat for your mail carrier or sanitation worker.
- Clean up trash around your house. Use gloves and make sure an adult is present.
- Choose a person. Make a list of things you like or love about them. Give them the list.
- Color someone a picture.
- Donate old blankets to the Humane Society.
- Donate used items to local shelters.
- Surprise someone with a baked snack.
- Let someone go in front of you in line.
- Help a sibling with their homework.
- Read a good book to someone.
- Post inspirational sticky notes for people to find.
- Return shopping carts for people at the grocery story. Make sure an adult is present to help you.
- Help an adult cook dinner.
- Choose a chore you don't normally help with at home and complete it without being asked.
- Write positive sidewalk chalk messages on the sidewalk for your neighbors.
- Call a family member you haven't seen in a while to tell them you miss them.
- Tell a school adult why you appreciate him/her.
- Talk to someone new at school.
"In a world where you can be anything, be kind." -Unknown
Girls on the Run
We are forming a Girls on the Run team this spring! Flyers will be coming home with information and registration will soon be open.
Girls on the Run is an after-school program that focuses on assertiveness, confidence, teamwork, and other skills while training to run a 5k.
Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15 - 5:45. Parents are responsible to pick up their daughter - school transportation is not available.
The season starts the week of March 10th and runs for approximately 8 weeks. The 5k will be held at F&M College in Lancaster on May 17th.
February is Black History Month
Library Resources
Students will be reading "Ruby Bridges" and "Henry's Freedom Box" in library class. Other available books will be on display for students to check out from the school library to learn about and celebrate Black History Month. The public library is also a great resource for books to enjoy as a family.
Online Resources
Southeast's Little Library
If you know anyone looking to get rid of or donate lightly used children's books, ask them to consider donating to the Southeast little library. If it is full, books can be donated to the office to be used to replenish the library.
Valentine's Day Memo
Your child's teacher will be reaching out to you about Valentine's Day. Please note that there is no requirement to bring in valentines for the class, but if you choose to do so, we are asking that you do not send in any food items per the district food policy. Valentines to be shared with classmates can be cards, pencils, erasers, stickers, etc. Thank you for your assistance in our safety and wellness initiatives.
ARC Bookbags
Each month, you will receive information regarding PBIS, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This month, your child can earn a variety of incentives through the PBIS program for demonstrating respectful, responsible, and safe behavior.
Monthly Rewards: iPad Coupon, Pizza Craft, Window Decorator
Self Manager (1 or less unlawful absences, missing assignments and discipline referrals): Movie and popcorn
Cafeteria prizes vary based on the number of times classes were rewarded for respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors.
Power Packs
All Southeast families can sign up for Power Packs at any time throughout the year.
Sign up here:
Please contact Kathy Bishop (kbishop@lebanon.k12.pa.us) or Kyle Bensing (kbensing@lebanon.k12.pa.us) with any questions.
Attendance Matters
Looking to get involved?
President -Robert Beamon
Vice President - Jazmine Ortiz
Secretary - Jennifer Beamon
Treasurer - Tiff Rhen
Southeast Elementary School
Email: kbensing@lebanon.k12.pa.us
Website: https://www.lebanon.k12.pa.us/southeast/
Location: 499 E. Pershing Avenue, Lebanon, PA, USA
Phone: 717-675-2163
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoutheastElementarySchool-308133236062257