Tiger Weekly Update #1
Friday, September 6th, 2024
Dear HMS Tiger Families,
Happy Friday, HMS!
I hope everyone had a wonderful first week of school! Take some time to review the newsletter so you are aware of all of our upcoming events. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns ryan.sorafine@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Please take some time to read through the updates below to learn some more about this past week and upcoming events. Some highlights are:
- Fall Sports Tryouts ~ Week of September 9th
- School Picture Day ~ Wednesday, September 18th
- HMS Back to School Night ~ Wednesday, September 25th @7pm - 8:30
- Dress Code Guidelines & Vendors
- Cell Phone Policy
- Athletics Corner
- HMS Clubs & Activities Corner
- Guidance Counselor Corner
- Nurse's Corner
- Grade and content level summary to give you a peak into the classroom
- 2024-2025 School Year Information for Families (Breakfast/Lunch Program; Technology; FAQs)
Attendance... It Matters!
School Picture Day is Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
All HMS Students and Staff will be taking their Photo on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024.
- For students in Grade 6 and 7, these pictures will be your Yearbook Photo as well as your school ID photo.
- For students in Grade 8, these pictures will be your school ID photo only. Cap & Gown photos will take place on January 7th, 2025.
HMS Dress Code Guidelines
The objective of the Hoboken Middle School Dress Code Guidelines are to promote an atmosphere of respect, academic success, and school culture while recognizing freedom of student choice and expression. Please find below a clear outline of acceptable student attire in our HMS Quick Reference Chart, HMS Dress Code FAQ's, and HMS Dress Code Style Guide.
Please forward any questions you may have to rsorafine@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Quick Reference Sheet
Dress Code FAQs
Style Guide
HMS Spirit Wear Vendors
The Local Thread
Because Tiger Pride = Hoboken Pride, the HMS Swag Team is excited to announce our new Spirit Wear partnership with Hoboken's own The Local Thread! Currently our Online Store is CLOSED but will reopen again in the Fall.
Our Online Store is NOW CLOSED but Visit Here: HMS Tigers Online Store
Prep Sportswear
Prep Sportswear is another vendor for students and families to purchase HMS Spirit Wear. Prep Sportswear is currently OPEN. Please visit the link below for ordering/purchasing information.
Hoboken Middle School Tigers Apparel Store (click me)
HMS Cell Phone and Personal Electronics Policy
HMS Athletics Corner
Hoboken Middle School Athletics
Hoboken Middle School is offering a range of sports activities designed to promote teamwork, skill development, and healthy competition among our students. We have been invited to compete in a Hudson/Bergen County Middle School Interscholastic Athletic League. Please note that participation in Hoboken Middle School sports is tryout-based and open exclusively to 7th and 8th grade Hoboken Middle School students.
Fall Sports
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Volleyball
Co-ed Cross Country
Winter Sports
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Basketball
- Co-ed Swimming
- Co-ed Wrestling
- Cheerleading
Spring Sports
- Baseball
- Softball
- Co-ed Track
Fall sports tryouts will take place during the week of September 9th. The season is set to begin on September 25th, and will run for a duration of 5 weeks.
Students selected for the teams are expected to commit to 3 days per week for practices and games. Attendance is mandatory, as our athletes will compete against other Middle Schools in the area. If your child misses two games or three practices for any reason other than documented medical or injury related reasons, another student will be given your child's spot on the team.
For our 6th grade students, and those in 7th and 8th grades who do not make the competitive teams, we are pleased to offer weekend clinics. These clinics will focus on the fundamentals of each sport, helping to build skills and prepare students for future opportunities in competitive sports. We believe that this new program will provide our students with valuable experiences both on and off the field. We look forward to seeing their growth and development through these activities.
Registration Information
To participate in the athletics program, students must complete online registration through our official registration portal. Registration is mandatory and must be completed prior to the start of tryouts. Additionally, each student is required to submit a completed NJ Pre-Participation Physical Exam Medical Release Form. This form is crucial for ensuring the safety and health of all participants.
Please follow these steps to complete the registration process:
Students will not be allowed to try out or participate without proper registration and medical clearance).
Visit our online registration portal: R School Registration Portal
Click on the HMS Icon to complete the registration form with the necessary details.
Print a copy of NJ Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Form to be filled out by a Physician
Upload Page 5 (Medical Eligibility Form) to R School Registration Portal
Submit a hardcopy (Page 5) of the NJ Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Form to the HMS main office.
HMS Athletics Participation Guidelines
Game Attendance Requirement: Athletes must not miss more than 2 games during the season.
Practice Attendance Requirement: Athletes must not miss more than 3 practices throughout the season.
Consequences for Non-Compliance: Failure to meet these participation commitments will result in removal from the team.
We expect all athletes to adhere to these guidelines to ensure the team’s success and maintain a fair and competitive environment for all participants.
Thank you for your support, and we hope to see your child participate in our new sports program. If you are interested in trying out for the HMS Sports competitive teams, please ensure that all registration requirements are met by the deadline. If you have any questions regarding the HMS School Athletics program or the registration process, please reach out to Mr. Benway directly at cbenway@hoboken.k12.nj.us.
HMS Fall Athletics Schedule (Click to View)
Tryouts: Week of September 9th
Season Begins: September 25th
Season Duration: 5 weeks
Practices and Games: 3 days per week
HMS Clubs & Activities Corner
To kick off the new school year, HMS held its annual Club and Activities Fair on Friday, September 6th during lunch. This event gave students the opportunity to explore and learn about our various clubs and after-school activities. Students are welcome to sign up for multiple clubs if they are interested, and can attend the meeting times on a consistent basis.
Clubs will commence the week of September 9th. Each club advisor will set up a Google Classroom and maintain daily attendance for all meetings. All club activities will take place after school from 3:00 PM to 4:15 PM. HMS Club schedule is subject to change based on needs and advisor availability.
HMS Fall Clubs Schedule (Click to View)
HMS Student Council
I would like to thank our HMS tigers for a fantastic Club Fair! I am so pleased that there is so much interest in the HMS Student Council.
What Does the Student Council Do?
Coordinate HMS spirit weeks
Help our Hoboken Community
Help to plan activities, such as the Tiger for a Day and school dances
Collaborate with HMS PTO
The Student Council will hold its first meeting on Thursday, 9/12 from 3:15-4:15 PM. If you have any questions about Student Council, please reach out to Ms. Falcone: sfalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us.
Junior Thespians
Though Junior Thespians has not met yet a few select volunteers assisted Ms. Falcone and Ms. Miller with the clubs and activities fair during lunch on Friday. After a quick look at the sign up sheet it looks like we can expect lots of new faces at our first meeting! We are very excited to hit the ground running with a variety of activities aimed at helping participants prepare for the upcoming competition season!
Ms. Falcone's Guidance Counselor Corner
I hope all of our HMS Tigers had a great first two days of school!
I have invited all students to their grade-level Counselor's Corner Google Classroom. The Counselor's Corner will provide students with HMS announcements and resources to support students in their academic and social-emotional learning success.
As always, should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.
Email: sfalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Phone: (201) 356-3600 ext. 3746
HMS Nurse's Corner
Welcome back to school, I hope everyone had a relaxing summer and enjoyed making new memories. Just a few friendly reminders for the new school year.
Crutches, Ace Bandages
If your child experiences an injury and needs to come to school with an assistive device or any kind of wrap, please send them in with a doctor’s note so that we know the type of injury that occurred and the doctor’s recommended restrictions. Wraps put on by parents at home cannot be adjusted by the school nurse without a doctor’s note. Gym and recess excuses also have to come from the child’s doctor. It is important to keep me updated and notify me of any change in physical status so that the appropriate measures are put in place.
If your child has any medical needs, please feel free to call me to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. As a reminder, if your child has any kind of over the counter or prescribed medication that needs to be kept in school, please let me know, have your doctor fill out a medication administration form and supply me with the medication. Please do not send in the medication in your child’s backpack. This is a safety concern! All medication must be handed to the nurse, by the parent, with orders.
Also, a reminder that there are two required immunizations for all 6th graders as per the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. If your child has been immunized and is up to date on their required immunizations please send me a copy as soon as possible. If they have yet to receive the two required immunizations please make an appointment and provide proof of immunization.
The 2 required immunizations are as follows:
N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.10: Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccine (TDap)
Every child born on or after January 1, 1997 and entering or attending grade 6 on or after September 1, 2008 shall have received one dose of TDap, given no earlier than his/her 10th birthday.
N.J.A.C. 8:57-4:20: Meningococcal Vaccine
Every child born on or after January 1, 1997 and entering or attending grade 6 shall have 1 dose of meningococcal vaccine such as the medically preferred meningococcal conjugate vaccine.
HMS World Language Corner
This week in Spanish, Mandarin and French class, students spent time familiarizing themselves with classroom rules and expectations. We also dedicated time to get to know each other better so that we can create an effective, enjoyable learning environment for all students. On behalf of Ms. Trinidad, Ms. Sha, and Mrs. Touzot, we would like to wish you:
Welcome Back!
Bonne rentrée scolaire!
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a la escuela!
huān yíng guī xiào
欢 迎 归 校
Grade & Content Level ~ What Have We Been Learning?
Each week, our grade level teams will be sharing content highlights from the week. Please check out the sections below that highlight the content for your child.
6th Grade
Welcome to HMS 6th graders! ELA students were introduced to school and classroom policies and procedures, joined their respective Google Classroom and Vocabulary.com classes, and then participated in various activities in an effort to get to know each other. Next, students enjoyed completing an “All About Me” one-pager activity. Next week, students will join the StudySync digital platform and will be introduced to their unit 1 novel, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. To start off science class this year, students got to know each other by working together to figure out how I had them arranged in class. Students also chose life science careers, conducted research, and designed a t-shirt for their chosen career. On Friday, we prepared for labs by going over lab safety rules and making lab safety signs that we will hang up in our classroom. In 6th grade civics, there are a lot of history buffs so we are sure to have a wonderful year. The students learned about National History Day, parents you will be receiving an email about this wonderful program next week. The students also learned about Cornell Notes. They will be using this technique to write their weekly notes during class. In math, all students were able to get to know one another by completing a Math-style getting to know you activity. Students then completed some critical thinking puzzles to give them a taste of how they will learn math this year. We are looking forward to a productive and successful school year!
7th Grade
Seventh graders had a great first week engaging in icebreakers and get-to-know-you challenges! Students familiarized themselves with their new classrooms and teachers, and received their lockers for the upcoming school year. We are looking forward to our first full week. Be on the lookout for emails from your child’s teachers!
8th Grade
Welcome to 8th grade! We had a wonderful first two days of school. All subjects participated in icebreaker activities to introduce both teachers and students. We spent some time reviewing expectations and procedures as well. The 8th grade team looks forward to an excellent year ahead!
When asked what they were most excited for this year, 8th graders said..
“I’m excited to prepare myself for high school.”
“I’m excited to join a club.”
“I’m looking forward to getting to know my new teachers.”
“I am most excited for making more friends, just like I did last year.”
“I am most excited for the book The Outsiders that we are going to read in the school year.”
Teacher Emails:
jessica.nodine@hoboken.k12.nj.us tara.donnelly@hoboken.k12.nj.us adele.sanchez@hoboken.k12.nj.us Math: leila.wooten@hoboken.k12.nj.us Social Studies: Science: alexander.gomez@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Fine & Performing Arts / Physical Education Corner
Pre-AP Visual Arts
The Art Room Owl
Pre-AP Theater
In Pre-AP Theater student's were introduced to the topics that they would be covering this year. The majority of the class period was spent on team building ensemble based activities which helped break the ice. Two theater games that students enjoyed were "1, 2, 3, Wa!" and "Trainwreck". Students were able to experiment with gestures and practice projecting their voices as part of these activities. We are looking forward to beginning our deep dive into the Pre-AP curriculum starting on Monday.
Mind Over Matter: Critial Thinking
This week in Critical Thinking we are getting to know the classroom. We are building upon the work we did last year in Creative Writing. We have started our first lesson on Motivation. We will be exploring what motivates us as individuals and the different types of motivation that exist. We will be looking into our core values and exploring things that help make up our character.
Hoboken Middle School's chorus students have been so excited to hear what is in store for them this year being a part of this brand new program! Throughout the 2024-25 school year, they will be performing at the HHS/HMS Winter Concert, HHS/HMS Spring Concert, and Music in the Park at Six Flags among many other performances. They get to look forward to learning music theory and Pre-AP Music which will help them immensely as they continue throughout their music careers in school. This is going to be a very exciting year for all the students who want the opportunity to sing for their school and community!
Physical Education
In Physical Education this week students began reviewing expectations as well as how we efficiently warm up for all of our activities in PE class! Students and families can expect our students to be enjoying activities like handball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, hockey, kickball, and much more this year! We are excited for the new school year.
2024-2025 School Year Information for Families
HMS Help Desk
Here are some helpful items for our families:
My child is going to be absent...what do I do?
Email WVasquez@hoboken.k12.nj.us and SFalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us to inform us about the absence.
I need to pick up my child early...what do I do?
Call the main office 15 minutes prior to pick up so your child can be waiting at the Bloomfield Street entrance. The main office is (201) 356-3754. You will need to come into the security area to sign the book for your child to leave.I have an issue with my Chromebook...what do I do?
Please visit the HPS-Tech in Our Schools Site for any tech related questions or problems with Chromebooks.
I have a question about dress code or purchasing...what do I do?
Email Dr. Baskinger (robin.baskinger@hoboken.k12.nj.us) for information
I have a question for about my child making up work if they are absent...what do I do?
Email Ms. Falcone for assistance (SFalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us)
HMS Lunch & Breakfast Information
If you are not interested in applying for free or reduced lunch, we kindly ask that you submit a hardcopy of the free/reduced lunch application by filling out your child’s name on Step 1 and note anywhere on the application that you are not interested in applying for free/reduced lunch.
What is for Lunch?
We offer hot school lunch daily in our cafeteria through Chartwells, our district’s food provider. You do not need to order lunch in advance, however, you can preview the daily lunch menu using the following link and then clicking on Hoboken Middle School. Each day, we offer a vegetarian option. Lunch is $3.85 per day per child, however it is at no cost for all students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. https://hoboken.nutrislice.com/menus-eula
How can I pay for Lunch?
Please ensure that you made a Pay Schools Account. Use the link below for the instructions that will walk you through the process of making a payschools account.
Is there School Breakfast Available?
Morning Breakfast is from 7:30-8:10 am in the cafeteria. Breakfast is $2.60 per child per day, unless your child qualifies for reduced or free breakfast/lunch, in which both breakfast and lunch will be at no cost for you. All children who would like breakfast should enter through the 4th Street Entrance. There will be staff at the door to greet you and your child. Additional staff members will escort your child to the cafeteria. There will be additional staff members supervising morning breakfast in the cafeteria. At 8:10 am, students will be escorted by our staff members to their designated homeroom location. In order to receive morning breakfast, please ensure that you have filled out the online lunch application when it is available as well as created a payschools account.
Technology Usage & Insurance Information
Please Complete the Following Form:
District Technology Use and Policy Information
- All Chromebooks utilizes an Internet content filter that is in compliance with the federally mandated Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
- Parent Technology Site: https://sites.google.com/hoboken.k12.nj.us/guardians/home
How do I purchase insurance coverage? (For School year 2024-2025)
- Insurance coverage ($26.00 per device) for 2nd to 12th grade students can be purchased through Securranty anytime as long as your chromebook is in working order.
- Please Visit: https://sites.google.com/hoboken.k12.nj.us/guardians/home
What does it cover? (click me for coverage information)
**Chromebook insurance is of no cost to students that qualify for free or reduced lunch. Only one form should be completed per family each school year.
Helpful Links & Information for Families
- Hoboken Parents & Guardians Technology Support
- Mealtime (payment site)
My child forgot their Gmail password. Can you please reset their Gmail account?
- Call/email the HMS Main office for assistance.
My child’s Chromebook is broken. Who do I contact?
Fill out Hoboken Public School Technology Help Request for Parents, Guardians and Students
Return the broken Chromebook to Ms. Munoz in the main office as soon as the damage is apparent.
Do not wait to turn in a damaged Chromebook!
Ms. Munoz will send your Chromebook for repair and will arrange for your child to receive a loaner Chromebook until their Chromebook is repaired.
Oncourse Connect ~ Parent Information
Here is the link for parents to sign up for Oncourse Connect:
I am also including the link that has FAQ's and videos to assist parents logging in:
HMS Locks and Lockers
HMS Tigers received new locks and lockers for the 2024-2025 School Year. Every student is assigned a locker and a school issued lock. Both the locker and the lock are considered school property. Students may not share lockers. Lockers are school property and, as such, may be inspected periodically. It is the student's responsibility to take proper care of the locker, its contents and the lock. If a locker does not work properly, a student should notify Dr. Baskinger immediately. If a student loses their lock, a $10 fee will be charged for a replacement.
HMS Locker Schedule
HMS Locker Schedule
Students are not permitted to utilize lockers between class periods. Backpacks, coats, cell phones, and sporting gear must remain in student lockers from 8:15am - 3:00pm.
Locker Schedule (6th)
8:15 arrival
11:18 Before 5th Period Lunch
12:03 After Period 5th Period Lunch
3:00 Dismissal
Locker Schedule (7th)
8:15 arrival
12:03 Before 6th Period Lunch
12:48 After Period 6th Period Lunch
3:00 Dismissal
Locker Schedule (8th)
8:15 arrival
12:51 Before 7th Period Lunch
1:33 After Period 7th Period Lunch
3:00 Dismissal
Arrival & Dismissal Information
The entrance on the 4th street side of the building is open to all students beginning at 7:30. If your child arrives early, they should report to that door and enter the building. Students will then report to the HMS Cafeteria where breakfast will be served. Grade Level entrance doors open at 8:15am each day.
- Grade 6: Garden Street
- Grade 7: 4th Street
- Grade 8: Bloomfield Street
Any student arriving after 8:15 is to report to the Bloomfield Street entrance. Parents/Guardians that must pick up their child from HMS prior to the end of the school day must call the Main Office (201) 356-3754 at least 15 minutes prior to pick up. All early dismissal pickups are to report to the Bloomfield Street Security Entrance to sign out their child.
Parent Resources for Cell Phone Monitoring
Most children today have a cellphone on hand and use it extensively to do homework, communicate with friends, and view social media platforms. It is almost unimaginable to think of a modern-day child who doesn’t take full advantage. These rapid advancements in technology have been proven to be a recent challenge. Below are two suggested cellphone monitoring services that include activity monitoring, location services, filtering, and screen time management. Though not offered through Hoboken Public Schools, these resources may be helpful in managing cell phone usage. Click on each link below below to be taken directly to the resource website.
Qustodio: The All-In-One Parental Control and Digital Wellbeing Solution