October Newsletter
October 2, 2024
Principal's Post
Hello Wildcat Families,
As we end our 1st quarter and transition to our 2nd Quarter, I would like to stress the importance of attendance. The 2nd quarter of school has many holidays, and our teachers have less time to teach and prepare them for upcoming testing in December. We ask that you please make sure to schedule appointments after school and refrain from pulling your child/ren out of school early or bringing them late.
We would also like to encourage you to please have your students get onto IXL (K-5) at least 30 minutes per day to support with ongoing learning. Students, 6th-8th grade may use IXL to reinforce learning at home as well.
Please be sure to read any information for all our upcoming events this month (Honors Assemblies, Halloween Parade, Spirit Week, Halloween Dance).
Let’s make October amazing! Thank you!
Opportunity Makers National Publication
I’m excited to share that TNTP (The New Teacher Network) a non-profit organization that does research studies of public schools across the nation is launching their latest report. The Opportunity Makers: How A Diverse Group of Public Schools Helps Students Catch Up—and How Far More Can. Our school is highlighted in this research project!
As we know, millions of students are not performing on grade level, and most students who fall behind, stay behind. The latest report in TNTP’s Paths of Opportunity series, The Opportunity Makers reveals how we can accelerate learning at scale.
In our research, we found something incredible: A group of schools (CE Rose is spotlighted) that are consistently getting students back on track. In these “trajectory-changing” schools, students who are behind don’t just catch up—they thrive.
The Opportunity Makers is more than just a showcase of success stories. It’s a roadmap for what’s possible. We uncover three core focus areas that lead to impact and share recommendations and resources to help leaders and educators achieve trajectory-changing results.
Download The Opportunity Makers
Thank you Costco!
Last week Costco donated folders, erasers, pencils, crayons, and granola bars for every Kinder and 1st grade student. They also donated other items for our classroom teachers!
Thank you Costco!
Upcoming Events
Oct 1st: Scooter Races - Best Classroom Attendance
Oct 2nd: Classes with Least Tardies Celebration
Oct 3rd: Ping Pong & Pizza with the Principal
Oct 3rd: Leader of the Month
Oct 4th: No School - Grading Day
Oct 7th-11th: Fall Break - No School
Oct 14th: Student vs Staff Game 9:30
Oct 22nd: Picture Retake
Oct 23rd: Prof. Learning Wed. – No School
Oct 15th: Cafecito and Halloween Preparation at 9:30am
Oct 31st: Halloween Parade and Birthday Celebrations
Spirit Week
Monday 28th: Spooky socks wear your best Halloween socks or spooky hair do
Tuesday 29th: Wear orange, black, purple, or green
Wednesday 30th: Witch or Wizard Wednesday
Thursday 31st: Halloween costumes (no masks, face paint, accessories, weapons or gory costumes)
Friday Nov. 1s: Dia De Los Muertos
Halloween Parade
Please remember:
- no masks,
- no accessories
- no props or accessory
- no weapons
- nothing gory and no scary costumes
- They must wear their tennis shoes.
We will have a candy drive that will go towards our Halloween parade. The class that donates the most candies will receive a special prize.
If you would like to volunteer to help with our Halloween parade, park and decorate your vehicle trunk to pass out candies, and/or help organize the parade, please contact Faviola in the front office.
Trick or Treat bags $2.00 each.
Six different Designs to choose from.
Sale begins Oct 14 in the office, while supplies last.
Dress Down Days
October 2nd & 16th
- Must Be On Time (8:25)
- $1.00
- Follow Dress Code (appropriate dress, no crop tops, spaghetti tops, short-shorts or ripped jeans).
Birthday Celebration
For this month, we will celebrate October birthdays on Halloween. If your child has a birthday in that month and you would like to bring a healthy snack/treat/goodie bag. Please inform your child's teacher and drop it off at the front office.
Birthday Celebration for this month will be:
October 31st
School Office Updates:
1. Contact Information:
If you are not receiving any district emails or information, please call the school office to update your personal information (phone numbers and emails).
2. Tardies:
***Per district, all families are now required to sign in their child/ren if they arrive later than 8:30am.
3. Absences:
Please remember that you must either call or go into ParentVue to excuse your child's absence. Excessive absences will require a home visit from school personnel.
4. Early Sign-Out:
Ensure that appointments are made afterschool and limit any early sign outs due to instructional time missed.
Parent Volunteer Information
Volunteering is as easy as one, two, three!
- Please contact the school of your choice to establish a volunteer opportunity prior to filling out this application.
- To ensure the safety of our students, all parent and non-parent volunteers must complete or update their application each school year.
- HR will review your submitted application and work with your selected school to authorize volunteer work to begin.
Volunteer applications may take 2-3 weeks to approve prior to volunteer work beginning. For non-legal guardians, authorization is hindered on completion of a background check. Please stay alert to your email and for questions, please contact the Human Resources team.
¡Ser voluntario es tan fácil como uno, dos, tres!
· Comuníquese con la escuela de su elección para establecer una oportunidad de voluntariado antes de completar esta solicitud.
· Para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, todos los padres y voluntarios que no son padres deben completar o actualizar su solicitud cada año escolar.
· Recursos Humanos revisará su solicitud enviada y trabajará con la escuela seleccionada para autorizar el inicio del trabajo voluntario.
Las solicitudes de voluntariado pueden tardar entre 2 y 3 semanas en aprobarse antes de que comience el trabajo voluntario. Para los tutores no legales, la autorización se ve obstaculizada al completar una verificación de antecedentes. Manténgase atento a su correo electrónico y si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con el equipo de Recursos Humanos.
21st Century
21st Century Begins Monday September 9th
Days are as follows: M, T, TH, F – 2:45 – 4:45 PM (There is no programming on Wednesdays due to early dismissal.)
If you have any questions or if parents are inquiring about the program, they can sign up in the front office. Please note, that we will focus on recruiting students from our Intervention list especially students that are minimally proficient or partially proficient. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Juan Franco
Counselors Corner
Please see this month's counselor bulletin for upcoming information. If you are interested in a support group for your child, see attached for groups offered. Thank you!