EMS Notes from "The Nest"
Eastwood Middle School Bulletin
From the Principal's Desk
9/30/2024 September Fall School Edition
Good Afternoon, E.M.S. Community,
The beginning of school has come and gone, and we are in the flow of daily operations. It has already been a busy month. We are approaching midterm grades. I encourage all parents to look at Schoology and follow up with your child's teachers regarding progress, missing assignments, and midterm grades. It is better to look into concerns now then wait until the end of the quarter.
It was fairly hot early on, which then led to some fog delays, and even a closure. Hopefully that will not be the norm as we enter the fall season. I know fall is my favorite time of year with so much to do, and great fall activities.
I wanted to thank our students for their attentive participation in our Rachel's Challenge Assembly at school, and those parents that attended the Community Event that Evening. It was a great message that will be revisited throughout the year. Students and Community members were given 5 challenges moving forward:
1.Look for the best in others
2.Dream Big
3.Choose Positive Influences
4.Speak with Kindness
5.Start your own Chain Reaction
This will hopefully spread throughout the building to create a positive culture of kindness and actions that represent the Eagle Way. A special "Thank You" to Mrs. Rutherford and her Intern, Mrs. Brossia for doing the "heavy lifting" to organize this impactful event.
The Rachel's Challenge Program was made possible through private donations to help our kids. If you are interested in making a donation to continue the Rachel's Challenge "Movement", you can make donations to Eastwood Middle School with a notation of Rachel's Challenge. Thank you to all parties for a wonderful experience for our kids.
There is a picture and link to the newspaper article below.
District Special Schedules/Dates:
Oct 7-11 -6th grade students to Camp Michindoh
Oct 15 -2hr delay schedule
Oct 16 - Unity Day: Wear ORANGE to unite against Bullying, Show kindness, acceptance, inclusion
Oct 25 - End of 1st 9 weeks.
Nov 1 - NO School (Teacher Work Day)
Nov 6 & 7- Early Release 1:15 pm (Parent Teacher Conferences)
Nov 8 - No School (Parent Teacher Conferences)
Also included in this newsletter:
-Nest Notes
*Receiving Mr. Welker's Community Emails
*Attendance Awareness Month
*Remind 101
*EMSPAC Minutes
- Counselor's Corner
- Nurse Sutton in the House
-Things We Like to Brag About
-EMS important website links
-Community News
-Athletics Update Schedule and Link (Fall Sports and activities info)
-Upcoming Events Calendar -
-Eastwood's Beliefs, Behaviors & Outcomes
Thank You
Dwight Fertig
Twitter: Emsdfertig (@DwightFertig)
419-833-6011 Ext. 301
Important Middle School News #GoEagles
Nest Notes
Not Receiving Mr. Welker's Community Emails???
If you have signed up to receive Mr. Welker's Community Emails but are not receiving the email messages, please do one of the following to allow his emails to reach your inbox.
1. check your spam/trash folder
2. add bwelker@eastwoodschools.org to your contacts
We have received numerous duplicate sign ups from community members that are already on the Superintendent's Community mailing list so hopefully doing one or both of the above will allow you to receive the email messages.
Thank you!
Betsy Hood
Eastwood Technology Integration Specialist
Attendance Awareness Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month, a nationwide recognition of the connection between regular school attendance and academic achievement.
A student who misses just two to three days of school per month can be chronically absent. Attendance Awareness Month highlights the importance of mobilizing schools, families, and community partners to promote and implement tiered strategies and personalized interventions to reduce chronic absenteeism. When students are not chronically absent, they are far more likely to read at grade level, succeed academically, graduate on time, and be ready for the workforce.
It is important for every student in Ohio to attend school every day. Attendance studies routinely show the connection between regular attendance and critical school measures such as reading proficiently, performing well academically, and graduating from high school.
For students to have excellent attendance and high levels of engagement, we all need to work together: schools and districts, teachers and staff, families, communities, and policy makers. As a team, we can improve attendance and lower chronic absence.
What happens when a student becomes excessively absent from school?
In the event a child of compulsory school age is absent with a nonmedical excuse or without legitimate excuse for 38 or more hours in one school month or 65 or more hours in a school year, Ohio law requires the following to occur:
The school or district will notify the student’s parents or guardians in writing within seven days of the triggering absence if the absences are for nonmedical reasons or without legitimate excuse;
The student will follow the school or district’s policy for addressing excessive absences; and
The school or district may refer the student and family to community resources, as appropriate.
Remind 101
Just a reminder that the district uses Remind 101 to notify families of closings, delays, transportation information, and other emergencies. Please assure that you have signed up or have up-to-date information in your account. There are instructions on the school's website under the Parent tab on how to sign up!
YEARBOOK Picture candids
Parents, if you take any group photos from games, events, etc from this school year, send them in to be included in the yearbooks. Anyone can upload pictures throughout the school year to be used in the yearbook. (The yearbook staff will choose which images will be used.)
When you click on the link, you will be prompted to set up an account. Then, just upload pics like any other app. There are tags available to add to their pics, if you don't know the team or group, you can always tag the grade level.
(*Community members can use this link!) It is the easiest way for us to get different images.
The Eastwood Middle School Parent Advisory Committee's NEXT MEETING: Fall/October 21 2024, 4:00pm in the middle school.
Latest Meeting: EMSPAC Meeting Agenda/Minutes:
Teacher Reports: -EMSPAC Teacher Academic Reports
Counselor's Corner
Counselor's Corner
Middle School Counselor Corner
Rachel’s Challenge
Students in grades 5-8 experienced the incredible story of Rachel Scott who was the first victim in the shootings at Columbine High School in 1999. Her life, writings and legacy have become the basis for Rachel’s Challenge and her story has been shared around the world. Rachel’s Challenge is a national non profit that prevents school violence, bullying, and youth suicide through live and digital mental health programs in schools. A Community Event was held that evening with over 100 participants.
Our students have made the commitment to live the 5 Challenges of the program. Members of the community who attended the event were also asked to live out the challenges. Our FOR Club (Friends of Rachel) will provide activities that encourage our students to create a chain reaction of kindness
The five challenges of Rachel's Challenge are:
Look for the best in others
Dream big
Choose positive influences
Speak with kindness
Start your own chain reaction
The first of the FOR Club activities is SOCKTOBER. A collection of socks is being conducted with boxes at the Stony Ridge, Luckey and Pemberville libraries, the IGA, Luckey Junction, State Bank and The Union Bank. The socks will be donated to the community Angel Tree Project.
Unity Day - October 16
On the third Wednesday of October, everyone in the school wears ORANGE to symbolize the school’s unity toward bullying prevention and united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. This was created by the National Bullying Prevention Center with the call to action, “Make it Orange and Make it End. Unite Against Bullying!” October is National Bullying Prevention Month.
Grandparent/Kinship Support Groups - See the attached flier below for more information
JOHNNY’S AMBASSADORS - Youth THC Prevention Presentation. October 7, 6:00 @ Penta
Nurse Sutton in the House.
When you may have any respiratory virus...
Stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have respiratory virus symptoms. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others.
- You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
- Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
- You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).
- Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
Things We Like to Brag About!!
6th Grade Eagle Way Shirt Recipients
Blaize Crowl
Serenity Dombrowsky
Peyton Hineline
Tenly Jones
Quinn Mangette
Jaycee Moll
Eva Oliverez
Lucas Ramsey
Jackson Rankin
Cal Sandwisch
Braylin Sheets
Ruby St. Louis
Skylar Swartz
7th Grade Eagle Way Shirt Recipients
Carli Allen
Jacob Berry
Meadow Claydon
Riley Eckel
Alannah Garwood
Easton Muir
Elliot Nafziger
Lauren Oestreich
Dino Sangregory
Noah Schuerman
Parker Tipton
Aaron Wojcik
MacKenzie Wolf
8th Grade Eagle Way Shirt Recipients
Sophie Fiordalisi
Xander Lauer
Addison Loomis
Reid Messinger
Melody Myers
Allison Pease
Cole Schimmoeller
Levi Strayer
Mya Wagner
Tristian Wolfenbarger
Eastwood Middle School Cheer Squad - Cranking up the Spirit!
Unity Day: Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion
8th grade Students of the Month: September
Paityn Bart
Seth Freeman
Alexis Horrigan
Bryce Johnson
Elijah Shiffert
Julianne Stolar
Kylie Thompson
Community Information
Grandparent/Kinship Support Groups
Youth THC Prevention Presentation
Socktober at EMS
A collection of socks is being conducted with boxes at the Stony Ridge, Luckey and Pemberville libraries, the IGA, Luckey Junction, State Bank and The Union Bank. The socks will be donated to the community Angel Tree Project.
Important EMS Websites
For 6th grade adv. ELA, my.amplify.com
7th Grade Homework Document: 7th Grade Homework Link
Eastwood Band Home Page - band.eastwoodschools.org
6th Grade Band - band.eastwoodschools.org/6th-grade-band
7th Grade Band - band.eastwoodschools.org/7th-grade-band
8th Grade Band - band.eastwoodschools.org/8th-grade-band
EMS Athletics News and Notes
The Fall has been a successful season for all of our teams. We have watched the young men and women grow into better teammates and athletes and we are excited for their next season. Kudos go out to our cheer squad, led by Andrea Forrester and Stephanie Welling-Majzun, for pushing our athletes and teaching them how to stunt. This is the first time in my tenure this has ever been done at Eastwood, and they have been fun to watch. As many of our teams compete in the upcoming weeks for NBC championships, we wish them luck.
Volleyball will have an all day league tournament on October 5. Seventh grade will be at Lake and 8th grade will compete at Otsego.
Cross Country runs on Saturday, October 12 at 10:00am*. (Specific race times will be published at a later date)
Football championships are based on records and there is no formal playoff. The school with the best record, and then wins in head to head competition for ties, determine the league champion.
Finally, if your son or daughter is interested in playing basketball or wrestling, please be sure they are signed up on Final forms, that they have a physical, and that all forms are filled out on Final Forms. **If they did a Fall sport they should be all set as those forms are completed on a yearly basis.
Start dates for the winter sports are as follows:
Girls Basketball: October 25 (Tryouts begin)
Boys Basketball : Nov 1 (Tryouts begin)
Wrestling: Nov 15
Eastwood Cross Country Hosts Club
The high school cross country team would like to invite any student in grades K-6 to participate in this year's youth cross country program. Practices will be held every Wednesday in September and October from 5:30 until 6:30 at the high school cross country course. Please fill out the attached form if you are interested: https://forms.gle/iyCs34Juh8hftCX1A.
Calendar - Upcoming events at EMS
Sept 30 - 12:15 Pep Club, 4:30 pm MS VB @ Lake
Oct 1 - EMS CC @ NBC Jamboree
Oct 2 - 2:00 pm Evac Drill to the Stadium, 3:45 pm LPDC, 4:15 MS VB vs Otsego
Oct 3 - 4:15 MS FB @ Fostoria
Oct 4 - Fall Pep Rally PM Assembly Schedule
Oct 5 - TBD MS VB Tournament, 9:00 am MS CC @ Fostoria Invite
Oct 7 - 6th grade to Camp, 12:15 Student Council Meeting, 2:30 Pep Club meeting
Oct 9 -
Oct 10 - 7th Water Quality Testing, 4:15 MS FB @ Otsego
Oct 11 - Eagle Way Store, 12:15 pm NJHS Meeting, 8th gr. HS Band Night
Oct 12 - 10:00 am MS CC Championships
Oct 14 - 12:15 Pep Club, 7:00 pm Athletic Booster Meeting
Oct 15 - 2 Hr Delay Inservice
Oct 16 - Unity Day Wear Orange, 12:15 pm Alice Drill
Oct 17 - 4:15 pm MS FB vs Oak Harbor
Oct 18 -
Oct 21 - 2:30 Pep Club, 4:00 pm EMSPAC meeting, 6:00 PM Board Meeting
Oct 22 - 6th Grade Sci Club to Landfill
Oct 23 - EMS Picture Retakes
Oct 25 - End of 9 wks, Eagle Way Store
Oct 28 - 12:15 pm Pep Club,
Oct 31 -
Nov 1 - No School Teacher Work Day
Nov 3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall Back)
Nov 4 - 12:15 pm Student Council Meeting, 2:30 pm Pep Club Meeting
Nov 5 - Election Day
Nov 6 - Early Release (1:15pm) Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov 7 - Early Release (1:15pm) Parent Teacher Conferences, Eagle Way Store
Nov 8 - No School Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov 11 - Veteran's Day Assembly
These are the Beliefs, Behaviors, and Values that we strive to teach every day at EMS.
Eastwood Middle School
Community updates & announcements are sent out via email by Superintendent Brent Welker and can be found on the district website under the About Our District tab.
Email: dfertig@eastwoodschools.org
Website: http://www.eastwoodschools.org/
Location: 4800 Sugar Ridge Road, Pemberville, OH, USA
Phone: 419-833-6011
Twitter: @emsdfertig