Roadrunner Update
April 2022
A note from our Principal, Dr. Ayala
We spend a lot of time here at Mt. Taylor. How do we create a positive environment for everyone to learn, work and live?
Please watch this short video on school climate for some ideas on making a difference in other people's lives.
Sometimes all it takes is to say good morning and smile.
Have a great day!
Looking back on March...
Read Across America Day
Kindergarten Festival - School Level
Creative Story Telling - Landyn Brown
Math - Kamaria Tyson
Coloring - Anita Rodarte
Draw and Tell - Kartch Cash
Attendance Awards
Upcoming Events in April...
NM-MSSA - April 4th to April 15th
Fun Run - Friday April 8th
iMSSA - April 18th to 29th
Pre-K enrollment begins on April 18th for the 22-23 SY
6th Grade Track & Field - Tuesday, April 26th
1st Grade
The First Grade Easter Egg Hunt will be on April 14th! We would appreciate a donation of 2 dozen plastic eggs and 1 bag of wrapped candy per first grade student. Please send these donations to your child's teacher before 4/14. We will be filling the eggs in class so please do not send them prefilled.
This month we will also be studying the Life Cycle of a Chicken and hatching eggs in an incubator in each classroom. We are so excited for this program!
If you need any other information, please let us know!
2nd Grade
Hello families,
On Thursday, April 14th we will be participating in Easter themed activities in our classrooms. We are asking parents to donate 12 plastic filled eggs. Each egg should be filled with a peanut-free, prepackaged treat or prize. Please fill the eggs before sending them to school.
Once again, our students have been working hard to gain fluency in their reading. Remember, you can help them by spending 15-20 minutes a night reading their library books. Our goal last month was to increase the amount of books read in each classroom by 20 books. Here’s how we did; Munson’s class read 150 books in February and 245 in March; Sanders’ class read 137 books in February and 149 in March; Tafoya’s class read 95 books in February and 129 in March. Great job second grade!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Mrs. Munson, Mrs. Sanders, & Mrs. Tafoya
3rd Grade
Ms. Barela's Class
For ELA we will be focusing on the writing component. Taking sentences and making them paragraphs, then from paragraphs to a research paper. *Have students study their spelling words and read their A.R. books everyday.
For math we will be focusing on diving deeper into multiplication and division, measurement, data, quadrilaterals, and fractions on a number line.
For science we will be finishing up our unit about fossils and starting our weather unit. Students will have homework daily once we start our weather unit. I will update with further information at a later date.
For Social Studies we will be finishing our research project and learning about the regions of the United States.
Ms. Henderson's Class
Mrs. Scott's Class
- Math- Preparing for State and End of the Year Testing; Liquid Volume; Mass; Scaled Graphs; and Fluency.
- ELA- Preparing for State and End of the Year Testing; Possessive Nouns and Pronouns; Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs; and Writing Components.
- Science- Astronomy; Weather and Climate; and Processes and Impacts of Natural Hazards.
- Social Studies- Continents and Oceans
Students should be studying their spelling words and reading for at least 20 minutes daily.
4th Grade
Fourth grade has been very busy closing up quarter 3. They have also taken time to increase their reading skills by going to the Library and taking AR tests.
Mrs. Maestas students who met their AR goals last quarter 3:
Dadrian Chavez, Averi Elkins, Ethan Elkins, Emalynn Garcia, Marcelino Grine, Alora Heredia, Isaac Jaramillo, Breanna Johnson, Shealeigh Johnson, Ayden Maestas, Bret Prieto, and Jayden Saltclah.
Mrs. Willcox students who met their AR goals for quarter 3:
Aaliyah Aragon
Stephen Matthews
Amos Simpkins
Tiffany Moore
Jessa Ramirez
Ms. Peralta's class is pictured working on a Group Project for math where they were focusing on Division skills.
5th Grade
Ms. Marquez's Class
Ms. Marquez’s 5th Grade has read nearly 4,000,000 words so far this year! What a huge accomplishment! The students who met their AR goals (for the 3rd quarter) will be enjoying a Happy Meal from McDonalds. Math Focus: Fractions (add, subtract, multiply, & divide). Reading Focus: TSW demonstrate the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently. Science Focus: Solar System Research Papers Social Studies: Life in the English Colonies.
Mrs. Martinez's Class
For the 3rd quarter, 85% of the class made their A.R. Goal. The majority of the students had to read 25 points with an average of 85% or better. We celebrated their achievements the week before Spring Break.
Students will start state testing on April 11, 2022. Please look on Class Dojo for upcoming information.
Mr. Pinatacan's Class
6th Grade
*Reminder:6th Grade students need high lighters and headphones in class everyday.