LV -In-person Starts Tomorrow
Reminders from last week
See you tomorrow
- DAILY COVID SCREENING: Parents' agreement to self-screen info
- DEVICES: Bring fully charged laptop/device to school every day! Many classes are relying heavily on these devices to keep instruction aligned whether instruction is in-person or SAISD is in a period of Intermittent Closure.
- Bell Schedule
- PARKING: Students who will be driving personal vehicles to school will need to get a parking decal by September 11, 2020. Visit front office FMI. In order to get a parking decal, bring valid license, proof of auto insurance, and $10.
- DROP OFF/PICKUP: Please use the front or side entrances to drop off and pick up students. The back of the school is reserved for buses. Please do not use bus lanes or back of school entrance for pick up or drop off.
- BUSES: Use this link to find your child's bus stop location, number, and pick-up/drop off times. Buses will drop off and pick up at Lake View in the back of the school. As a part of our staggered release plan, students will be released a few minutes prior to the 3:59pm release bell to hop on their bus.
- Watch this Welcome back video that explain some of the ways we are working to make Lake View a safe and inviting place for you!
- Doors open no earlier than 7:30