Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception & St. Joseph
October 31, 2024 Habit of the Month: Begin with the End in Mind
5 Ways to Stay Safe While Trick-or-Treating
1. Stay with your parents or friends.
2. Check your candy and make sure it is safe to eat.
3. Watch for cars.
4. Don't talk to strangers.
5. Dress warm and wear a reflector or bring a flashlight.
by Jack Zimmerman and Daelynne Trueg
Important News
State Volleyball: Congratulations to Our High School Girls!
Volleyball State Pairing: Don Bosco plays Ankeny Christian on Tuesday, November 5, at 6 PM at XTream Arena in Coralville. Get all the information you need for the tournament and tickets here.
Football Playoff Game at DB November 2
đź“· Photograph courtesy of Zach Etringer Action Photography
Veterans Day Celebration
The Bosco Catholic School System will be celebrating the Veterans from our communities with an assembly on Monday, November 11, at 9 AM in St. Mary Center gym. Veterans and their guests are invited to St. Mary Center Commons for coffee and donuts before the assembly. We will begin with refreshments at about 8:30. All are welcome to join us for the celebration at 9 AM.
Colder Weather
Whenever possible all K-5 and ABC students will spend some time outdoors, so please be sure they have coats, hats, and mittens (snow pants and boots when they are needed). Please label your student’s sweatshirts, coat, hat, snow pants, gloves, mittens, lunchbox, etc.
Exploring Vocabulary with Creepy Carrots!
This month, our students dove into an exciting new approach to learning vocabulary inspired by our LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training. We chose the book Creepy Carrots as the foundation for this lesson. Together, we identified key words from the story and practiced understanding them in a fun, interactive way. To reinforce these new words, we introduced them using a multi-step process. First, we defined each word and discussed its meaning with students. We then provided examples and asked thought-provoking questions to deepen their understanding. But the fun didn’t stop there! To wrap up, students used their creativity by making their own "creepy carrots," inspired by the story. It’s been incredible to see how these intentional strategies are enhancing our students’ vocabulary and comprehension.
Mrs. Short
First Grade Teacher
Nurse's Note
You're Invited
All are invited to the Leader in Me Assembly on Nov. 4 at 12:30 in the DB gym. We will be reviewing Habit #2 and previewing Habit #3. This is being planned by Mrs. Monoghan's 2nd graders, Mrs. Bergfeld's 8th graders, and Mrs. Rohret's 10th graders.
Fall Play
NHS Blood Drive November 5
The National Honor Society (NHS) will be hosting an American Red Cross blood drive on Tuesday, November 5, in the Don Bosco gym from noon to 6 PM. Walk-ins are accepted, but scheduled appointments are preferred. Sign up by visiting our direct link on the Red Cross website or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. We are grateful for a community that is generous in their commitment to donating blood regularly. It is a gift that saves lives.
All Saints Day November 1
Every year the Church celebrates the feast of All Saints Day on November 1. We celebrate All Saints Day to recognize the lives of the saints who have gone before us. The saints help inspire us to live holy lives and know Jesus more deeply. Students will learn about the saints by attending the Saint Fair hosted by our sophomore class.
Have you noticed the Saints around our schools? If you have been through Immaculate Conception or Don Bosco this fall, you may have seen a plaque above each classroom door. Each room has been assigned a patron saint. Throughout the year, students will learn about their classroom saint. The next year they will learn about a new saint! Many classrooms have already had parties to celebrate their Saints' feast days! Stay tuned as we share more fun with our saints throughout the year! Make sure you ask your child about their class’s Saint!
Mrs. Zimmerman’s class celebrated their Saint’s feast day with treats and watching a video about their her life!
Vocation Awareness Week November 3-9
During this week we intentionally pray for priests and those in the religious life. We also pray for the increase of vocations to the priesthood. Don't forget to thank a priest the next time you see him!
Throughout the week we will be praying for our classroom seminarian as well as learning other prayers to intentionally pray for our priests and those discerning this vocation. If you are looking for a way to intentionally pray as a family for an increase in vocations, sign up for a week with our Vocations crucifix.
Catholic Order of Forester Events
Help the COF Raise Funds for Classroom Improvements at Don Bosco High School
The Catholic Order of Foresters needs your help with the Matching Fund Fundraiser. Volunteers are needed to make this a success! Join the baking team in preparing delicious rolls and pull-aparts or help with packaging or at pick up. Sign up now on SignUpGenius.
Cinnamon rolls and cinnamon pull-aparts orders may be picked up at Saint Mary Center on Saturday, November 2, from 4:30 to 6:45 PM or Sunday, November 3, from 8:30 to 11:15 AM.
Along with the Roll/Pull-Apart Sale, the COF is holding a Matching Fund Raffle. Tickets and payment may be returned to school in an envelope marked COF Raffle. If you would like tickets sent home with your student, email Ms. Berry. Ms. Berry will turn in tickets for the raffle drawing on November 13.
COF Chuck E Cheese Party November 3
The Catholic Order of Foresters pizza party at Chuck E Cheese in Cedar Falls will be Sunday November 3, between 11 AM and 1:30 PM. All COF youth members will receive free pizza, soda, and a $15 token card. Adults attending can buy all the pizza & soda they want for $10. Please see Donna Delagardelle at the sign-up table.
Parish News and Information
Bosco Catholic School System is thankful for the supporting parishes and communities we work with and live in. Visit the parish links for Reconciliation and Adoration times.
Parish Mass Times
Sat 4 PM, Sun 8 & 10 AM, M-W-F 7:45 AM
Sat 5:30 PM, Tue 6 PM, Thur 8 AM
Sat 5 PM, Sun 8:30 AM, Tue 5:30 PM, Thur 8:30 AM, Fri 8 AM
Sun 10:30 AM, Wed 8 AM
Sun 8 AM
Important Dates
November 2024
1 – K-12 All Saints Day Mass @ IC
1 – Saint Fair
4-7 – Third Grade Museum School
4 – Booster Club Meeting 6 PM
4 – LIM Assembly DB Gym 12:29 PM
5 – NHS Blood Drive
6 – Spend it or Save It Presentation (MS DB gym) 11:45 - 12:50
11 – Veterans Day Assembly K-12 9 AM
(Veterans at 8:30 AM)
12 – BCSS Board Meeting 6:30 PM
14 – No Waterloo Busing
15 – Professional Development (No School)
15 - 17 – Fall Play
18 – Iowa Star Conference Band Festival @ Janesville
21-23 – All State Music Festival @ Iowa State Univ.
25 – MS Lock In 7PM - Tuesday AM
27-29 – Thanksgiving Break (No School)
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Don Bosco High School
405 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667