Beach Haven School Weekly Update
March 8th, 2024
Upcoming Events and Activities:
March 8th, 2024
- End of 2nd Trimester
- Family Fun Night, Book Swap, Minute to Win It! 6:30 PM
March 14th, 2024- PTA meeting 6 PM @ Buckalews
March 15th, 2024- Report Cards Go Home
March 17th, 2024- St. Patrick's Day
March 29th- April 5th - No school- Spring Break
Food for Thought- The Power of Reading In Front of Your Children
Reading with your child/children is a great way to grow there love of reading, explore your imaginations together and bond with your child/children. Many of us do this and especially read stories with our kids at bedtime. It is also just as important to read in front on your child/children. In other words, they should see you reading for pleasure or work. You should take time to share lessons and information you have learned with them. They need to see that reading has value in your life and brings you joy or benefits your life in some manner. While you may not be an avid reader, you still find time to devote to reading things in front of your child/children. If they do not see you value reading and that it is important in some way to you, they could begin to devalue it themselves. You could even do it while they are reading for school or set up family reading times in your home. I learned from both personal and professional experience that reading in front of your children and talking about what you read has tremendous value. The same is true for talking about your day with your child/children. If you ask them about their day and they don't say much, think about how much you really tell them about the ups and downs of your day (within reason of what is appropriate to share). If want them to tell you about their day, you have to be willing to model that (especially as they get older).
Beach Haven Student to be Honored for Unsung Hero Award
For a student who has overcome adversity and challenges in their life and has made a positive impact on others.
Congratulations to Olivia Sickinger!
P.T.A. Family Fun Night 3/8/24
Family Fun Night to kick off read across america thursday 3/18/24 Link---https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cEjAIXN14Gxbf-e_aBKSXSijGvzxOHIq/view?usp=sharing
P.T.A. Calendar Sales
Pre-sale for the calendar and note cards are link on our website Link---https://forms.gle/MDVdEpMTbkWfWaSd8
BH Read Across America- Mystery Readers
Preschool Real-Life Connections with Their Pet Vet Themed Unit
6th Graders Lead Preschool in Reading
All the Places They Will Go!
Preschool is Rocking for Reading!
Kindergarten Students Cozy-Up & Put on Their Reading Hats to Kick Off the Week!
Exploring New Things to Count!
Exploring Our Own Community in Kindergarten!
Reading is Our Comfort Zone in 1st Grade!
1st Grade is Gearing Up for Another Great Day of Reading!
Reading, Flight and Paper Airplanes, Yes Please!
Did Someone Say Tacos on Wednesday? We Will Eat Tasty Tacos Like These Any Day!
2nd Grade Rocked Our Reading Theme Days!
Grade 2 & 3 Research Clubs
6th Graders Lead Our 2nd Graders in Math Challenges
3rd Grade Exploring More Complex Area Calculations
Miss Karen is Beach Haven School's Biggest Fan!
6th Grader, Alex, Leads and Reads to 4th Graders
Familiar Faces as Mystery Readers for 4th Grade
5th Grade Finds a Comfy Spot to Read and Explore
Mrs. Deakyne is Serving Up More Excitement in W.I.N. Volleyball
P.T.A. Craft Fair, June 8th 2024 10 AM - 3 PM
Please use the link below to apply for this year's Spring Craft Fair. This takes place in the heart of Beach Haven in our school yard during the annual ART WALK in Beach Haven.
Saturday June 8, 2024
8 AM set up
Event is 10 AM - 3 PM
- Outdoor event on blacktop
- Tents welcome but must be secured
- 10 x 10 space
Click the link to apply for the event. We are holding other fundraisers so if you choose to donate a gift to reduce your vendor fee we would love to collect items ASAP! We have an event this month and another in May where we can auction off items. Thank you!
Every Day Matters- Attendance
Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. This relationship between attendance and achievement may appear early in a child's school career. A recent study looking at young children found that absenteeism in kindergarten was associated with negative first grade outcomes such as greater absenteeism in subsequent years and lower achievement in reading, math, and general knowledge
Chronic Absenteeism is defined by the U.S. Department of Education as missing 15 days or more a year. If your child reaches 18 or more absences, it then has to be reported to the State of New Jersey for our School Performance Reports.
Substitute Teachers Needed
School Counselor Request Form
If you wish to have a student seen by our school counselor, please fill out this form. The responses to this form will be checked once a week. If you have something more urgent to inform the school about, please get in touch with the school's main office during business hours at 609-492-7411. (If your child is in crisis, please dial 988 for support and 911 for emergencies).
Sign up to join and support our P.T.A.
Its time to become an official member of the Beach Haven PTA, complete this form. Becoming a PTA member does not mean you are volunteering for anything, it means you support the PTA and it’s activities – although we are in need of volunteers and welcome any help! It is important to complete this form so that you are included in our emails & messages! Memberships must be paid every year!
Dues are $5 per adult or $10 per family. After completing this form, please pay dues via Venmo (@BeachHaven-Pta) and indicate "member" in the notes.
Speech and Language Support
Here are some resources to help you understand and to support your child's speech/language development at home. (See the links below)
Speech and Language Milestones
Community Support
Heating/Energy Assistance- If you know someone who is having difficulty paying their energy bills this winter to stay warm, see the resource below to refer that person to for assistance.
Home Academic Support
Here are some resources to help support your child during homework. These are not designed to provide answers, but to help students who may struggle gain a better understanding through finding the explanation behind the answers when they get stuck or confused. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at shenry@beachhavenschool.com.
Brainly is a homework helper site students can use to ask question(s) to a community of teachers and students. https://brainly.com/
Socratic provides homework help with most subjects. It gives visual explanations, video tutorials and detailed step by step guides to help students understand complex concepts. https://socratic.org/
Quizlet provides students with the tools they need to learn any skill. It has step by step solutions and flashcards to help students prepare for quizzes or assignments. https://quizlet.com/latest
WolframAlpha Provides students with step by step solutions and skill development for understanding simple and complex learning for all subjects. https://www.wolframalpha.com/
Health Office
Family Preparedness
Life on the Island is glorious. We also know that weather can pose risks here unlike other areas. In order to help keep your family prepared, here are some resources to consider.
Family Support and Community Opportunities
The BH BOE is not affiliated nor do we endorse the following resources. The information is only for support to provide access to potential outside resources for families.
Crisis Help
NJ Hopeline
Whatever you’re going through, feeling, or thinking, we are here to listen and support you.