Liberty Newsletter: Volume 150
January 15, 2025
Iowa City Liberty High School
Email: colbert.justin@iowacityschools.org
Website: https://liberty.iowacityschools.org/
Location: 1400 South Dubuque Street, North Liberty, IA, USA
Phone: (319) 688-1350
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LibertyHighSchool2017
X: @ColbertJust, @ICLibertyHS
Instagram: liberty_bolts
Important Dates
**No School- Monday, January 20**
**No School- Wednesday, January 29**
- October 7- 4:15-7:45 PM (In-person)
- October 9 - 4:15-7:45 PM (Virtual)
- January 22 - 4:15-7:45 PM (Virtual)
- TBD - Will align as a course registration conference
- September 21 - Homecoming Dance @ Liberty (7:00-10:00 PM)
- January 25 - Winter Dance @ Liberty (7:00-10:00 PM)
- May 3 - Prom @ IMU (7:30-10:30 PM)
- October 8 - Senior Jostens Assembly (@ 1:45 PM, Auditorium)
- March 1 - Senior photo due to Yearbook
- May 21 - Senior Awards & Scholarship Recognition Evening
- May 30 - Senior’s Last Day
- May 30 - Graduation Rehearsal (Xtream Arena @ 10:30 AM-12:00 PM)
- May 31 - Liberty High Graduation (Xtream Arena @ 6:00 PM)
- October 4 - Midterm
- November 21 - End of 1st Trimester
- January 24 - Midterm
- March 6 - End of 2nd Trimester
- April 25 - Midterm
- June 6 - End of 3rd Tri. & Last Day of Classes (2-hr. early release)
District Messages
Inclement Weather Information
It’s that time of year again—winter weather is just around the corner! Snow, ice, and cold can sometimes mean schedule changes. We want to make sure you have the information you need to stay updated on our inclement weather announcements, including school cancellations, delays, and early releases.
Here’s how you can stay in the know:
- Inclement Weather Guidelines: Visit www.IowaCitySchools.org/WeatherGuidelines to review our detailed plan for cancellations, delays, and early releases.
- Late Starts on Thursdays: In the event of a late start on a regularly scheduled early dismissal day (Thursday), the early dismissal will be canceled, and school will follow regular dismissal times.
- Timely Notifications: You’ll receive email, phone, and text notifications with weather announcements.
- Follow Us Online: Stay informed by checking our website and following us on Facebook, X, Instagram, and Threads for updates.
- Check Out Our Mobile App: Download our official Iowa City Schools mobile app for a centralized hub of all school and district-related information, including weather notifications.
We’re here to help! If you have any questions about our weather procedures, feel free to contact our Educational Services Center at (319) 688-1000.
2025-26 Preschool Registration Information
Preschool registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
Do you have a child who will be turning 4 years of age on or before September 15, 2025? If so, we invite you to stop by one of our preschool registration locations on February 6, 2025, to learn about our preschool program, ask any questions you may have, and register your child on-site.
February 6, 2025
4:00 - 6:00 pm
City High School
1900 Morningside Dr., Iowa City
Liberty High School
1400 S. Dubuque St., North Liberty
West High School
2901 Melrose Ave., Coralville
Online registration will also be available beginning February 6, 2025, at 4:00 pm.
All of our preschool teachers are certified in both general and special education, and we offer free half-day programming for 4-year-olds in all of our elementary schools with full-day tuition options also available in all locations.
Interpreters will be available at each location. Feel free to bring registration documents with you, including your child’s immunization records, birth certificate, and health physical. Don’t worry; if you don’t have the records available, we can still get your child registered!
We look forward to welcoming your little one to our preschool family! For more information, visit www.IowaCitySchools.org/Preschool.
Liberty Features & Information
Winter Parent-Teacher Virtual Conferences
Liberty's Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place on Wednesday, January 22 from 4:15-7:45 PM. Our Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences are held on Zoom, and parents will have the ability to begin scheduling at 8:00 AM on Monday, January 20. The conference scheduling window will remain open until 3:15 PM on Wednesday, January 22.
Please look for an email that will be sent around 8:00 AM on Monday, January 20 that will include a screencast and written directions on how to access the scheduling website (PTC Wizard), and directions on how to schedule and access your virtual conferences.
Additionally, the PSTO would like to show our teachers appreciation for the long day they put in on conference day. Their plan is to bring a summer picnic to Liberty during this cold winter weather! The PSTO will be serving wraps from Peppercorn Food Company, simple sides, and desserts for a light supper. Here is the link you can use to sign up: Winter Staff Conference Meal
If you are short on time, we welcome monetary donations to purchase Peppercorn wraps for staff. Please Venmo @lhspsto (NOTE: Our username has changed slightly.) and write "Conference Meal" in the memo. Checks may be made out to LHS PSTO and dropped at the main office.
Thank you for making the meal special for our amazing staff! - LHS PSTO
Winter Dance Information
The annual Liberty Winter Dance is scheduled for next Saturday, January 25. The dance will take place in the Liberty Grand Commons from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Tickets are $10 each, and will be on sale during lunch on January 21-24.
There is no theme in regards to attire for the winter dance. Some students will dress up in suit and tie, a fancy dress, or other business casual attire, but it is perfectly okay to wear jeans and a comfortable top, or similar casual attire.
Winter Spirit Day Award Winners
In the week prior to winter break student council organized a winter spirt week that included a different dress-up theme for each day of the week. Staff were then asked to nominate different students in their classes who participated, and random winners were drawn from the list of nominees. Thanks for all who participated in this fun week-long event, and congratulations to the lucky winners!
Cell Phone/Personal Device Policy Implementation
Please take time to review the resources as needed, and we appreciate the support you provide your student(s) in navigating the new policy. We at Liberty are optimistic that a refreshed personal device policy will further elevate the high quality teaching and learning that is occurring daily here.
Prom Pop-Up Event & Take and Bake Fundraiser
Prom is right around the corner, and we are excited to hold the 2nd Prom Dress Pop-Up! Come shop at the Pop-Up, sell your dress at the Pop-Up, or both.
There will be dresses of all sizes, styles, colors, and price ranges. The Pop-Up is open from noon – 3:00 pm on Sunday, February 16th in the lower level of the North Liberty Rec Center. Payment options are cash or Venmo, directly to the seller. Fitting areas will be available.
To sell your dress at the Pop-Up, use this Google form to register your dress. https://forms.gle/x1hEA9JBAAJwFAuW8 Dresses need to be dropped off at the North Liberty Rec Center between 11:30 – noon on February 16th. Any unsold dresses need to be picked up between 3:00 -3:30 that day or they will be donated. The cost is $5 per dress to offset costs of the event.
Follow the Facebook event, get more information and share the event at: https://www.facebook.com/share/19iaBKxoR9/?mibextid=wwXlfr
Text 319-331-2735 with any questions. And we look forward to seeing you at the Pop-Up! Additionally, please see the information below for the Take and Bake fundraiser for Prom.
Upcoming Author Visit
Tatiana Schlote-Bonne will be visiting Liberty on Monday, February 17 during Liberty Time.
Students can sign-up using this link if you are interested in attending. Please sign up by Wednesday, Feb. 12.
Senior Yearbook Ad
Senior Parents & Guardians, consider purchasing a Recognition Ad to congratulate your senior in the 2025 yearbook! Visit Jostens for details.
Extracurricular Activities
Summer Sports Camps Now Available
Summer Sports Camps are now available and registration is open. The summer sports camps at Liberty usually fill up quickly, so hurry and register. All camp registration and information can be found on the IC Liberty Bound Website.
Information that may be found on the website includes dates, cost, time, location, grade levels, items needed, and staff.
Girls Tennis Preseason Meeting
Save the date! The girls Tennis Preseason Meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 12. The meeting will take place in the Grand Commons/Cafeteria at the end of the school day.
If you are unable to attend or have questions, please direct them to Coach Postman (postman.james@iowacityschools.org).
Student Support Club Event
The Student Support Club (SSC) is a new club that formed with the intent of hosting fundraising events to benefit students/families who may need additional financial support with AP exam fees, ACT exam fees, test prep materials, or similar needs. The SSC works in conjunction with the Liberty Fund to manage donations, and to assist in funding grant requests made by students or staff.
Their first fundraising event will be held on Saturday, December 18 at 1 PM. The event is free to attend and they will be accepting free will donations and will also have information available on how to donate directly to The Liberty Fund to support their cause.
Liberty Bound Calendar
Silver Cord Volunteer Opportunities
Fields of Faith is a nonprofit farm dedicated to growing and sharing fresh produce with local churches, food banks, and community organizations. They are currently looking for volunteers to assist on the farm on Saturday mornings from 8-10:30 AM form the spring planting season to fall harvest. The farm is located 15 minutes west of Iowa City in Oxford, and volunteers are needed to plant, weed, harvest crops, sort and pack produce, and maintain the beautiful farm. If you are interested, please see the flyer attached below.
Fun Night Volunteers Needed (Penn Elementary)
Penn Elementary's biggest fundraiser of the year is back! Fun Night will be held February 21st from 5:30-8:00pm. We need over 100 volunteers to make Fun Night a success. There are so many fun ways to volunteer that evening. You can volunteer on your own or make it a fun activity with friends. Please look over the sign up below and see if this is something you are able to help with. Penn Fun Night 2025 Signup
If you have any questions please email the Fun Night volunteer coordinator at bulman.angela@gmail.com.
Graduation Gown Donation
Cultural Diversity & Equity Newsletter
Liberty Lightning Virtual Spirit Store
Check it out by clicking on this link: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/iowa/northliberty/liberty-high-school or by clicking the image below.
The Liberty Fund
Support Student Programs. Leave a Legacy. Donate today!
The Liberty Fund needs your help! We want to ensure all Liberty students can participate in school activities where belonging and school pride come together through both academic and co-curricular activities.
The Liberty Fund has provided grants to students and groups to support student access to opportunities through fundraising. Here are a few program examples that grants have supported:
- New Student/Freshman Orientation
- National French Competition Exam
- Liberty Lightning Technical Theater
- Garden Club
- African American Literature Classes & Black Student Union
- Business Professionals of America Leadership Conference
Make a tax deductible donation to The Liberty Fund today! Donate at The Liberty Fund Website or email for more information at libertyhighfund@gmail.com.
Liberty High PSTO
Liberty High PSTO (Parent Student Teacher Organization) welcomes all new and returning families to Liberty for the 2024-2025 school year. Please follow us on Facebook: Liberty High PSTO to stay up-to-date.
The next PSTO meeting will occur on Thursday, January 16 from 12:00-12:30 PM via Zoom. The passcode for the meeting is CEDwk1
If you have any questions, please send them to libertyhsPSTO@gmail.com
The PSTO has an ongoing fundraiser with our Amazon Smile account. Please consider using this with your next Amazon order.