MHS Summer Mailer
July 15th, 2024

2024-2025 School Year Information
A Message from Principal Bundy
Welcome Tigers!
Millennium Students and Parents,
Welcome to Millennium High School, Home of the Tigers! I am super excited to welcome all our new and returning families in August to the 24/25 school year.
I hope everyone has had a relaxing summer and you are ready to engage fully in our community. We have so many opportunities for our students to get involved in and outside the classroom, and our hope is that all our students find their passion - that activity/topic/club/interest that keeps them coming back each day. My personal goal is that every student has at least one adult on campus they connect with, they can go to any time they need. We have an amazing staff, all who are committed to providing our students with opportunities to be successful. To our new families joining us this year, WELCOME! We are excited to have you as part of our Tiger family and work alongside with you in your student's high school journey. We know it takes a village to raise our children.
Our motto, MHS - Mindful, High Standards, and Spirit, serves as the foundation of our school culture. We believe in fostering an environment where mindfulness, academic excellence, and school spirit thrive. We are looking forward to building on our culture of learning and further engaging our students in our MHS community. We encourage our students to take pride in their school and develop meaningful connections with their peers. We want every community member to take pride and represent what it means when we say #ThisIsMillennium.
Together, we will create an environment where every student feels safe, valued, and supported.
Our partnerships with our families are instrumental to the success of our students. We don't take lightly you have chosen Millennium and placed your trust in us to ensure your children receive the best education possible. We encourage you to actively participate in school activities, engage in open communication with our faculty, and join us in celebrating the achievements of our students.
All our incoming 9th graders will report to their first day on
Monday, August 5 at 7:15am
This Freshman only day will engage our Freshmen in a series of activities that will provide them with the information they need for the upcoming school year.
*Please note - students will be required to purchase their breakfast/lunch starting 8/5/24.
Parents can complete and submit a 24/25 SY Meal Benefit Application to be processed before school starts. If students qualify for F&R meal benefits, their benefits will start
the day their application is approved.
10th, 11th, and 12th graders will begin on
Tuesday, August 6 at 7:15am
On behalf of the MHS administration, we are honored to service the community of Millennium High School. We look forward to partnering with you and your children in their high school journey.
**SAVE THE DATE - Thursday, August 8th 5:30 - 7:30pm - Back to School/Meet the Teacher Night...more details to come.
It is our goal this newsletter answers all or your questions; however, if you have any questions, please contact our school at 623-932-7200 or mhsoffice@aguafria.org.
Nichole Bundy
Millennium High School
Millennium HS is a member of the Agua Fria High School District family of schools
Back to School Night
Millennium's Back to School Night
Thursday, Aug 8, 2024, 05:30 PM
Millennium High School, West Wigwam Boulevard, Goodyear, AZ, USA
Mastery Learning
We are so excited for another year of great learning.
Our district is committed to a well-rounded approach to education through Mastery Learning.
If you are new to Mastery Learning, click here for a summary.
Incoming Freshmen and New Students to Millennium Chromebook Distribution
Chromebooks and login information will be issued to new students July 23rd-25th, 2024 in our library during the following times: 8:00-10:00 AM and 12:00-2:00 PM. No appointment is required. Questions can be directed to our Library Multimedia Assistant, Rebekkah Stover at rstover@aguafria.org. Please also visit our Library Media Center Webpage for additional information.
*All students are required to use their school issued device. Personal devices are not allowed to be used on campus.
Students transferring from another school in the district will keep the Chromebook they were issued at the school they are transferring from.
For information on our 1:1 Technology Program and to purchase the Device Protection Plan (DPP), please visit https://www.aguafria.org/dpp. The DPP is availalbe for $30 from July 1 - September 9, 2024. After this time, the plan is no longer available.
Chromebook Device Protection Plan (DPP)
Chromebook Troubles
Students having issues with their Chromebook need to contact the library. Many issues can be solved through tips and tricks on the Library website. Students are required to have our campus technicians do any and all repairs to their device. The DPP is a great way to ensure these repairs are covered. This coverage does need to be renewed each school year.
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Drop Off Tips
- Gates Open at 6:30 AM
- Drop Off Early as Traffic Backs Up as Early as 6:50 AM
- Be patient, there will be traffic until everyone learns the flow.
- Front of School is for DROP OFF Only
- Front of School has Two Lanes for Drop Off
- Obey Right Turn Only Signs
Pick Up Tips
- Gates Open at 1:45 PM
- Utilize Empty Parking Spots to Wait for Your Student
- Be patient, there will be traffic until everyone learns the flow.
- U-Turn Available (Baseball Lot & Main Gym)
- Two Exits - Baseball Lot (Park Ave) & Student Lot (Wigwam Blvd)
Student Safety
- We ask that you do not drop your child off in the middle of the street.
- We ask that you speak to your child about using the cross walk if they walk to school.
- Do not use the bus drop-off as a student drop-off or pick up.
Transportation Information
Edulog - Bus Riders
How to Apply for Transportation: Please follow the directions in the Edulog App (in the App Store, or Google Play store). NOTE: Eligible students needing transportation beginning August 7th are REQUIRED to register via the Edulog app.
Requirements: 5-Digit Student ID (visible in parentvue), plus a valid parent email address, and complete the registration in the app.
Steps: There are multiple steps, so please be diligent when completing the application. (Link to Edulog Tutorial in District website). This tutorial will walk you through the process.
Student Parking
2024-2025 Parking Permits (Juniors and Seniors Only)
- Students must complete the parking application while logged into their school Gmail account
- Please forward your student THIS LINK if they have not yet completed the application (they were sent the link via the school email system) --> NOTE: The Parking Application must be completed through studentGmail Accounts!
- Approval will be processed in the bookstore, and charges will be applied.
- You will be notified once your student is approved, and charges have been applied. Please note that this process has already started and payments can now start being made.
- Pick up of passes can be completed at the school bookstore once approval has been met, and the fee ($50) has been assigned and paid.
Contact msleeth@aguafria.org with any questions.
School Safety and Security
Please take a moment to read our safety protocols for arrival to school.
Bell Schedule
School Hours and Attendance
Our school hours are from 7:15 AM - 2:05 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and 7:15 AM - 12:20 PM on Wednesdays. Students need to arrive on campus with enough time to arrive to their classes before the late bell rings. Please be sure to accommodate entering campus through security devices. There will be lines to enter campus.
- Regular student attendance is necessary to provide the greatest opportunity for student academic success.
- If you need to call in an absence for your student, please contact 623-932-7200 Extension 1 and leave your student’s name, ID number, date, and the reason for the absence and it will be processed as soon as possible.
- Students who are late to any class during the day will be marked tardy. 5 tardies to a class will be the equivalent of 1 absence for the class.
- Attendance Appeals will be held when a student misses 10 or more classes in a particular course.
- An Attendance Appeal could result in the loss of credit for the student. Please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and review the district policy regarding attendance and tardiness.
Class Schedules
When does my child receive their class schedule?
All student schedules will be able to be viewed in ParentVue/StudentVue on Friday, August 2. Paper copies will be distributed to Freshman in the Aux Gym when they arrive on Monday, August 5th. 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students NEW to MHS will pick up their paper copy in the school library at the start of the day on Tuesday, August 6th.
What if my student's schedule shows a class that was not on the course selection sheet?
Unfortunately, not every course offered at registration becomes available. There are a variety of reasons why a class might not be offered (teacher availability, student interest, etc.) resulting in another course being selected for your student. Every effort is made to schedule students in the classes they selected whenever possible.
How can I request a schedule change?
As stated in the AFHSD Course Description Book, a student's class schedule may change ONLY under the following circumstances:
Completion of a class by correspondence or in summer school
Failure of a prerequisite course
Changes necessary because of health reasons
Changes necessary to satisfy graduation requirements
Administrative changes such as course conflicts, unbalanced class enrollments or student misplacement
Academies of the Southwest Valley
Freshman Career Expo - Discover Your Pathway
We would like to invite your business to host a booth to showcase your company and its diverse roles! Your participation will help our students explore potential pathways and make informed decisions about their future! Please see the attachment below for further information.
Counseling Information
Millennium School Counselors
Our school counselors will be available on July 22nd.
Melissa Mangahas - Counselor A-Co mmangahas@aguafria.org
Jennifer Grumbling - Counselor Cr-G jgrumbling@aguafria.org
Erika Fierros - Counselor H-K/ELL efierros@aguafria.org
Marwin Lee - Counselor L-Ne mlee@aguafria.org
Jill Thomas - Counselor Ng-Se jthomas@aguafria.org
Eric Oliphant - Counselor Sh-Z eoliphant@aguafria.org
ParentVUE Access
ParentVUE access for new parents was created during the online registration process. The ParentVUE portal can be accessed via the bottom right corner of our school website (best viewed on a computer vs. a smartphone) or in the Parent and Student Resources section. Existing families would log in through their existing login. There is a forgot password option should you need it.
Online Registration Process (Required)
Please complete the student profile update (grades 10-12 only) that will open on Wednesday, July 17th. The information in the student profile is the most current parent email address and primary contact information needed for teachers, counselors and administrators to provide vital school specific communications. Please see the link below to access the instructions to update your student profile. The portal opens on July 17th and this update must be completed by Friday, August 2nd to receive your students’ class schedule online via ParentVue/StudentVue.
RETURNING 10th, 11th and 12th graders - Parents will need to log in to ParentVUE to submit a Reaffirmation (Proof of Residency). *This is required each school year for all returning students*
NEW STUDENTS - Grades 10, 11 and 12 - can register online. The registration process will prompt you to create a ParentVUE account.
NEW FRESHMEN - Must register through the online registration website (only if you didn't register previously). New freshmen must register prior to the first day of school. Our feeder schools and us are not unified so registration does not transfer and a new registration is necessary.
Questions or concerns with this process, please contact Data Specialist, Susan Lantz at slantz@aguafria.org.
Parent/Guardian To Do
Please be sure to open and read the following documents, then complete the Google Form below to acknowledge receipt.
AFUHSD Digital Media Opt-Out Form
Districtwide, we want to showcase our students, teachers, and programs during the school year. During the school year, there may be times when your student is photographed and/or their image is posted on social media. Please complete the link belowIf you do not want your student’s image to be shared. By completing this form, you are opting out of having any photos of your student(s) being displayed on our school or district websites.
Student Fees
Based on your schedule, please review the Student Fee List.
- Student fees may be paid by credit card or debit card online https://az-aguafria.intouchreceipting.com/ or by cash, check, credit card or debit card in person in the bookstore. For instructions on how to pay online, please visit Bookstore website https://www.aguafria.org/domain/275.
- Student Fees can also be paid during Back to School Night on August 8th (see below).
- Families in need may complete the Fee Waiver request form and submit via email or in person to Bookstore Manager, Marcie Sleeth (msleeth@aguafria.org)
School Spiritwear
Support our Tigers by visiting our bookstore and/or our Millennium Athletics Store online for spirtwear and other merchandise.
Dress Code
Student dress, personal appearance, and conduct must be such that it will not disrupt the instructional environment of the school. Student dress and grooming shall be such that they meet reasonable safety, health, and decency standards and will not diminish the disciplinary control of the teacher or administrators. Please review the specifics to this in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook prior to back to school shopping. Students in violation will be asked to change, and parents may be called to bring appropriate clothing.
The following guidelines are not intended to be entirely inclusive of all dress code situations. The school administration retains the final discretion to determine that the garment or accessory meets the dress code. The Agua Fria Dress Code Guidelines are as follows:
Students Must Wear:
- Clothing that covers undergarments and private body parts [genitals, buttocks, chest, and nipples with non-see-through material when sitting or standing including tops, bottoms, dresses, and rompers.
- School IDs
- Shoes at all times
Students May Wear:
- Clothing with images/logos that adhere to dress code guidelines
- Hats, hoodies, and any other head coverings that allow the face to be visible to school staff
- Religious headwear and other religious head/face coverings
- Tank tops, including tops with spaghetti straps sleeveless, and/or off the shoulder sleeves
Students Cannot Wear:
- Spikes or chains
- See-through or transparent clothing
- Undergarments worn as outer garments/Visible
- undergarments (waistbands or straps on undergarments
- worn under clothing are allowed)
- Anything that may create an exposure in violation of any of
- the above guidelines when sitting or standing.
- Strapless, backless, narrowly cut in the front/back/underarms
- that exposes a student's torso that is not appropriately covered.
- Any clothing, accessories, and/or jewelry that contain
- defamatory writing, obscene language or symbols, and/or
- images, in reference to:
- Tabacco
- Drugs
- Paraphernalia
- Alcohol
- Nudity
- Violence, violent language, or weapons
- Gang related or reference to a gang
- Hate speech, profanity, nudity or pornography
- Anything that is otherwise illegal to possess at school
- Any reference that contributes to an atmosphere of threat,
- intimidation or negative peer pressure
Student Rights and Responsibilities - Dress Code pages 27-28
Cell Phone Policy
- Cell phones during instructional time are strictly prohibited.
- Students may use their cell phones during lunch or during passing periods only.
- In the event a student uses their cell phone during instructional time without teacher permission may result in a discipline consequence.
If you need to contact your student during school hours,please contact our attendance line in the event of an emergency.
Food Services
Meal Benefits Program - Free and Reduced Lunch
LinqConnect & Food Services Website
Lunch: Here is the link to our Food Services website. There you will also find the Food Services application (LinqConnect -- Button Below).
- We encourage all families to apply for the Agua Fria High School District Free and Reduced Lunch program.
- In addition to receiving free and reduced price lunch, it has many other cost benefits when it comes to athletic and academic programs.
- The Meal Benefit Application is available on the website by visiting: www.aguafria.org/meals.
You may also utilize the attached packets below for more information and application.
Meal Pricing for 2024-25 SY
Breakfast = $2.75/day
Reduced Breakfast = $0.30/day
Lunch = $4.00/day
Reduced Lunch = $0.40/day
School ID and Picture Day
School ID and Picture Day
**New this year** Students will have digital IDs this year. No physical IDs will be issued. Picture packages will be available for purchase via Life Touch Photography.
Student IDs are required to enter campus, purchase meals in the cafeteria, ride the bus to and from school, make transactions in both the Bookstore and Library, as well as many other things. Students will have access to their digital ID either on their phone or school issued device. Information will be provided to students on accessing their digital ID during the first week of school.
Senior Portraits - Updated
LifeTouch Photography will be taking senior prestige portraits on campus during the week of September 16th. More information will be sent out as the dates near.
Health Center Information
- If you have any medical updates please complete the enclosed form and send directly to the school nurse directly – Email rsaldivar@aguafria.org
- Please see the link below to access the form:
- Emergency Health Form
Millennium Athletics Contact Information
Tryout information will be sent out through Agua Fria Final Forms. *We are no longer using Register My Athlete.
Please contact Mr. Gordillo with any athletics questions at rgordillo@aguafria.org.
Instagram: @millenniumtigers
Twitter: @MHSTigersAD
Athletic Student and Family Passes
Student and Family Athletic Passes are availalbe for purchase in the bookstore. Currently only student passes are availalbe for purchase online.
Stay Connected
Follow us on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/millenniumhsaz
Millennium Administrators
Nichole Bundy, Principal | nbundy@aguafria.org
Michael Butts, Assistant Principal | mbutts@aguafria.org
Amie Gilbert | agilbert@aguafria.org
Remigio Gordillo, Assistant Principal/AD | rgordillo@aguafria.org
Carissa Harvey, Assistant Principal | charvey@aguafria.org