Shining Bright @ Madonna!
MCS News - Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Last Newsletter of our amazing 2023-2024 School Year
Today's Gospel: Where is your faith in times of trouble?
A wonderful reminder: Through change, challenges, joy and laughter, God is with us.
A Message from your Leadership Team
Blessings Madonna Catholic School Families,
As we wrap the end of an amazing school year together, we want to take a few moments to express our sincerest gratitude to our incredible community. This year has been full of firsts, celebrations, growth and positive learning bumps, amazing memories, much joy and laughter. None of this would have been possible without your compassion and commitment to our school community, it's children, families and staff.
Thank you.
We are profoundly proud of our MCS students. They took our Faith theme, Go Light Our World, and embraced it on a daily basis. They brought it to life every day. Their enthusiasm, thirst for truth, caring for each other, resilience and desire to learn and grow continue to be truly inspiring. We are so proud of how far they have come this year.
We are eternally grateful to our phenomenal teachers and amazing staff who embrace each and every child at Madonna with endless love and joy. They bring to life and live "it takes a village." They commit every day to providing a nurturing, faith filled, rich learning environment so every child grows, in all ways. Our staff truly believe in the "we" with Christ and have had a profoundly positive impact on Madonna Catholic School children.
To our amazing parents and guardians, volunteers, Nutrition program coordinators, Hot lunch organizers, event planners, thank you for your unwavering support and partnership at Madonna Catholic School. Your participation in Madonna Catholic School is invaluable, and it had an immeasurable impact on its success. Your volunteering, attending school events, leading on School Council, communication and support for learning at home has positively impacted academic and personal growth. Thank you.
We are both genuinely humbled by how you embraced us as your child and this school's leadership team. This year will forever leave heart prints on us. We continue to be honored for the opportunity to lead Madonna Catholic school this year. Thank you for an amazing year. May God bless you in abundance next year and beyond.
With hearts filled with gratitude,
Your 2023-2024 School Leadership Team,
Principal Mme Pamela Gravelle
Assistant Principal Miss Kendra Podoborozny
24 - Monday
- Grade 4 Farewell in the Gym - 1:00 PM - All are welcome
- Library Closed
- Track & Field Fun 1-3pm - All parents invited to join and help!
- End of year Celebration at 9:00 AM in the gym - Everyone is welcome to join!
- Progress Reports are available for viewing at 3:30pm on Power School - Click here for instructions on how to view them.
- Last day for EICS Staff
- Beginning our staff's last day together at Mass at OLPH Parish 8:30am - All families welcome
On behalf of the entire Madonna Catholic School Community, we wish you and your family an amazing summer break!
It was a blessing to walk this learning journey with you.
Thank you for an amazing year!
The MCS School office is closed June 28 to August 19, 2024 inclusive.
The office will re-open for phone and email inquiries on August 20, 2024
God Bless you and your family!
Student Rosaries
Rosaries gifted to all MCS students from Mary's Servants for Christ. Each Rosary was made in India or the Philippines and personally brought to Madonna Catholic School and inspired by the dedication of students at our weekly prayer club!
Kinder GLOW Winners
Congratulations to our First Communicants!
Bravo to our MCS students who received their First Communion today!
Bravo to our readers too who did a fantastic job!
Way to be Leaders in Faith!
Pre-K enjoying hand-made ‘Under the Sea’ treats!
Pre-K enjoying hand-made ‘Under the Sea’ treats!
Pre-K enjoying hand-made ‘Under the Sea’ treats!
Pre-K enjoying hand-made ‘Under the Sea’ treats!
Pre-K enjoying hand-made ‘Under the Sea’ treats!
2L Butterfly Release
2L Butterfly Release
2L Butterfly Release
2L Butterfly Release
2L Butterfly Release
2L Butterfly Release
2L Butterfly Release
3V Telus World of Science
3V Telus World of Science
3V Telus World of Science
3V Telus World of Science
3V Telus World of Science
3V Telus World of Science
Grade 4 French Play - Les Trois Petits Cochons
The Three Little Pigs
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 4 French Plays
Grade 2&3O Cogito French Plays: La Poule Maboule
Chicken Little
We will also be sharing a special goodbye and thank you to staff who are embarking on other adventures beyond Madonna Catholic School:
Mrs. Lovely Valois
Mrs. Norma Aanhout
Mrs. Michelle Bazin
Mrs. Susan Wagner
Miss Kristin Seiferman
Mrs. Alyssa Jessome
Miss Kendra Podoborozny
Mme Pamela Gravelle
We this amazing crew of people profoundly and positively contributed to our amazing school community. They will be missed and we pray God's blessings follow them to their next adventures.
How do I view my child's June Report Cards
after 3:30pm on June 26?
Report Cards: On-line only
Digital report cards will be available on-line after 3:30pm on June 26, 2024. You will receive an email that they are available for viewing.
How to Access Your Child's Report Card Online
Just a reminder, that you have to have your login and password for the Powerschool Portal to access Report Cards. Mrs. Roberts can help in the office if you have not updated your information or need a new password.
Please do this before June 26th as our School office will be closed for the summer on June 27th. The school office re-opens for phone or email inquiries on August 20th.
Thank you!
Please make sure you can log into PowerSchool before June 26th!
Can't log in? Call or email Mrs. Roberts before June 26th!
780-467-7972 or mcs@eics.ab.ca
You're invited to our End of Year Assembly!
Please join us on Wednesday, June 26 at 9:00am
for our final Faith assembly and celebration of the year!
FUN DAY : June 25 @ 1-3pm!
Calling all parents to join us for our Year End Fun Day!
If you are able to help with events and games, circulate with teams and join the fun...
You're invited!
Please reach out to your child's teacher if you are interested in helping out that day! Thank you in advance for your support and participation! It's going to be a great day!
Thank you to our MCS School Council for providing freezies for each student at the end of the day!
Your support and commitment to this community is very greatly appreciated!
Our Skunk Friends Have Names!
Last week we invited our students to suggest names for our five friendly Skunks who lived at Madonna for a while. Below are the names that were drawn! We had a laugh - we hope you do too!
Goster, Ghost, Georgia, Gregory & Taylor
To Prepare for a smooth launch of your 2024-2025 School year...
Introducing the 2024-2025 MCS Team!
Please click here or on the button below for next year's amazing leading and learning team at Madonna Catholic School and Cogito Academy!
Your child's teacher will be shared with you in August, prior to the start of the new year.
Ensuring a Soft Start!
Grade 1 - 4 Mainstream & Cogito students will have staggered entry on the following dates and times:
Child's last name begins with A-M, please join us on August 29th 8:30 am to 3:15 pm
Child's last name begins with N-Z please join us on August 30th 8:30 am to 3:15 pm
Pre-Kindergarten families will receive an email with the process for Meet & Greet Days and Small Group Orientation Days for your children soon. Stay tuned!
Mainstream & Cogito Kindergarten families will receive an email soon with details about your staggered entry days and times. Stay tuned!
Staggered Entry, Orientation Days and Meet & Greet Days will also be posted on the School website in August.
Mainstream Grade 3 students heading to Grade 4
Students entering Mainstream grade 4 in the fall are asked to bring a device to school as another tool for learning. EICS recommends Chromebooks as the ideal device due to price, battery life, fast startup, and usability.
For more information on Chromebooks and One to One Technology - please click here.
For next school year...
GrACE Newsletter
Please click here for this month's
OLPH Parish News
Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM and 7:00 PM.
If parents have any questions, they can also contact the church by phone 780-467-5470 or email sacraments@olph.ca
Summer Programs!
Check out the follow FCS Guide and the Summer FRN Program Guide. These are great programs that are offered by Strathcona County for kids.
Pamela Gravelle Principal