Crusader Times
December 13, 2019
Bonita Vista Middle School
Welcome to Bonita Vista Middle School - Home of the Crusaders! Thank you for visiting our newsletter. In this edition we bring to you our school highlights and a glance at events coming up. Additionally, we are now accepting newsletter submissions. If you have any content you'd like to be featured, please submit by clicking here. Enjoy this edition of the Crusader Times. Go Crusaders!
Words from our Principal
BVM Families,
As we come to the end of our first semester, I would like to thank all of you for your hard work and support as we guide our students through middle school. Some days are challenging, but every day is rewarding in this work and overall, I am very proud of the students of Bonita Vista Middle School.
The upcoming report card will include grades that will be reflected on student transcripts. These grades will become part of each student's permanent record. It is very important that students do their best on their End-of-Course exams next week. The schedule is included above. Please note that we will be on a minimum day schedule every day next week.
If you are a driver who picks up your student at 1415 Ridgeback Rd. in the business building parking lot, I need to ask you to stop using that parking lot for student pick-up. Elderly and handicapped patients are not able to make it to their appointments because our parents are using the parking spots to wait for their children. In an effort to maintain our community relationships and to be good neighbors, please remember to use the BVM driveway or the area near the bus loading zone on Ridgeback Rd. for drop off and pick up.
Finally, I wanted to inform you that beginning in January the BVM entrance gate on Ridgeback Rd. will not be opened in the mornings until 8am. This decision was made in an effort to increase safety and supervision for your children in the mornings. Many students are dropped off in the front of the school and then use the Ridgeback gate to exit and walk to the shopping mall before school starts. Parents believe their students are safe at school and students are just leaving. We don't provide supervision before 7:30am and we don't have enough supervisors to handle crosswalks, entrances and common areas, so I believe this will discourage students from leaving campus once they arrive. If you choose to drop off your students earlier than 7:30, they will have a safe space to enter, but please be clear about your expectations for them staying on campus in the mornings.
I would like to wish all Crusader families a happy and healthy holiday season and a wonderful winter break. We will see all students when we return to school on January 15th.
Teresa Kramer
School Highlights
Varsity Spirit
From Chula Vista to Orlando, our Cheerleaders traveled to represent BVM at the Starlight Parade and at Varsity Spirit's Orlando Thanksgiving Tour. Congratulations to our amazing Cheerleaders for all their recent achievements and performances and thank you to Coach Arcy for your dedication to this program! You will be able to catch them at some of the athletic events on Saturdays!
7th Grade Assembly
A Bonita Christmas to You
Bonita Vista Middle and High showcased their talent at this year's A Bonita Christmas to You at Eastlake Church. Thank you to our Vocal Music Department for an amazing performance!
Crusader Staff Members of the Month
Congratulations Rubi De Leon for being selected as this month's Crusader Classified Staff Member of the Month!
Congratulations to Mr. Quijas for being selected as the December Teacher of the Month!
Your hard work is truly appreciated.
Our Students Shine Bright
A great way to recognize the work of our awesome students is by posting their assignments in the main office. Thank you Ms. BaƱuelos' U.S. History Class for your great work!
Spirit Tuesdays
Thank you to everyone who showed their spirit Tuesday by wearing their holiday head gear! December 17th is Ugly Sweater Day. Find your tackiest holiday sweater and wear it with pride on Tuesday!
Wifi Troubles? Try this:
Home Wi-Fi connection tips:
Clear Safari history daily!
Go to Settings -> Safari -> Clear History and Website Data -> clear
Student iPad home Wi-Fi instructions:
1. You must connect to your own home Wi-Fi first
2. Tap on the iBoss SUHSD Login app
3. Login with-
Username: student ID
Password: 8-digit birthdate
Username: iboss
Password: suhsd1
4. Successful login will take you to sweetwaterschools.org (keep this page open)
5. Safari and apps will now work from home
Print here.
School Information
Parent/Community Information
Now Accepting Newsletter Submissions!
Bonita Vista Middle School
The mission of Bonita Vista Middle School, a dynamic learning community with a tradition of academic excellence, is to empower students to succeed in middle school and beyond through a system of learning distinguished by:
- A rigorous and relevant curriculum.
- A broad range of opportunities that support student success.
- A climate that promotes strong parent, community, staff and student collaboration.
- A safe and nurturing environment that embraces diversity.
- A school culture that promotes personal integrity.
Email: teresa.kramer@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: bvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: 619-397-2200
Facebook: facebook.com/Facebook
Twitter: @WeAreBVM