Hall's Corner, Back to School
September 3rd, School Day: 7:45 a.m. through 2:47 p.m.
Important Information & Reminders for the Opening of School
First Day of School is Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Please review at home with your students(s), BHS faculty and administrators will review the policy with students all next week.
Dear BHS Bruin Families and Students:
We are just days away from our first day of classes on Tuesday, September 3, 2024! Words cannot express my level of excitement and enthusiasm for this school year to begin. I am personally entering my 29th year in education and 13th year as BHS principal. I could not ask for a better school community to work in, and we are all looking forward to 1165 BHS BRUINS walking through our doors next week. Welcome Class of 2028 with 290 students, Class of 2027 with 271 students, Class of 2026 with 318 students, and our BHS SENIORS, Class of 2025 with 280 students.
BHS opens our doors at 7:00 AM on Tuesday. Students may enter through Door 1 or Door 20 from 7-7:45 AM and only Door 1 after 7:45 AM. First period starts at 7:45 AM. We will be meeting in homerooms to start our day.
Here is to our best year yet! GO BRUINS!
T. Hall
Emergency Response Drills
Starting the week of September 3rd, we will start to conduct our annual emergency response drills, including fire drills, hold-in-place drills, shelter-in-place drills, lockdown drills, and evacuation drills to TCMS or to the BHS turf field. We will continue to educate staff and students on proper protocols and evaluate our efforts after each drill so that we can continue to learn and get better. Please feel free to contact me (T. Hall) with any questions.
Please see the separate files below for the information listed in the table of contents:
Table Of Contents Included on this Page:
- Summer Back to School Information. - Important Annual Information for the School Year
- Military Opt-out Forms - Senior Families/Students
- Limited Opt-Out of Use of Student Photo Form
- Bell schedule
- Administrator and Counselor Breakdown
- Cell Phone Policy
- School Pictures
- Driver Education
- Calendar of Upcoming Events
- Bus Lineup
- PTSA Food Truck Rodeo
- Brighton Your Wardrobe Student Clothing Drive
- Brighton Rowing/Crew
- PTSA, "Hit the Ground Running!" 5K
- Urgent - Host family needed for World Language Interns
- Resources Files
- Students in the News
Summer Back to School Information
Course Supply List - please see Resources at the bottom of this Hall's Corner to see a printable PDF.
Back to School Documents
School Tool/Parent Portal Link Changes
As we move closer to a new school year, we would like to remind you that the link to access School Tool/Parent Portal has changed, and is now: https://monroeoneric01.schooltool.com/BCSD
For some of you who may have had the old web address bookmarked or saved to your password "keychain" on your devices, you may need to log into School Tool via this new weblink and reset SchoolTool in your devices or bookmarks/favorites to this new web address.
If you have forgotten your password, there is a password reset link right on the new login page.
Brighton High School Bell Schedule
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.
can be found on the BHS Website
Cell Phone Policy
Modern technology has made available many forms of electronic devices for communication and computation. Examples of electronic devices include, but are not limited to: ALL SMART DEVICES, including watches, cell phones, airpods/headphones, calculators, personal laptops/computers, school issued laptops/computers, digital cameras, recording devices of any kind, handheld devices, etc.
While these devices are useful and an integral part of our world today, they can be extremely distracting to the learning process and can also cause many concerns in the school environment when used inappropriately. As we continue to review and evaluate our school electronic device policies, we will make adjustments when deemed appropriate and base our adjustments on educational/psychological research and feedback from our greater school community.
Current Brighton High School Electronic Device Policy
Instructional and classroom spaces are NO CELL PHONE/SMART DEVICE zones (except for approved use of school laptop).
Students must silence their CELL PHONE/SMART DEVICE and put their CELL PHONE/SMART DEVICE away upon entering a classroom and an instructional setting.
CELL PHONE/SMART DEVICES ARE NOT TO BE STORED ON THE STUDENT’S PERSON. Students will be instructed by teachers to put their phones in their backpack, on a teacher’s desk, or in individual student classroom cell phone pouches.
CELL PHONE/SMART DEVICES are NOT to be used during the class period and are NOT to be taken to the bathroom or to the water fountain during class.
If students are found in violation of this NO CELL PHONE/SMART DEVICE zone policy, BHS educators will take the following steps:
- Teacher will provide a WARNING(s) and student will place the cell phone on the teacher’s desk or in a classroom bin/pouch.
- Teacher will communicate with student’s family for support and then assign an after-school, 1-hour detention, from 3-4 PM, in the after-school detention room.
- The teacher will complete a disciplinary referral in SchoolTool and document past violations, interventions, and communication with the family.
- Families will be contacted for support and collaboration.
- Students will be provided with research on how distracting cell phones have become in classrooms and instructional settings.
- Students may receive a 2-hour detention and be instructed to turn in their phones to the main office each day or for select periods. Students may also lose their ability to use phones in school for days, weeks, or months depending on the infractions.
- Students may face other disciplinary consequences like detentions, etc., depending on the interactions they have with staff and/or the level of infraction. We will also work with students and families on the topic of cell phone addiction and provide strategies to combat this growing issue.
Medical Exemptions
We recognize that students monitoring their glucose levels may need to access their cell phone during instructional times. If this is the case for your student, please have them contact the health office and/or their counselor and we will notify their teachers. Students will be issued a special medical pass to share with substitute teachers.
Where can students USE their phones/smart devices?
Students may use their cell phones appropriately before school, during free periods, between class periods, during FLEX, and before/after school. Students in violation of our school electronic device policy will be held accountable as per the policy, including disciplinary action and removal of phones from school. If families need to speak to students during the day, they can always call the BHS Main Office at 242-5000, ext. 0.
Driver's Education
FALL Session of BHS Driver's Education Classes are coming.
Registration is opening Thursday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2024, at 8:00 p.m.!Brighton High School's Driver Education course starts on Monday, September 16, and ends on November 15. All information about the class is available through the Brighton Community Education website: https://brightonschools.revtrak.net. Registration begins on Thursday, September 5 at 8:00 p.m. There is space for twenty-four students to participate in this session. You do not have to be a Brighton student to register. However, BHS students are assigned to cars first. The class fee is $640. This class fills quickly; review the class information before registration opens so you can reserve your spot early! If you have questions, please contact the Community Education office at ce@bcsd.org
School Pictures will be Thursday, September 5th and Friday, September 6th
School Pictures will be taken by Inter-State Studios this year.
Students' pictures are during their PE periods.****
We have partnered with Inter-State Studio/SLR Photo for School Pictures again this year.
They will be at our school on the date(s) below to photograph our students and staff.
· School pictures for Sophomore and Freshmen will be Thursday, September 5th.
· School pictures for Senior and Junior will be Friday, September 6th.
· The Senior Panorama is scheduled for 11:20 on Monday, November 18th.
· Absentee/Retake: Thursday October 17 (a different code will be provided for this event at a later date)
You may go online to view package options and pre-order your picture packages by going to the link and using the code below.
You can pre-order up until Monday Sept 7, or you can send a check or cash order in with your student to hand to the photographer on picture day.
See the main office for a paper flyer/order form.
Please be sure to call the Inter-State Studio Office at 585-310-7781 or email jamie.dauria@inter- state.com for any questions in regard to this information.
Website: https://inter-state.com/order Order Code: 89120QA
Students in the News
Top students celebrated for academic excellence by the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
BALTIMORE, August 2024—Luna Zhang from Rochester, NY has been honored as one of the brightest students in the world by the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.
Luna, 13 years old, an incoming high school student at Brighton High School this fall (formerly of Twelve Corners Middle School), was honored for exceptional performance on the SAT, ACT, School and College Ability Test, or a similar assessment taken as part of the CTY Talent Search. CTY uses above-grade-level testing to identify advanced students from around the world and to provide a clear picture of their academic abilities.
Each year, about 16,000 students from more than 90 countries around the world join CTY. On average, less than 30 percent qualify for either High Honors or Grand Honors/SET based on their test scores, and Luna is among them.
"This is not just recognition of students' performance on one test, but a testament to their curiosity and capacity for learning," said Amy Shelton, PhD, executive director of CTY. "These students have demonstrated enormous potential, and now we encourage them to seek out experiences and communities that help them challenge and stretch their knowledge, connect with other young scholars, understand diverse perspectives, think critically, and pursue their goals confidently."
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
Bus Lineup
The Lineup - PM route from TCMS and BHS.
Buses 1-10 are in the TCMS loop.
Buses 11-20 are in the BHS loop.
Senior EMCC students will leave BHS at 7:40 AM this year!
Junior EMCC students will leave at 11:15 AM this year!
PTSA 2024-2025 Calendars Now Available to Purchase
PTSA 2024-2025 Calendars are now available to purchase at R's Market, 2294 Monroe Ave. and at the following events:
- Wednesday, Aug. 28 noon to 2:30 p.m. at CRPS Meet the Teacher Day in the CRPS Bus Loop
- Thursday, Aug. 29 5 to 7 p.m. at FRES New Student Orientation/Popsicles with the Principals on the FRES Playground
- Tuesday, Sept. 3 5 to 7 p.m. at the Food Truck Rodeo in the BHS Bus Loop
- Thursday, Sept. 12 6 to 8 p.m. at TCMS Curriculum Night in the Atrium
PTSA Welcome Back Food Truck Rodeo
Come down and say howdy and enjoy some tasty Food Truck fare on Tuesday, September 3rd from 5-8 p.m. in the High School bus loop.
Brighton Your Wardrobe School Clothing Drive
School Clothing Drive
Clothing can be dropped off through Aug. 23 Monday through Friday
Between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Central Administration Building, 2035 Monroe Ave.
Items requested for students: New/nearly new backpacks; new socks and underwear; Brighton spirit wear; school appropriate clothing for students in grades K-12 (jeans, sweatpants, T-shirts, and sweatshirts), and gently-used sneakers. Please make sure all items are new or gently used and clean.
The mission of Brighton Your Wardrobe is to provide free clothing to support our Brighton Central School District students.
Brighton Rowing Club
Have you seen people rowing on the Genesee River or the Erie Canal and wanted to joint them? Now is your chance! Brighton Rowing Club (BRC) is welcoming those in grades 7-12 to join a vibrant and dynamic team sport. Rowing is a total body workout that builds endurance, strength, balance, and mental discipline. Learn how to row, work together with your teammates, gain leadership skills, and represent Brighton in regional competitions (regattas)! No rowing/boating experience is necessary, but participants must be able to swim.
The Fall Season starts on August 26, 2024.
Check out www.brightoncrew.org or contact registrar@brightoncrew.org for additional information or to sign-up!
Brighton Believes 5K September 14th
The Brighton Believes 5K is going to "Hit the Ground Running" to kick off an awesome new school year.
The Brighton PTSA along with the incredibly generous sponsors will be hosting our second annual community-oriented 5K run, walk and kids run to celebrate the start of the new school year.
All proceeds will go towards the events, scholarships and other opportunities the PTSA supports throughout the school year in our Brighton Community.
Please find more information on the website: https://www.trisignup.com/Race/Info/NY/Rochester/BrightonBelieves5KHittheGroundRunning.
URGENT NEED! Host Families Needed for World Language Interns
We need your help! We have an immediate need for host families for this upcoming school year (mid-October to mid-June). Only through your support, can we offer this program. For over 30 years, our community has supported our love for international learning and global connections. We hope that you can consider this life-changing opportunity for your family and our students!
Host Families Needed for World Language Interns
Are you interested in learning about a different culture and way of life? For more than 30 years, Brighton has been the only District in our area to host language interns from other countries! The World Language Department at Brighton is currently looking for three host families for our interns for the 2024-25 academic school year, and we hope you will consider!
This program is an incredible opportunity for our students and community. With the help of our interns, we encourage students to become global citizens and have a love for cultural differences throughout their lives. This year, we will be hosting two interns from Spain and one intern from France.
Still interested? Keep reading!
A few details about the program:
About our Interns:
Jonas come from Saarbrücken, Germany. Jonas is pursuing a degree in Physical Education and eager to experience American schools. Jonas enjoys traveling, participating in sports and is an international judo competitor! He is excited to come to the States!
Elvira comes from Valladolid, Spain. She is pursuing a master’s degree in teaching. Elvira enjoys going on walks, spending time with friends, reading, and DIY projects. She is excited to experience American culture.
Emmy comes from Bordeaux, France. She is studying English at a university. Emmy enjoys laughing and talking with friends, playing handball, and is interested in American cinema. Her dream job is teaching French to English speaking students. Emmy is excited to discover new cultures, people, and traditions and share her culture and traditions as well.
Laura comes from Valladolid, Spain. She is pursuing a master’s degree in secondary education. Laura is part of a theater group, loves animals, and her favorite musician is Taylor Swift. She is excited about coming to Rochester to meet her new host family.
Thank you for considering this experience with your family! Many families have participated in this program and have made life-long connections with our interns over the years. We hope to hear from you soon!
If you are interested in hosting an intern for next year, please contact Laura Hernandez (Laura_hernandez@bcsd.org) for more information.