PLE Updates
October 11, 2024

October 11, 2024
Principal's Message
Pine Lane Crew,
The first quarter of the school year is already finished! So hard to believe! It was great to see so many of you out for conferences this week. I am very proud of our Crew’s hard work. There are so many celebrations already. Definitely, let your children know we are so proud of their efforts to strive toward excellence in character, achievement, and contribution to a better world.
Next week is Fall Break! Our offices will be closed. We will resume classes on October 21st. We hope you all have some wonderful plans for this break; it appears we will have some beautiful weather.
We are also launching into a very busy and exciting time in our school year. As we come back from break we will be wrapping up Candy Wars and getting ready for the Fall Festival which will be held on October 25th.
As we move closer to the Holiday Season, we have some school-wide philanthropic efforts that are being coordinated by our Mental Health staff. These efforts align perfectly with our desire to contribute to a better world and our philosophy of Crew. This year, there are few changes to our processes that have been sent out in a previous email. As we come into that first week of school back from break we will be holding spirit days on Friday to raise money to purchase turkeys for our Thanksgiving Meal Boxes. We had our first spirit day today kicking it off with a Pajama Day. Our next one will be a hat day on October 25th. Please send your child with $2 to participate in those spirit days.
I also want to make you aware of an important informational meeting. One of the capital improvement efforts included in the 5A bond measure on November’s Ballot is to expand Sierra Middle School. A virtual informational meeting about the potential expansion of Sierra Middle School will be held on October 30th at 6:15 pm. Please mark your calendars for this and we will send out links for you to join that virtual meeting later. For more information on how the bond would impact our schools visit the DCSD website.
Again, thank you all for a wonderful first quarter! You are an amazing support for your children and our school as a whole! Have a great Fall Break!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary
Upcoming Dates
- October 14th - 18th - Fall Break
- October 21st - Love & Logic Parent Training
- October 23rd - 5th Grade Chatfield Farms Field Trip
- October 25th - Fall Spirit Day Hat Day $2 to participate
- October 25th - PLEA Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat
- October 25th - Pawsitive Bear Assembly 3pm-3:45pm
- October 30th - SMS Expansion & Moving 6th Grade to SMS Info Night 6:15 - 7pm
- October 31st - Fall Class Parties
- November 1st - Spirit Day Crazy Hair Day
- November 7th - 4th Grade History Colorado Field Trip (deadline to register October 24th)
- November 13th - 3rd Grade & Littrell Colorado Symphony Field Trip (deadline to register October 30th)
Bus Cancelations
- Fall Break - October 14th - 18th
- October 21st - Bus 142
- October 28th - Bus 151
- November 4th - Bus 146 & 186
- November 11th - Bus 145 & 183
- November 18th - Bus 141
- November 25th - Thanksgiving Break
Apple Awards
Nominations Accepted through November 11th
Do you have a staff member that has impacted you or your students journey at PLE?
If so nominate and employee today here!
Nominations will be accepted through November 11th.
PLE Fall Spirit Fridays
Thank you for your support!
Today - October 11th our Spirit Day brought in: $672.00 to go towards our Thanksgiving Food Boxes!
PLE Holiday Opportunities
If your family has a need this season please complete all forms by the dates below:
Complete holiday details available here: PLE 2024 Holiday Opportunities
- October 11th - Family Adopted
- November 1st - The Christmas Store at Parker Adventist
- November 15th - Thanksgiving Meal Boxes
Note that information filled out in the forms is shared with our Mental Health Team, and for the Family Adoption you will be contacted by a social worker that has worked closely with PLE the last few years.
Love and Logic Parenting Class
PLEA Updates
Pine Lane Elementary's Annual Fall Festival hosted by PLEA & StuCO
Join us for our Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat! This is a family event and students must be accompanied by an adult. All festivities will begin at 5:30pm.
- Trunk-or-Treating (wear your costumes!)
- Spooktacular Hallway
- Dance Party
- Drink Refreshments - Apple Cider & Hot Chocolate
- Fall Photo Station
This is a family event and students must be accompanied by an adult.
Trunk or Treat will be set up in the bus loop.
Trunk set up is from 4:15 - 5:25.
Fall Festival will be taking place from 5:30-7:00.
If you would like to join us and set up a trunk sign up below.
Fall Festival is on the horizon at Pine Lane Elementary.
We need your help to pull it all together the night of the event. Please sign up to volunteer below!
On Friday, October 25th, we will email our volunteers with more detailed explanations for the night.
Boo-tique Sale and Boo-Fet
Meal Deal - Hot Dog, Chips, a drink and Glow Cotton Candy
- $6.00
- Pre-purchase Meals by Thursday October 26th by scanning the QR Code or using the link below, or pay at the door with cash.
- StuCO Fall Festival Meal Deal
Bake Sale
- Items will be $1-$2
- Pay at door with cash
Come for Baked Goods and stay for Maggott Monet!
All proceeds will help to fund StuCo for the school year!
Questions email plnstuco@gmail.com
Battle Continues thru October 24th
All Candy brought in will be used for Trunk or Treat!
Bring in bags of unopened wrapped candy to your classroom to earn points for your class and grade level to win prizes! The bigger the bag the better!!!October 11th Standings:
Top Grade Levels
- Kindergarten 129 pounds
- Fourth Grade 128 pounds
Top Classrooms
- Franks: 78
- Woods: 53.5
Keep up to date with who's in the lead by checking our Leader Board:
Field Trips
Before and After School
****NEW**** 2nd Session begins November 6th
Hosted by Stephen and Ashley Mooney a Pine Lane Family Member
Day of the Week: Wednesday's
Dates: November 6th - December 18th
Cost: 99.00
Any grade is welcome!
Register using the QR code below.
Questions???? Contact Stephen Mooney: mooney.stephen@gmail.com
DCSD Community Updates
Are you getting yours?
Parent Crew!
We are working on updating the contact information in our messaging system. If you are not receiving emails, texts or calls from us or if you are receiving messages where you do not want them to go.....email PLERegistrar@dcsdk12.org. We can double check your settings and preferences to ensure you are receiving the messages you want where you want them.
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8277