Substitute Teacher Planner
A Template for Organizing Your Sub Plans
Use a newsletter for subs/sub plans!
We know schools are struggling with staffing shortages.
This template gives a simple outline for a sub plan & some resources on how to get one completed quickly but thoroughly.
Personalize and share with your admin or directly with your sub.
Some place-holders for the basic info you need to include:
1. Link here to your class roster or attendance instructions
2. Link here to your seating chart
3. Link here to your class schedule
4. Link here to your classroom rules
5. Lesson Plans - link here to your Google Classroom or to a Google Doc (or attach a file )
6. Share Some Filler Activities
- Here's a fun logic puzzle that happens to be about substitute teachers 😜
- Education World offers a puzzle for every day of the week.
- Here's a list of 200 (appropriate) 'Would you rather' questions for kids
- This is a great list of games to play when there's no plan for you to follow
7. Share "need to know" info or notes
Please make sure to (collect homework from/ check in/ be patient with/ be aware of the fact that/ use as a class helper) the following students:
1. Kylie
2. Kim
3. Kourtney
Two Useful Resources to Share with Substitute Teachers
A Simple Classroom Management Strategy
These four simple phrases or “diffusers,” provide a powerful way to deter or derail student challenges. They should be delivered matter-of-factly, without skipping-a-beat in your instruction.
For example, if a student says, “This is boring,” the teacher simply replies, “I’m sorry,” or “Nevertheless” and continues teaching without interruption. There is no need to engage the student further at the time of the exchange." Sound useful? Open the PDF below to learn more.
Smore 🥰 All Teachers
Email: hi@smore.com
Website: www.smore.com
Location: 155 Marshmallow Hill
Facebook: facebook.com/smorepages
Twitter: @smorenewsletter