The EBR Process, Building Capacity
for Your EBR Team
Please join the Allegheny Intermediate Unit's Training & Consultation Team for this IN PERSON Training.
The Educational Benefit Review (EBR) is provided to teams who are entering a cyclical monitoring year and to ensure that students with IEPs are receiving educational benefit. Teams will be provided with the legal background on EBR and participate in a four-step process to analyze and compare three years of IEPs to determine if a student has received educational benefit. Additionally, teams will have the opportunity to work on their 10 EBR student cases to identify/target specific areas related to their school-age grade bands, compliance requirements, pros, cons, and identify technical support or professional development needs to support their knowledge and expertise of educationally beneficial IEP composition.
This training will not only to fulfill requirements for cyclical monitoring, but encourage districts to consider integrating EBR as a best practice when composing IEPs annually. For this training, the EBR Facilitator (Special Education Administrator, Principal, LEA representative, or designee) will be asked to attend with their team. It is highly recommended that schools attend as a team. EBR Teams must be comprised of at least 1 Special Educator, at least 1 general educator, at least 1 Related Service Provider, and the EBR Facilitator.
TOOLS & MATERIALS NEEDED: Teams will be required to bring laptops, paper copies of three years of the selected student’s IEPs (current year and two years prior)
*Please be advised, if your district has been selected for 2024-2025 cyclical monitoring (CMCI), you may utilize this training date to work with your EBR teams to complete the 10 EBR students' cases selected by your BSE advisor. Additionally, support can be provided by AIU TaC to facilitate this requirement. Additional times and dates can be arranged to provide optimum support to complete this requirement.
Participant Information
Target Audience:
General education teachers, special education teachers, transition coordinators, principals, special education liaisons, other administrators, agency person, students, families, school counselors, school psychologists, occupational therapists physical therapists and speech therapists.
Act 48 Hours: 5 (five) Act 48 hours will be awarded after the training.
Cost: There is no cost to attend this training series.
Training Content: The training is being offered twice. Training content will be repeated.
Registration Priority: Educators who work for LEAs in the AIU3 region will have priority registration.
Registration / Session Information
Educational Benefit Review - Fall Session
Date: September 16, 2024
Time: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Location: IMS, AIU 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120
Educational Benefit Review - Spring Session
Date: February 04, 2025
Time: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Location: IMS, AIU 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120
Contact Information
Training Content Questions:
Dr. Erin Grimm, Training and Consultation Coordinator
Registration Questions:
Jamila Robinson-Moore, Administrative Support
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event.