Beckman Community Bulletin
Week of 9/18/23

First Day of School 7/30!
Breakfast begins at 7:45.
Start Times for Kinder and Grades 4-6 8:00, Grades 1-3 Start Time 8:06
TK Start Time is 10:11
First Day Reminders -Charge and bring chromebooks!
Kinder/TK parents complete your registration!
Reminder to parents with incoming kinder students. If registration is incomplete and immunizations are not turned in, students cannot begin on Tuesday. Our kindergarten classes are filling fast. Please submit all paperwork to complete your registration.
Kinder Parents: Tea With Tears @ 8:15
ARIES Online Data Confirmation
Don't forget to update your information! Make sure you click and submit.
A reminder that the first week of school parking can be a challenge. If you want to walk your child to the school gates please plan on parking in a parking space and walking your child. The loading/unloading zone is not a place to park and you will be asked to move your vehicle. Also, please do not block the bus loading red zone on the street as the busses will need to pull in to drop off students. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Back to School Night 8/8 from 5:00 6:30
We look forward to seeing you at our Back to School Night on 8/8. Please plan to begin in the cafeteria at 5:00 for a brief presentation followed by classroom visits. Kona Ice will be available for purchase also. We hope to see you there!
Upcoming Events
- First Day of School 7/30
- Minimum Day 8/7
- Back to School Night 8/8 @ 5:00 in the cafeteria
- Kona Ice after school 8/9
School Site Council
I still need 2 parents!
Healthy Habits/Schedules
As we begin transitioning to return to school, please start encouraging your child to start establishing their bedtime routine and early wake up. I myself am having to retrain myself to get back to my work schedule. It can be extra tough for children. Please also start reminding them to get in the habit of charging their chromebooks nightly as this will need to become habit as school begins. Thanks in advance for your support as we try to start the year strong!