Peter Noyes Friday Flyers
Week Ending October 13th
Upcoming Events
October 18.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
October 21......Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat 3:00-5:00 PM
October 27.....Dress Like Mr. Donaldson Day & Food Pantry
November 1.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM (Parent Conferences)
November 8.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM (Parent Conferences)
November 15.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM (Parent Conferences)
November 22.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
November 23-24....No School Thanksgiving Recess
December 13....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
December 25 - January 1....No School (Winter Recess)
Upcoming Enrichment Program
On Monday, October 16th, the 2nd graders will be headed to Grange Hall for the Geography Gameshow! Host, Neal Nichols, Jr. creates an interactive educational experience drawing geographical maps entirely by memory. He then engages the classes with interactive games. The program is designed to enhance the comprehension of our students through the use of geographical knowledge.
Library Volunteers
We are looking for library volunteers to shelve books in our library. Classes with an adult volunteer are able to check out one extra book. Training is mandatory and I will be setting up sessions soon. If you are interested, please reach out by the end of September to our librarian, Barbara Gogan, via email at: or stop by the library during Open House.
Peter Noyes Elementary School
Location: 280 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-443-1085
Twitter: @NoyesSchool