Mount News - Updates
August 29th, 2024

Blue Gold Shirts!
2nd Annual Culture Night!
Back to School Night!
9th-11th Grade Pictue Day!
September 4 and 5th will be our schoolwide picture day. All 9-11th grade students will take their school pictures. Every student will need to take their photo regardless of purchase. ID's and lanyards will be issued to each student at the time of taking their school pictures.
Students are required to have their ID's on at all times.
Every student will take their picture
Every student will receive a photo ID with a barcode scanner for attendance purposes
Every student will wear their photo ID while in school for identification purposes
Late to School
Library Book Checkout
E-Hall Pass identification
Meal Scans in the Cafeteria
Sporting Events
It’s Like Having a Driver’s License
Click below to access the MPHS Parent Handbook
The SAFE DE app provides families with access to community resources, the Crisis Text Line, and reporting mechanisms to the school. The Safe DE application can be downloaded in the App Store or Google Play. Alternatively, individuals can:
- Connect to submit an anonymous report or incident at https://appweb.stopitsolutions.com/login and search for the school.
- Access the resources at https://web.helpmeresources.com/ by searching for the school.
Where is the Bus App
Beginning the 2024-2025 school year, all Brandywine School District buses will be equipped with the WheresTheBus Barcode Combo Reader, which requires students to enter or scan their student ID upon entering the bus. This will ensure consistent student identification whether they have the ID card with them or not. Parents can receive an immediate push notification when their child enters the bus.
Go Guardian Parent
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can create an account that will provide direct access to their student’s online activity. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can block websites and pause internet access on school-issued Chromebooks after school hours.
Use the QR Code to create your account.
Brandywine School District Dress Code
Clothing with inappropriate, suggestive, or derogatory pictures or phrases may not be worn.
Clothing designed to be worn as undergarments may not be visible.
No headwear is to be worn in the building during the school day. This includes, but is not limited to: hats, bandanas, scarves, bonnets, wave caps, earmuffs, sunglasses, or any other head coverings, including hoods and ski mask.*
All shirts must cover shoulders, chest, and midriff.
Heavy, bulky jackets, or overcoats should be placed in lockers.
The length of skirts, skorts, shorts, and dresses must be at least mid-thigh in length.
Pants and shorts are to be worn at the waist and a belt is strongly recommended. (Pajamas are prohibited)
Clothing with frayed edges or visible holes is not permitted (unless there is a layer of clothing under the frayed item).
Footwear must be worn at all times. (Slippers are not permitted)
Students wearing jewelry or accessories that may be considered unsafe or inappropriate to the learning environment may be subject to review by the administration.
Any other garments or accessories that would be a distraction to the orderly educational process are prohibited.
Cell Phone Rules
Every classroom teacher will assign each student a cell phone pocket number to hold their phones during class. All classrooms are a RED ZONE. Students are not permitted to be on their phones during class.
7:25am all PHONES OFF and Away during the
school day until 2:18 pm
Head Phones must not be in your ears, on your head or around your neck
1st warning put them away
2nd time teacher will ask for them and return them at the end of class
Refusal will result in an administrator being called or student sent to the restoratie room.
Phones may be used in class only if directed by the teacher and all cell phones remain in pocket until end of class.
Each classroom will be equipped with a hanging cell phone pocket holder.
Students are REQUIRED to utilize the holders to collect cell phones at the beginning of each class.
Class of 2025 Don't Miss Out
Yearbooks are for SALE! Lowest Price of the Year!
Order Before September 27th to get the lowest price!
Only $65! - Save $20
When you add $7.50 for enhanced personalization (your name on the front), you get 4 icons for free!
Requirements for Visitors
All visitors are required to present a state issued ID or driver's license to be scanned through our swipe system before entering the building. Please have your ID ready upon entrance to the main office if you have a scheduled meeting.
Colleges are signing up everyday, these are the next ones scheduled.
Wednesday, 9/11 Emerson College at 10 am
Wednesday, 9/11 Washington College at 1 pm
Thursday, 9/12 Sarah Lawrence College at 10 am
Thursday, 9/12 Highpoint University at 1 pm
Friday, 9/13 Moravian University of at 1 pm
Mon 9/16, 2024 Ursinus College at 10 am
Tuesday, 9/17 American University at 10 am
Tuesday, 9/17 University of Rochester at 1 pm
Wednesday, 9/18 Neumann University at 10 am
Wednesday, 9/18 Swarthmore College at 1 pm
SAVE THE DATE - PSAT Grade 11 - October 23.
- The school day PSAT NMSQT for students in grade 11 will be Wednesday, 10/23.