The WJHS Panther Pride Update
October 11, 2024
Principals Newsletter
Greetings Panther Families,
Thank you to all our parents that attended conferences this week. Your involvement in your child's education is vital for several reasons, as they help bridge the gap between home and school, developing a greater partnership in a child's education. Here are a few key reasons why it is important for parents to attend these conferences:
- They provide a detailed understanding of how a child is performing, including strengths, areas for improvement, and the child’s overall progress.
- Conferences give teachers and parents an opportunity to address any concerns early, whether related to academic struggles, attention issues, or learning disabilities.
- Teachers and parents can work together to set goals, ensuring that both home and school environments support these objectives.
- A strong parent-teacher relationship fosters open communication, creating a supportive learning environment for the child. When parents and teachers work together, children are more likely to feel motivated and understood.
Upcoming Days Off
Monday, October 14th, there is NO SCHOOL.
Enjoy the long 4 day weekend!
October Students of the Month
Congratulations to our awesome Panthers who have been named October Students of the Month!!
6th Grade - Austyn B., Olivia P.
7th Grade - Jaidy P., Jalen V.
8th Grade - Frankie S., Samantha H.
8th Grade DHH - Erick S.
PE Explo
6th Grade - Cristiano M.
7th Grade - Michael P.
8th Grade - Mary S.
Keep up the good work, we are so proud of you!
Principal for a Day
On Monday, as part of the Illinois Principal's Association's Principal for a Day Program, Illinois Representative Jenn Ladisch Douglass, spoke to various leadership groups at WJHS. These include the Student Union, Student Council, Culture Club, and our Leadership WIN class. Students were engaged and asked great questions about what it takes to become a leader, an elected official, and the importance of a work-life balance. In addition, Rep. Ladisch Douglass visited 6th, 7th, and 8th grade social studies classes where she observed some lessons and took questions from students. We appreciated the time with her and were happy to show off our amazing students at WJHS.
October is National Anti-Bullying Month
WJHS is on a mission to spread awareness that Bullying is NOT OKAY! We will have a month long of event to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
Our school social worker Mrs. Forsyth, along with students from Culture Club, made post cards preaching acceptance and inclusion and covered all of the students lockers and teachers doors. Next up, spreading kindness with bingo cards. The students must complete random acts of kindness laid out on the Bingo cards and will be awarded a special prize once complete.
At lunch this week, our students spoke about National Bullying Awareness Month.
WJHS Recycling Club!
Our Deaf Hard of Hearing (DHH) students collect the green bins from classrooms for our recycling program.
The primary purpose of the Recycling Club is to raise personal and public awareness of environmental issues, including the benefit of reducing, re-using and recycling of materials (plastic, paper, and aluminum) that would otherwise be sent to landfill sites.
6th grader Qinnah from our Social Media Team had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Oberbeck from our DHH staff. Check out the interview on our FB Page.
Why Being on Time Makes a HUGE Difference!
Important Message from the Nurse
Letters were sent home last week, and emails sent daily to any families whos child is missing at least one health requirement that is DUE BY 10/15. If you have not done so already, Please check their backpack for the letter that contains specific information of what is missing.
It is very important that the health requirements are completed by TUESDAY. In addition to requiring these forms, the State of Illinois also requires that children who do not have these completed by 10/15 must be excluded from school until requirements are met.
To ensure your child will not need to be excluded from attending school, your prompt attention to this is appreciated. If you still need to do so, please turn in the forms Tuesday 10/15 since there is no school on Monday this week. If you have any questions, please contact Christine Knight @ cknight@cusd201.org
Taiwan Student Exchange Program
We are very excited to be hosting students from our sister school in Taiwan this fall.
A GREAT BIG thank you to the families who have graciously signed up to be a host family. We are still in need of two more host families. If this is something you and your family would be interested in experiencing, please contact Pete Landreth or Vicky Gomez, contact information below.
From: Sheng Li Junior High (Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Dates: Departing Taiwan and arriving in Chicago on 11/3
Departing Chicago on 11/24
# of students: 12 to 14 Junior High students (2 students per family)
6 to 7 Westmont Junior High families needed to host
Compensation per Host family:
$900 per family for Junior High (based on 2 students in one family)
If interested, please contact both Pete Landreth and Vicky Gomez by email:
Celebrating Global Cuisine at WJHS
As CUSD 201 school lunch program continues to celebrate global cuisine... this month we will be featuring Hispanic Heritage Cuisine. We will celebrate at the Jr High on Wednesday, October 23rd. In the meantime, please see the flyer that includes a partnership with a local restaurant and a coupon for you to use if you visit.
Tuesday Oct. 16....Last Day for the Book Fair
Last chance to visit the Scholastic Book Fair! It will still be here and open to make any final purchases on Tuesday, October 15th, from 7:45 AM - 1:00 PM. See you there!
Sign up for Trunk or Treat Ends Today!
Today is your last chance to sign up to be part of WJHS Student Council annual Trick or Trunk!
Every year the competition gets better and better.
Gift cards will be awarded for 1st-3rd place.
Don't want to decorate a car??? That's ok, we are happy to take donations of candy or treats for someone else car!
Mark you calendar for next Friday, and bring the kids out for a SPOOKTACKULAR time!
The Student Council is Kicking Off “Socktober.”
So why SOCKTOBER? Because every night in the United States an estimated 600,000 people live on the streets and need simple things, like socks, to help get them through the night. Plus, the number one needed clothing item for those in need is new socks, but people very rarely ever donate new socks to the homeless!
Donate some new socks or gently used socks to the box in the front office. We will be collecting all month long!
WHS Girls Volleyball Hosting Volley for the Cure
Be Sure to Check out our New and Improved Facebook Page
Recently , the Jr High has created a new Social Media group as part of our new Panther Family Curriculum. Led by Ms. Reimann the students have done a fantastic job bring all the happenings at our school to the community. Make sure to check our Facebook page regularly for new features and interviews from our teachers and students!! Great Job to our social media team!! Keep it up!
A Few Last Things....
Check out all the spooktackular events the Westmont Park District is offering! Haunted Forest, The Last Straw, and Spooktacular Fun Night!
Remember to check the WJHS calendar for up-to-date information on Clubs, Events, & Athletics.
Amy Quattrone
WJHS Principal