The Hive
October 18th
Happy Friday!
Dear HMS Families,
We had an amazing week this week! We have so much to celebrate!
We had our Cross Country District Championship on Tuesday. The girls team had 2 finishers in the Top 10, boys team had an undefeated season and were district champions! Our girls volleyball ended their season on 10/16. All 3 teams ended the season with winning records!
We celebrated Unity Day on Wednesday, October 16th. The HHS Leadership Team greeted students and handed out stickers. We had a Kindness photo op for kids dressed in orange. We also had a guest speaker, James Layman who is the WA Association of Student Leaders. He spoke to the kids about the tapes playing in our own head, and for others, small changes create big changes, and thinking about what we can do to impact the greater good.
In Homebase we had a pumpkin decorating contest on Friday with the pumpkins we harvested from our mini-patch and our other donated pumpkins. We hope everyone had a wonderful time!
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
With Kindness,
Veterans Day
We have the privilege of honoring our Veterans on Friday, November 8th during a morning assembly from 9:40-10:30am. We hope you will consider joining us; all of our families are invited to attend. Our 8th grade band will be playing, we will have a guest speaker and there will be a slideshow honoring the Veterans of our HMS community.
If you would like to honor a Veteran in your life, please take some time to fill out the linked Google Form by November 1st. Veteran's Day
Thank you!
Community Tour
We had a wonderful time today hosting the first community tour of the year. We were able to speak to the group about HMS academics, culture, and facilities, which are all key components to our district's strategic plan. A huge thank you to our amazing community for your continuous support! We enjoyed meeting everyone and are looking forward to the next community tour.
8th grade HMS Band @ HHS Football Game
Our 8th grade HMS band will be joining the HHS band at the football game on Friday, October 18th. We are excited for our students and this opportunity. This is such a great experience for our band students and they have been working really hard to prepare for it. We hope you will consider joining us!
Conference Days: 10/30 - 11/1
October 28th - Regular School Day
October 29th - Regular School Day
October 30th - 3 hour early release, students released at 12:20pm
- 12:50-3:50pm Grade level scheduled conferences.
- Families were emailed this week if a scheduled conference was being requested
- 5:00-8:00pm Arena conferences in the Commons
October 31st - 3 hour early release, students released at 12:20pm
- 12:50-3:50pm Arena conferences in the Commons
November 1st - 3 hour early release, students released at 12:20pm
Athletic Director's Corner
We are so proud of our fall sports athletes in volleyball and cross country. Our girls volleyball teams finished the season on Wednesday with a program sweep and our cross country team repeated as District Champions. We will be celebrating all of our fall sport athletes on Monday 10/21 at 4:30 in the gym at our Fall Sports Awards Ceremony.
Upcoming Sport Registration -
Winter I sports registration is open and the season will begin next Thursday, Oct. 24th. Please make sure that your athlete has a current physical on file, and all forms are signed through FinalForms. All athletes must complete 8 practices prior to competing in their first competition.
Boys Basketball is open to 7th and 8th graders. We will have 3 teams and not all athletes who tryout will make a team. Tryouts will be 10/24 & 10/25. More information regarding tryouts will be sent through FinalForms.
Boys and Girls Wrestling is open to 6th - 8th grade boys and girls. Information about the start of season has been sent by Coach Leibfried through FinalForms. More information will be sent through FinalForms next week.
HHES Halloween Carnival - It's not too late!
The PWT is preparing for our annual Halloween carnival at the elementary school. It is being held on Saturday, October 26, from 4:30-7 pm. We are looking for student volunteers to help with games and handing out candy at different doors. If you are interested, please use the Google Form linked below for more information. More details will be sent to those who sign up.
Yearbook 2024-2025 - October
If you haven't ordered your yearbook yet, please follow the instructions on the flier!
Families of 8th graders, please don't forget to go into your Treering account and upload your child's baby picture. We currently don't have a deadline on this, but the sooner you could do this, the better.
- Login to your account
- Click "Purchase Yearbooks" (even if you already have, please click here to access the page to upload the photo)
- Yearbook "To-Do's: Add a baby photo
- Upload Photos
- Follow the directions on the screen
Upcoming Dates!
October 18th HMS Band @ HHS Football game
October 22nd Vision & Hearing screening
October 24th Fall band concert
October 30th-November 1st Conferences, 3-hour Early Release
November 8th Veteran's Day Assembly
November 11th Veteran's Day: No School
November 27th-29th Thanksgiving Break: No School
Please follow us on Instagram!
We have had requests to create an Instagram account so families can follow us on that platform because they don't use Facebook. So, we are excited to share with you all that we created an Instagram account that is connected to our Facebook page! We are looking forward to connecting with our families using both platforms.
Please follow us on Facebook!
Hockinson Middle School
We teach, guide, and support students and our community by creating a safe environment where we learn and grow together.
Wednesdays: 1 Hour Early Release
Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:45am
Email: bess.colpron@hocksd.org
Website: https://hms.hocksd.org/
Location: 15916 NE 182nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: 360-448-6440
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonMS/