2023-24 CES Communication
CARES- Creating Authentic Relationships with Every Student
Students, Parents, Teachers, and Community
Dana Rhinehart
CES Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Rebecca Martin
Assistant Principal
CPS (grades k-2) - Wed. & CES (grades 3-5) - Thurs.
Students may only attend their school's day.
Kona Ice will be at Field Day. Please send correct change.
Field Day and End of Year Announcements
It's Field Day Time at Creekside! Creekside Primary will celebrate Wednesday and Creekside Elementary will celebrate Thursday! Here are a few reminders:
- Please park in the north parking lot Wednesday and Thursday.
- Most field day events take place on the soccer fields and the fire truck will be in front of the elementary entrance.
- Sunscreen. Make sure it is still in date. Apply at home before school.
- Kona Ice will be available. Please send the correct change and follow any directions individual teachers give.
- For the Firetruck event, students will need:
- a MODEST bathing suit (and flip flops or water shoes are recommended)
- a dry towel
- a bag for wet clothes
- a bag for dry clothes, shoes, etc.
Please make sure kids know it is THEIR job to keep up with their things (clothes, shoes, water bottles, parents, etc.)
- If you check your child out before the day is over, you must go through the elementary office.
Remember that if your child has had 18 or more absences this school year, excused or unexcused, he/she may not participate in field day, per the LCS Student Handbook.
LOST and FOUND- All items from Lost and Found will be in the hall leading towards the cafeteria on Wed. and Thurs.. Everything leftover will be donated at the end of the week.
LUNCH BALANCES- We currently have about $1600 in unpaid lunch balances. Letters will go home tomorrow with students. Students are always allowed to eat at Creekside. Most of the balances are small and will be taken care of quickly. All balances must be paid by the last day of school. Donations are always accepted too :)
END OF YEAR FUN DAYS: We love your kids! We are so proud of their growth this year! Teachers and parents go above and beyond every day at Creekside and I am always simply amazed. Plans have been made to make these last few days memorable and FUN for students. Our 5th grade teachers, especially, want these last few days of elementary school to be special. Some teachers have asked for monetary donations to help offset the cost. Please consider helping with this if at all possible. Thanks.
Now everyone sing together, "Rain, rain go away...".
Have a great evening!
~Dana R.
5th Grade Promotion Ceremonies
8:30- Students of Mrs. Broam, Mrs. Looney, Mr. Carter, nd Mrs. Holt
11:00 Students of Mrs. McAtee, Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Lacy, nd Mrs. Rush
Sign-out sheets will be available when you enter the building. If you plan on your student leaving after the ceremony, sign them out BEFORE the ceremony.
NOW- RE-ENROLL students for the 2024-2025 school year for all LCS Schools!
NOW- RE-ENROLL students for the 2024-2025 school year for all LCS schools.
May 15th- 5th grade visits East
May 16 Field Day
May 20th- EAST Senior Walk
May 21st- PTO Meeting- Election of New Officers
May 23rd- 5th grade promotion ceremony
April 28, 2024
Hello Creekside Families! It’s hard to believe we only have 4 more weeks of school!
Please re-enroll your students for the 2024-2025 school year now. You should have received your child’s snapcode to do this through email. If not, please call the school and we’ll get that information to you. It is very important that everyone re-enrolls and uploads documents so that we can be sure we have your children on class lists for the fall.
As you complete the enrollment process, please download the LCS student handbook. We are obligated to follow the handbook procedures concerning all matters. Attendance, eLearning, and truancy are areas that seem to cause the most confusion throughout the year. How unexcused absences affect field trip participation and chronic absenteeism affects field day participation are two other areas to highlight.
Starting Monday, April 29, Mrs. Underwood will be collecting 4th graders' recorders for summer storage. Please consider cleaning your child's recorder in the dishwasher before turning it in.
Tomorrow, students will begin the end-of-the-year benchmark testing in iReady. iReady gives us a good measure of student growth throughout the school year, and helps us identify and close gaps where students may not understand a concept. We’ll start with math this week and then move into reading.
We are excited to announce our annual 5th grade class trip will be taking place this November 2024. All current 4th grade students will receive an invitation to bring home with information regarding the trip meeting, how to RSVP, and info about where we will be going and what we will be doing! Please make sure to check your email for updates and your child’s backpack for the invitation to the meeting on Wednesday May 8th, RSVP is required!
We have two exciting field trips this week. 4th graders will be visiting Montgomery and 5th graders will travel to Camp McDowell.
Field Day is set for Thursday, May 9th for Creekside Elementary.
Next week, May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week.
The next 4 weeks of school will be just as filled with teaching and learning as the rest of the year has been. Teachers are still assessing students' knowledge each week and we don’t want grades to fall at the end of the year. Remind students that behavior at school and on the buses needs to reflect how proud we all are to be a part of the Creekside Family.
Have a GREAT week!
April 7, 2024
Hello Creekside!
Tomorrow is a BIG day!
At 9:30, 3rd and 4th graders will take ACAP sessions 3 and 4. (ELA- These sessions cover reading, language, and writing.)
Our PTO has graciously purchased glasses for the entire school so that we can view the solar eclipse tomorrow afternoon. PLEASE send in your permission form for your child to go outside if you have not already done so. The eclipse is from 12:40-3:17, with the peak at 1:59. Hopefully some rain and clouds will move out of the way so our students can get a glimpse of the eclipse.
Other upcoming dates:
April 16- Job Fair at East
April 18- Arts Night
April 19- Special Olympics
May 6th, 5:00- Community Night- 5th grade students and parents only
May 9th (Thursday)- CES Field Day
May 16 Field Day Rain/Make up day
May 13th Archey Field Trip
May 14th, 10:30- Rodeo Clown
May 15th- 5th grade visits East
May 23rd- 5th grade promotion ceremony
It's going to be a GREAT week at Creekside!
January 3, 2024
Creekside Families,
Welcome Back to the second half of the school year! We are excited to see everyone tomorrow. We had a great first half of the year!
- We began teaching using a new reading series.
- We began using iReady as our assessment tool to measure growth throughout the year in reading and math.
- Most students showed tremendous growth!
- State report card grades were released and CES scored the highest score ever, a 93A!
We are super proud of all the work that goes into making Creekside a fantastic school. Teachers, staff, PTO, ELAA, parents, relatives, and the community pour their hearts into our school and it is so appreciated!
Here are a few quick reminders:
Attendance is important but so is everyone's health. Please remember that your child must be fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT medication before they are clear to come back to school. Please do not send your child to school sick.
Please take a moment and write your child's name and their teacher's name in their coats/jackets, and other belongings.
Water bottles, Stanley cups, etc.
- If students must bring a water bottle to school, it should be a clear plastic or acrylic water bottle.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
- Cell phones:
- Must be powered off and in backpacks before students enter the building
- Students may not carry phones in their purses, fanny packs, or in their pockets
- Must stay in backpacks until students are either on the bus or in their car
- Students' phone use on the bus is at the driver’s discretion.
- Students are not allowed to take pics or videos while on buses
- Smartwatches:
- May not be used to text or call parents, friends, or family during school hours
- Please do not send your child messages during school hours.
- If a phone rings/alarms in class or a student is found to be texting or calling on their phone or smartwatch, the device will be sent to Mrs. Rhinehart or Mrs. Martin.
- 1st offense- student may get at end of day
- 2nd offense- parents will be called to come to pick up the device
- 3rd offense- parent called and ISS
We are looking forward to a WONDERFUL second half of the year!
Welcome Back to School
School Calendar
Supply Lists
November 26, 2023
Welcome Back CES families! We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving! Bundle up in the morning! It's going to be COLD!
Cookies with Santa is Saturday, December 9th from 10:00- 1:00. There are still a few spots for vendors. If you have a small business and would like to participate, please contact PTO.
Have a GREAT week!
October 17th @ 4:00p.m.- PTO Meeting
Back to School Information
We're including lots of back-to-school information in several different documents. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.