Hamburg School

A Look Ahead...
October 14
No School
(Teacher Inservice)
October 22
Hamburg School Fair
@ The Field
October 24
BOE Meeting
6:30 PM (Cafeteria)
School Menus
PTA News
Boo Grams are happening now. They are due back no later than Thursday, 10/17.
Each gram is $2.00. On Thursday 10/31, grams will be handed in to each homeroom.
Halloween Middle School Dance
The PTA is looking for help to setup and volunteer during the middle school Halloween Dance on Friday, October 25th. If you are available to help, contact the Hamburg PTA at hamburgpta@gmail.com.
- $15 Discount cards: Can be purchased online at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/efdf50ff-0164-4786-9a04-21b1b16beca8
- Hamburg Knight Plush blankets: They are 50 by 60 and only $30 each. You can purchase these right online at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/f0cb2092-1c75-492b-9a7b-1519c1412ad0
- Boo Grams are happening now. They are due back no later than Thursday, 10/17. Each gram is $2.00. On Thursday 10/31, grams will be handed in to each homeroom.
- Gertrude Hawk starts October 21st and ends November 4th.
- Friday, 10/25 Halloween Middle School Dance from 7 til 9. We're still looking for help. If you are able to help us setup and/or volunteer during the dance, you can sign up here: https://forms.gle/Qwx3Ttj3xVM5PXiN6 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!
Noteworthy News
The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) strives to recognize educators who have gone above and beyond in their service to New Jersey’s students. Now, more than ever before, is the time to celebrate New Jersey’s outstanding educators. Therefore, every school in every district is encouraged to participate in Governor’s Educator of the Year program to honor the hardworking teachers and educational services professionals for their dedication to their students and the profession.
This program promotes a culture that recognizes excellence, creates a sense of pride and brings public attention to the work of outstanding educators. Please remember to consider exceptional educators with diverse backgrounds to ensure that honorees represent the ethnic/racial diversity of our state.
Nominations should be forwarded to Dr. Sigman <ksigman@hamburgschool.com> by Friday, November 1, 2024
Coaches / Advisor Needed
Hamburg School has the following positions available. All positions require a current teaching certification. If interested, please contact Dr. Sigman at ksigman@hamburgschool.com. Thank you.
Parents of all Grade levels...please have your student bring in a spare set of clothes to keep in their backpack/locker. Accidents and spills happen at any age.
November 4-5, 2024
Parent conference sign ups are being prepared and will be released next week through our Realtime Parent Portal. An email will be forwarded once the portal is ready. Please make every effort to come in to see your child's teacher.
Hamburg School Yearbook 2024-2025
The Hamburg 2024-2025 yearbook is now available for purchase. Order before October 18, 2024 to purchase the book for only $20.00 and get free icons!
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Sealander at: msealander@hamburgschool.com.
Trex® is proud to sponsor local recycling programs in communities throughout the country. For example, for K-12 schools, civic organizations, houses of worship and university organizations etc. If your team can collect more than 1,000 pounds of soft film plastics and packaging in a 12-month span, we will award a Trex® furniture bench to your organization.
- Hamburg School's 12 month collection time frame is October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025;
- Our goal is to collect a minimum of 1,000 lbs;
- You may drop your plastics at Hamburg School's main foyer or hand to a staff member at morning drop off or afternoon pick up. The plastic will be weighed and recorded. The plastics collected will be delivered to one of the participating drop-off retailer locations.
Co-Curricular Activities
TREP$ Meeting #2 - Ms. Hearn's room Wednesday (October 16) 3:00-4:00 PM
Cross Country
October 15
vs. Hardyston
October 17
@ Sussex Wantage Woodbourne Park
October 18
@ Sussex Christian
Hamburg Highlights: School News
Experimenting with Newton's Law in Science Lab
Support Needed: Senior Program Partnership
Contact the main office (973-827-7570) to participate
Board of Education
Hamburg Community Connections
Hamburg Borough Council
- Richard Krasnomowitz
Council Members:
- Russell Law
- John Burd
- Mark Sena
- Joyce Oehler
- John Haig
- George Endres