Pence Press
November 24, 2024
Please email Pence Attendance if you have a prearranged absence planned around the holidays: wspmsattendance@rockingham.k12.va.us. All prearranged absences (ex. out of town vacations) are unexcused if the front office isn't aware of them ahead of time. Don't wait to get an attendance call!
8th Grade Reminder: If you are attending the D.C. field trip on Tuesday, November 26th, report to the front gym at 6:40am. All 8th graders not attending the field trip will be with Mrs Velez in room 213.
THANK YOU to everyone for donating to our food drive! We collected 273 pounds of food, which is the equivalent of 228 meals.
The winning 3rd Block classes for each grade level are:
6th Grade: Standford
7th Grade: Hoover
8th Grade: Dove
These three classes will receive a sweet treat on Monday!
Thank you again from Ms. Wellener and the SCA !!!!!!
Positive Message from Home
Reminder: We would like to have a message from each family for every student!
As a whole school, we would like your help spreading hope, love, joy, and encouragement to our students. We would like to have an encouraging message for each of our students to share with them when they are having a bad day or need some motivation.
Bus 28 and Bus 42 are both shuttle buses that take students from Pence to TAHS after school.
Music Department Newsletter
Click HERE to access the newsletter links.
FFA and TSA Sale Items
Sport Information
There is no bus transportation for after school activities. Please have rides at the school promptly at the end of tryouts/practices/games. To participate in school sports, students must be passing 3 out of 4 core classes.
Wrestling Meets/Tournaments
12/03 - HOME vs MMS & JFHMS
12/10 - AWAY @ JFHMS
12/17 - AWAY @ Skyline MS
12/18 - Duals w/ TAHS at Wilson Memorial High School
12/20 - TA Tournament at 5:30pm
12/21 - TA Tournament at 9:30am
01/04 - Reel WC youth & middle tournament
01/14 - HOME vs THMS & JFHMS
01/25 - District Tournament
Questions? Contact Coach Weller @ brant.w.weller@gmail.com
Cheerleaders perform at all HOME basketball games.
Fall Basketball
Boys basketball practice daily until 5:30pm. Girls basketball practice daily until 5:00pm. Basketballl games are at 4:30pm.
11/25 - AWAY @ THMS
12/02 - HOME vs JFHMS
12/05 - AWAY @ SKMS
12/09 - AWAY @ EMS
12/12 - AWAY @ MMS
12/16 - HOME vs THMS
12/19 - AWAY @ JFHMS
Questions? Contact Boys Basketball Coach Eye at josheye@rockingham.k12.va.us / Girls Basketball Coach Arbogast at varbogast@rockingham.k12.va.us
Winter Basketball
Boys basketball practice daily until 5:30pm. Girls basketball practice daily until 5:00pm. Basketballl games are at 4:30pm.
01/13 - HOME vs MMS
01/16 - AWAY @ THMS
01/23 - HOME vs JFHMS
01/27 - AWAY @ SKMS
01/30 - AWAY @ EMS
02/03 - AWAY @ MMS
02/06 - HOME vs THMS
02/10 - AWAY @ JFHMS
02/13 - HOME w/ SKMS
02/20 - HOME w/ EMS
02/22 - Winter Boys' Basketball Tournament hosted by SKMS @ Rocktown H.S. / Winter Girls' Basketball Tournament hosted by WSPMS @ Pence
Questions? Contact Boys Basketball Coach Eye at josheye@rockingham.k12.va.us / Girls Basketball Coach Arbogast at varbogast@rockingham.k12.va.us
Check out our Student Activities Page on our website!
- Tickets to athletic events are $4 for students and adults.
Concessions will be available for sale at most athletic events.
Students and Guardians must sign a After School Activity Agreement and be on good academic standing in order to attend after school sporting events. Grades are checked the day of HOME games. If your student has any Fs or 2+ Ds then they need to ride the bus home.
Current physicals run from May 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. A current physical is required by RCPS for all athletes to tryout and participate.
Homework Help
Our Homework Help Program takes place Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30 - 4:30. It began last week. Assistance will be given with homework assignments, late or missing work and difficult learning areas. If you are interested, please complete the Homework Help Permission Form and return it to Mrs. McAvoy (room 229). *There will not be bus transportation at this time.
WSPMS Yearbooks
Attention! You can preorder your copy of the yearbook TODAY! This year, you will have the option to preorder online ONLY, except for a short time frame in March. Please keep your email receipt as refunds will not be given this year for accidentally purchased extra copies. The cost is $20.
Visit www.yearbookordercenter.com and enter the code 13754.
School Attendance Information
-If your student is absent or late to school, please call the school (879-2535) or email the school (wspmsattendance@rockingham.k12.va.us) before 9:00 AM.
-If your student will be picked up early, please send a note or email the school (wspmsattendance@rockingham.k12.va.us) that morning AND then call us (879-2535) when you are 5-10 minutes away so we can have your student in the office ready to go. Your student will sign themselves out and head out when they see your vehicle.
Students will be responsible for contacting their teachers directly and making up any missed work.
Administrators will be creating attendance plans for students numerous days. Excessive tardies and early dismissals will also be documented and may require an attendance plan. Please note that for every three unexcused tardies students will lose one REP point.
Students who are not at school for at least a half day should not be in attendance at afterschool activities, including both Pence and Turner Ashby athletic activities and/or extracurricular activities.
As a reminder, students are not to consume commercial restaurant fast food while in the
cafeteria area prior to, or during lunch periods. This is part of the food and nutrition handbook.Student Meal Prices: Breakfast $1.50 and Lunch $2.50
Counseling & Administrative Support
Change of Schedule Request Forms and Check-In or Appointment Request Forms can be found online on our School Counseling page: https://wspms.rockingham.k12.va.us/o/wspms/page/school-counseling
Which counselor works with you?
Lisa Holsinger-Thomas, Counselor / Kevin Forry (Assistant Principal)
Works with all students with last names A-K
Matt Nyce, Counselor / Jody Randolph (Assistant Principal)
Works with all students with last names L-Z
Katie Swartzendruber, Part Time Counselor
Information for Parents, Guardians & Students
Do you want to know more about the polices and procedures at Pence? Check out the school website: http://wspms.rockingham.k12.va.us/
The "Parent Resources" & "Student Resources" tabs are especially useful. I recommend that all Pence families take some time to review the Student Handbook.
Bookmark this page to access a wealth of information: //www.rcps.net/page/families-students
Stock The Teachers Lounge
Calling all Pence Families!
Please help us stock the teachers lounge with coffee, snacks, and treats! We want to make the teachers feel loved and supported throughout the year since they do so much for our kids!
Two options for easy drop off:
- Leave your items at the front office of Pence Middle.
- If items are to be delivered or shipped to the school (375 Bowman Road), please have them delivered to Door #1 and call the school to let the office staff know the items are on their way.
Pence Middle PTO Hospitality Committee
Ideas: Kcup coffee, Kcup hot cholocate, individual bags of chips, individual bags of trail mix/peanuts, small individually wrapped beef sticks, granola bars, protein bars, individually packaged cookies, small individually wrapped candies/chocolates - basically anything that is a GRAB and GO item!