The Howl

Greetings Wolf Pack!
This week we continue through February and our celebration of Black History Month. Mark your calendars and buy your tickets TODAY for our BSU Showcase, this year with an EVENING, COMMUNITY show at 7:00pm on Wednesday, February 19th. Proceeds directly benefit our SP West BSU. Share the word with your friends and families let's PACK OUT the PAC. There are some important deadlines coming up for the Local Scholarship Application, Start College New and Early College Credit. Read on to learn more! Here's to another great week.
In this week's Howl:
- Greetings Wolf Pack!
- Upcoming Events
- Black History Month
- Student Senate Highlights
- Preparing for the ACT
- Counselor Appreciation
- Bus Driver Appreciation Week
- College Visits
- Westopoly
- Resource for Families
- Gun Safety Resources
- Classroom and Student Spotlights
- Wolf Study Lounge
- In Case you Missed It!
Upcoming Events
February, 14th- Deadline to order a yearbook. Order here.
February 16th- February Frost 5K 9am-11am
February 17th- February 21st- Black Spirit Week- Dress up days! (see graphic below)
February 19th- BSU Showcase West PAC 7:00pm. Buy your ticket TODAY. All proceeds benefit SP West's BSU.
February 24th- STEM Applications Close for 10th grade at NOON
February 27th- Parent/Caregiver/Teacher Conferences 4:15-8:00pm
February 28th- Parent/Caregiver/Teacher Conferences 7:30-11:45am
February 28th- Local Scholarship Applications due at 4:00pm. Application here (please note that students must be logged into their sunprairieschools.org email in order for the link to work).
March 1st- Deadline for Early College Credit and Start College Now
March 10th- Boys and Girls Track Begins
March 17th- Softball, Boys and Girls Lacrosse Begin
March 24th- Baseball, Girls Soccer Begin
March 31st- Boys Tennis, Boys Golf Begin
May 10th- Prom!
Daily Announcements
Black History Month
As we continue to celebrate Black History month take a few moments this week to listen to these beautiful works of Spoken Word celebrating Black Brilliance and Black Dreams. Black history is ALL of our history, each and every day not just in February.
This week we officially launch our 2025 Den Decorating contest for Black History month: Black Dreams Matter.
Student Senate Highlights
SP West Student Senate is BACK! After meeting a couple of times this fall our SP West Student Senate is back in full swing. Last week students met to dive into our SP100 goals and analyze data from 1st semester.
Students analyzed our 1st semester overall data trends identifying areas of celebration (9th graders- YOU ARE ROCKING IT) and areas of growth (juniors and seniors we have a ways to improve) and identifying next steps including student-to-student conversations to understand why this is happening and how we can improve as a One West community to reach our goal of 90%+ attendance for EVERY Wolf.
Preparing for the ACT
This past Friday in SP30 all students in 9th-11th grade reviewed their Pre-ACT scores from this fall and began goal setting for the spring Pre-ACT or ACT for our 11th graders.
Each student received a personalized email with detailed information about their scores from the fall and then as an SP30 they reviewed how to interpret this information.
We laid the foundation to begin preparation for Spring Pre-ACT and ACT testing.
And students began goal setting for their spring tests.
Questions to ask your Wolf this week:
- What are you the proudest of from your fall Pre-ACT test?
- What area do you hope to improve in this most from the fall test to the Spring?
- How can I best support you in that process?
- Let's look over the email you received late last week with detailed information about your fall test.
Counselor Appreciation
This past week we celebrated Mr. Medema, Ms. Wagner, Ms. Saldana, and Ms. Thao during National School Counselor week!
School Counselors are champions in education, and this is a particularly busy time of year! They work tirelessly to help empower students uncover their strengths, build academic, social, emotional, and career readiness skills, provide mental health support, and overcome challenges. School counselors’ influence extends across every aspect of school life, as they foster and advocate for an environment where students feel supported, connected, and empowered to thrive both in school and in the world beyond.
Thank you Mr. Medema, Ms. Wagner, Ms. Saldana, and Ms. Thao!!
Take a moment to send them a note of appreciation:
- Last names A-G: Chelsea Saldana- cmsalda@sunprairieschools.org
- Last names- H-M: Keith Medema- kamedem@sunprairieschools.org
- Last names- N-T: Monica Wagner- mmwagne@sunprairieschools.org
- Last names- U-Z: Phau Thao- pthao@sunprairieschools.org
Bus Driver Appreciation Week
February 10-14, 2025 is School Bus Driver Recognition Week in the State of Wisconsin. We encourage families to go the extra mile to show appreciation to the men and women that work hard to get our students to and from school safely every day. Please take a moment to thank them or consider having your child make a token of appreciation.
Your kind words, cards, etc., will surely make the driver’s week brighter!
Attention Seniors! The deadline for the local scholarship application is only 3 weeks away and we are looking for EVERY Senior to apply. This one application unlocks over 40 scholarship opportunities and thousands and thousands of dollars. If you haven't applied yet. Apply today!
Need help? Want to complete the scholarship with other seniors and counselor assistance? Want to keep the momentum going and complete more applications? Sign up for Mr. Medema's Scholarship WIN time, offered every WIN time, now until Feb 26th.
College Visits
This week we will have 2 colleges visiting during SP30. Come learn more about the opportunities they have to offer!
Wednesday, February 12: UW Milwaukee
Thursday, February 13: Madison College
***Students interested in meeting with these college reps should sign up in FlexiSched with Ms. Griffin
Westopoly is BACK in the library starting this week. Be sure to stop into the library every day for your chance to roll the dice! Don't know what Westopoly is? You don't want to miss. Stop by to find out more! You could earn BIG prizes.
Resources for Families
We want our families to stay informed and connected to resources. If you need information or support visit Resources for Immigrant Students & Families webpage.
Sun Prairie Schools are a welcoming place for all students and families, regardless of their immigration status.
At the Sun Prairie Area School District:
- We stand by all of our students, staff, and families.
- The Sun Prairie Area School District celebrates and values our diverse community. We support and are inclusive of all students, staff, families, and community members of all races, ethnicities, faiths, national origins, immigration statuses, political viewpoints, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.
- We stand by our immigrant students and families. All are welcome and safe in our schools regardless of immigration status.
- All children will be safe and loved in our schools…..Every Child, Every Day.
- Important Information
Stay up to date with trusted sources of information:
- Centro Hispano (Website, Facebook, Instagram)
- Voces de la Frontera (Website, Facebook)
- If you have an immigration-related emergency you can call or text Voces de la Frontera 24/7 hotline at: 414-465-8078. You also may wish to contact the Dane County Immigration Affairs Office and Fabiola Hamden at 608-242-6260 or hamdan@countyofdane.com.
- Know your rights (English), (Spanish)
- You may also wish to develop an emergency plan for your family, for more information please visit the following Centro Hispano’s Community Resource Page.
Gun Safety Resources
Gun safety is a shared responsibility that affects the well-being of our entire community. Visit the district’s Gun Safety Resource page for more information.
A Joint Letter from the Superintendent and City Administrator
Dear Sun Prairie Community Members,
As the Superintendent of Sun Prairie Schools and the City Administrator of Sun Prairie, we want to express our shared commitment to gun safety in our community.
Gun safety affects all of us, and it is our shared responsibility to work together to protect our families, schools, and neighborhoods. Proper firearm handling and secure storage are essential to establishing a culture of safety. It is crucial for everyone to understand how to safely store firearms and what to do if they encounter one.
For our students, gun safety means having a safe place to learn and grow. We want to teach young people what to do if they see a gun, and we want them to feel comfortable telling an adult if something seems unsafe.
Parents and caregivers play a significant role and can help protect the community by ensuring secure firearm storage, recognizing potential dangers, and knowing how to respond responsibly in unsafe situations.
We support initiatives like the Gun Safety Education Project, led by the Sun Prairie Youth & Families Commission, which promotes public awareness of firearm safety by offering education on secure firearm storage, reporting lost or stolen firearms, distributing gunlocks, and more.
We understand this can be a difficult topic, but we believe by working together—parents/caregivers, educators, law enforcement, and all community members—we can make a difference and make our community safer for everyone.
We need your help to promote gun safety. We encourage you to talk to your family, explore available resources, and share information with your neighbors. Together, we can continue building a culture of responsibility, set a positive example for our kids, and keep our community safe for everyone. Thank you for being part of this important effort.
Brad Saron, Superintendent
Aaron Oppenheimer, City Administrator
Classroom and Student Spotlights
State Solo and Ensemble
Congratulations to the following students for qualifying for State Solo and Ensemble: Caitlyn Royalty, Cora Gaylord, Vaughn Phippen, Kiera McCulley, Henry Cole, Cam Gaylord, Siddhi Rajkondawar, Nick Ruplinger, Aeva Dunkel, Bella Horan, Collin Dyszelski, Logan Kostelec, Ian Graves, Gabby Horan, Chris Kopotic, Allie Anderson,, Rhiannon Tool, Cece Crider, Simon Downing, Addis Carlton, Nataly Dupuis, Nat Barbic, Lily Saynisch, Henry Schoenherr, Hailey Senior, Owen Risch, Train Phippen, Simon Downing, Arson Roberts, Melanie Jorgenson, Ashmith Siddharth, Finnley Jackson, and Chamber Orchestra.
Congratulations Tyler on 1000!
Congratulations to Tyler Haney on 1000pts in his high school basketball career!
Girls BBall Senior Night
Congratulations to our TEN seniors on the girls basketball team that celebrated their careers and prepared for next steps at this week's senior night!
Forensics Continues to Shine
Ten teammates performed at the Sun Prairie Historical Museum’s Love on the Prairie tonight! It was a lovely evening! We even got a photo with Jimmy the Groundhog!
Sun Prairie West won first place in large schools and Sun Prairie East won first place in small schools. Sun Prairie had more than 40 students who made the power round! Thanks to Madison West for hosting a fun tournament!
Wolf Study Lounge
New Year, Same Supports! We’re excited to share some updates to our before and after school tutoring support program to better support your learning:
Afternoon Study Lounge Relocated: The afternoon study hall has been moved to a new space—the Library—to provide a more focused and resource-rich environment.
Additional Teacher Support: We’ve added more teachers to our tutoring sessions to ensure students get the help they need.
Be sure to take advantage of these new changes and set yourself up for success this year!
Let’s make this a fantastic year of learning and growth!
Your Ideas in the Howl
We need YOUR input too! Do you have an idea of something that should be included in the Howl? Your ideas are always welcome. Email our Admin Associate to the Principal, Jordain Blank at jnblank@sunprairieschools.org.
Follow Us on Facebook
Statement of Nondiscrimination
No student may be unlawfully discriminated against in any school programs, activities or in facilities usage because of the student’s sex (gender identity, gender expressions, and non-conformity to gender role stereotypes), color, religion, profession, or demonstration of belief or non-belief, race, national origin (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, homelessness status, sexual orientation, age, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. Harassment is a form of discrimination and shall not be tolerated in the District. It is the responsibility of administrators, staff members and all students to ensure that student discrimination or harassment does not occur.
If a student or parent/guardian would prefer to have this information translated into Spanish, please contact us at 608-834-6620. Si un estudiante, padre ó guardian prefiere tener esta información traducida en Español, por favor contactenos en el 608-834-6620.
If a student or parent/guardian would prefer to have this information translated into Hmong, please contact us at 608-834-6630. Yog tus me nyuam lub xiv los yog niam thiab txiv/tus neeg muaj cai saib xyuas tus me nyuam xav tau qhov ntawv ntawm no ua lus Hmoob, thov hais rau peb paub rau ntawm 608-834-6630.
In Case you Missed It!
Information Too Important to Miss!
We strive to keep The Howl as streamlined as possible with all of the important information for our community. To the end once something has appeared in The Howl, it will move here to the "In Case you Missed It!" section. Take a moment to peruse and make sure you have not missed important info!
Student School Board Application Process
Are you interested in helping represent your school on a district level? All current sophomores are eligible to apply to be a Student Representative to the SPASD School Board. As a student representative, you would attend board meetings, meet with district and school administrators, and work on projects to help your school community with your senior student board representative. Applications are due February 28th. If you have any questions please reach out to a current board representative for your school.
Current Student Board Representatives:
East Senior: Isabella Roberts
West Senior: Jojo Knauss
East Junior: Reagan Loomis
West Junior: Devin Willis
PPA Representative: Ella Miller
*Note: People who are applying to the STEM Academy will not be able to also be the board representative.
We want to inform you about a change in our school cafeteria policy. In an effort to be more fiscally responsible and reduce food waste, our nutrition department will now be charging for extra condiments in both middle and high schools. This decision was not made lightly, but we believe it will help us maintain our high standards of meal quality while also teaching our students about responsible consumption. These 4 high cost condiments will be affected by this change in policy:
Marinara Cups, Salsa Cups, Sour Cream Packets, Salad Dressing Packets
Here's what you need to know:
- Condiment cups listed on the menus will still be provided free of charge with meals
- Extra or additional condiments will have a small fee
- This change applies to middle and high school students only
- The goal is to reduce waste and manage costs more effectively
We appreciate your understanding and support as we implement this new policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our nutrition department.
Hunger Heroes Fund: Helping Families in Need
Did you know that some of our students have negative lunch account balances? This means they owe money for school meals. Our school district covers these costs, but that takes money away from important educational programs.
That's where the Hunger Heroes Fund comes in! This amazing program helps pay down those negative balances. By doing so, it ensures that every student can enjoy a nutritious meal without worry. At the same time, it allows our district to keep investing in great learning opportunities for all students.
How You Can Help
Want to make a difference? You can become a Hunger Hero too! Here's how:
1. Contact our Nutrition Department to learn about donation options
2. Choose how much you'd like to give
3. Feel great knowing you've helped a family in need
Your donation, big or small, can have a real impact on a student's life. It's a simple way to show that our school community cares for each other. Remember, a well-fed student is a student ready to learn and grow! If you have any questions about the Nutrition Department please don't hesitate to reach out to our Nutrition Department.
Are you a member of the Junior class?
We need your help with Prom Planning!!!
DATE CHANGE: Come to a Junior Class Meeting on Wednesday, 02/12 during WIN time in room 3611
If you want to help but can’t make it to the meeting, please email Ms. Foster or Ms. Peters
Can’t wait to see you in room 3611!
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Join the Sun Prairie United Ultimate Frisbee Club! They are actively recruiting players in grades 9-12, or all genders. Come to our player/family information night on Tuesday, Feb 4th from 7-8pm in the SP East LMC. Email SPHSUltimateClub@gmail.com with any questions.
Second Semester Reset
Welcome to 2nd Semester. We have had an incredible first half of the year and we are excited for "Act 2". The semester change over is a chance for reflection, goal setting, and resetting of expectations.
- Make sure that you check Infinite Campus tonight or first thing in the morning for your schedule.
- Schedules have been changing over the last couple of weeks due to various needs and we want to make sure you have your current and correct schedule. DO NOT use a screenshot from the beginning of the year. It is probably different now.
- If there is something amiss with your schedule and you need a change please fill out this schedule change form.
- A reminder schedules can only be changed within the first 10 days of the semester and a schedule change is a request not a guarantee. Schedules will NOT be changed: to be in a class with your friend or for a teacher change. Yearlong drop requests will be admin reviewed, AP drop requests will be reviewed by our Equitable Multilevel Systems of Support Coordinator- Ms. Cassiday.
- AND... TUESDAY is a B DAY. Yep, the semester starts on a B Day. Yep, that's a bit weird. Nope, we can't change it but will try to avoid it in the future.
Expectation Reset: As we head into 2nd semester we will be resetting, reinforcing and regrounding in high expectations with high support for all students. Due to the cold day last week our expectation reset slides will be happening in block lessons on Wednesday, 1/29.
- Cell Phones: Throughout 1st semester we have seen cell phones cause distraction from learning and from engaging in the class community. As we begin second semester ALL classes will start every class with the first 10 minutes as OFF and AWAY to focus on community building, setting expectations for the time together and centering.
- Attendance Continues to be Focus: As we start 2nd semester we continue to focus on all things attendance. We have seen growth this year but things have slipped a bit. We are focused on:
- Students having a pass EVERY time they are out of the classroom
- No passes first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes
- NO DOUBLE LUNCHING- we have seen an uptick in students missing parts of 3 block because of attending the other lunch
- Missed classes are down but tardies are up. On class to every block, every day.
- Parking and all things Vehicular:
- Students parking in STUDENT LOT only
- Slow down, and stop at stop signs
- Don't use the back fire lane as a cut around
- Parents/caregivers use the designated pick/up drop off location not the front lot
- Strong as a PACK
- Focusing on Pride, Accountability, Collaboration and Kindness both in school and social media
- Restorative resources and community building/conflict resolution
Here's to a fantastic 2nd semester!
HBCU Trip 2025 Fundraising
This unique opportunity will provide 40 juniors and seniors from Prairie Phoenix Academy, Sun Prairie East, and Sun Prairie West High Schools the chance to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) across multiple states this spring. The experience will include campus tours at institutions such as Central State University, Kentucky State University, Tennessee State University, Fisk University, and Lincoln University. In addition, students will visit significant African American historical landmarks, further enriching their learning and awareness.
100% of your donation amount will go directly to our fund for the students taking this trip.
If you would like to provide a donation by check or would like a record of your donation for tax purposes, please follow these steps:
Any donations can be documented on this SPASD Donation Form. Please note "HBCU Trip" in the where/who collected the donation line item. When the donation form has been completed, our business office will keep lookout for an incoming check. If you require an invoice, please email rmrake@sunprairieschools.org and we will have one prepared for you.
- Please make check payable to:
- SPASD Attn: Tara Zuelzke
- 501 S. Bird Street Sun Prairie, WI 53590
- On the memo line please note "HBCU Trip"
College, Career, Life Readiness Opportunities
Check out all of these amazing upcoming events that can help you discover your college, career path.
Seniors- Scholarhips
Signup for Scholarship Help and Work Time- Wednesdays, WIN- 3411 (after RequestFest)
Lost and Found
Help the lost be found. We have a growing collection of coats, hats, gloves, water bottles, etc. Missing something? Come check it out in the front office.
February Frost 5K
Join us on February 16, 2025 from 9am-11am for a 5k to benefit the Alzheimer's Association put on by our Envision club.
Parking Tickets are Coming
Students, a reminder that you need to park in the student lot only. Last week Officer Sessums (Royse) issued warnings to cars that were parked in appropriately, this week we will be issuing tickets for the following:
- Parking in the staff lot at the front or side of the building near athletics
- Parking in traveling staff spaces
- This has become an extreme issue that traveling staff have no where to park when coming back to West to teach
Additionally, a reminder that the back fire lane is NOT a cut through and should not be driven through. Driving through this is causing dangerous situations for students with disabilities that load buses near door 17. This is also will be a ticketable offense (see the blue line on the map below).
Also safe driving reminders:
- Slow down. The top speed in our parking lots or on the frontage rounds around campus should be 15mph.
- Full stops. Please make sure you are making full stops at all stop signs around campus. When you stop you need to come to a full stop behind the line/stop sign. We have had incidents of near accidents from students not coming to a full stop back far enough next to the stop sign.
The Yearbook Club is excited to share that there’s still time to guarantee a yearbook for your student, but don’t wait too long! To ensure you receive a copy, please make your purchase by Friday, February 14th 2025.
If you’d like to add a personal touch, yearbook personalization orders must be completed by Friday, January 31st 2025. Personalizing your yearbook is a special way to make it even more meaningful!
Yearbooks are typically distributed the week before Memorial Day weekend, so your student will have plenty of time to enjoy flipping through the pages of memories with friends before the school year wraps up.
To place your order or personalize a yearbook, please click the link below:
Thank you for supporting this cherished tradition! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Yearbook Advisors, Ms. Fowler at nefowle@sunprairieschools.org or Ms. Blank at jnblank@sunprairieschools.org
Scholarship Applications
It's time! Start applying for scholarships TODAY. Please be on the lookout for WIN opportunities to apply for scholarships with others. The application is open now for the Local Scholarship Application which is due on February 28th at 4:00pm. Also, check out our scholarship page where we will continually update scholarship opportunities as they come in.
Guatemala Opportunity
Interested in travel but didn't think it could happen for you? Join Ms. Leamy on a trip to beautiful San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala. Scan the QR code to get more information.
"Fueling Up for Learning: Why School Lunches Need Fruits & Veggies"
Hey parents/caregivers!
Did you know that the government has rules about what makes a "complete" school meal? It has to include fruits or vegetables at breakfast and lunch. This is because healthy food helps kids learn better!
Here's the deal:
Complete meals = Government funding: When your child takes a complete meal (with fruit or veggies), the school gets money from the government to help cover the cost.
Incomplete meals = Costs for you: If your child refuses the fruit or veggies, the school doesn't get that funding. This means we might have to charge your account, even if your child gets free or reduced-price meals.
Lots of tasty options: We offer a variety of fruits and veggies every day, including fresh salads and always at least two fruit choices.
Why it matters:
Healthy bodies = Healthy minds: Fruits and veggies provide essential vitamins and minerals that help kids grow and learn.
Fighting childhood obesity: Eating healthy foods helps kids maintain a healthy weight.
Let's work together to make sure our kids are getting the nutrition they need to succeed in school! Encourage them to try something new from the salad bar or fruit options.
Remember: Hungry kids can't learn!
Sophomores- STEM!
Did you know that you can be a full time Madison College student your Junior and Senior Year studying STEM while still being a Wolf? The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Academy is an INCREDIBLE opportunity for students thinking about entering those careers and wanting a jumpstart on the next step of their education. This program is FREE and includes additional supports as you transition to the college level. Sophomores, apply today!
Badger Precollege
At Badger Precollege, we create innovative programs for students in grades 2–12 who want to explore their academic interests, learn more about the college experience and meet new friends. Our programs support educational and social growth by challenging students’ curiosity and expanding their academic interests. Summer 2025 program registration opens January 13
We offer a range of courses, from engineering and computer science to art and psychology. You can explore all of our summer 2025 courses at the link below. Choose a subject you already know and love, or pick something new to explore in a low-risk environment!
Registration for all summer programs opens on January 13, 2025. Courses fill up on a first-come, first-served basis, so mark your calendars and apply early. Limited need-based scholarships are available.
We look forward to seeing you next summer!
Nutrition Spotlight
Nourishing Our Future: Enhancing School Meals. The Sun Prairie School Nutrition Department is committed to providing nutritious and delicious meals that fuel your child's growth and learning. We are excited to share some of the ways we are improving our school meals program:
1. Fresh, Local Ingredients:
Farm-to-School Partnerships: We are partnering with our distributors, Gordon Food Service and V. Marchese to bring fresh, seasonal produce to your child's plate. Every Middle School and High School in the district has a Hydroponic growing tower and supplies us with fresh Romaine lettuce for our entree salads and salad bars.
Reduced Processed Foods: We are minimizing the use of processed foods and artificial additives. Our homemade roasted vegetable recipes are well liked by the students and contain small amounts of olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic. These include roasted fresh broccoli, butternut squash and green beans.
2. Diverse and Flavorful Menu Options:
Cultural Cuisine: We are offering a variety of cultural dishes to introduce your child to new flavors and cuisines. New recipes this year include Asian seasoned rice, long grain and wild rice, taco meat made from scratch and more.
Vegetarian and Vegan Options: We are expanding our vegetarian and vegan menu options to cater to diverse dietary needs. This year at our High Schools and Middle Schools we have plant based chicken nuggets and buffalo wings, spicy black bean burgers, black eyed peas and rice, along with many cheese entrees and salad options.
3. Educational Initiatives:
Nutrition Education Programs: We are meeting with classes, student council groups and student clubs to share nutrition information and receive feedback from students as to what they would like to see offered for breakfast and lunch at their schools.
Taste Testing: We are involving students in taste-testing new menu items to encourage their input and preferences.
We believe that healthy eating is essential for a child's overall well-being. By providing nutritious and delicious meals, we are supporting your child's academic success and future health.
Thank you for your continued support.
Sincerely, Barb Waara, Director of School Nutrition
bmwaara@sunprairieschools.org 608-834-6527
Great work on the progress made! Keep up the great work.