The PHS Compass
April 2024
Dear Pirate Families,
The fourth quarter is always a busy and exciting time filled with academic achievements, extracurricular events, and memorable moments.
Our staff is encouraging our students to stay focused and finish strong. Whether it's seeking extra help from teachers, utilizing tutoring opportunities, or accessing academic support services, PHS Staff is here to help our students succeed.
For our seniors, this is a particularly bittersweet time as they prepare to embark on the next chapter of their lives. As parents, it is emotional to watch your child embark on their next steps. We hope that you cherish these final weeks of their educational journey, celebrate your accomplishment of supporting them through the last 12+ years of education and look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.
With gratitude,
Kalin Cross
Proud Principal
Phoenix High School
Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year
Enrollment forms are available for the 2024-2025 school year. We are asking for families to fill out the necessary forms out this Spring to help expedite the process in August. As a reminder, our enrollment process has 2 parts: 1. On-line enrollment forms on PowerSchool 2. In-person registration in August to finalize class schedules, get a locker, school pictures, etc. In order to access the forms, please go to the district website and click on the On-Line Registration Link or click on this link. https://www.phoenix.k12.or.us/domain/1067 If you need support to complete these forms please use the tutorials on our website PHS is having a friendly competition between Advisory classes to see which class can have the most enrollment forms completed by June 1st. The Advisory with the highest rate of completion will get to pick either a pizza or an ice cream party. Please take some time over the next few weeks to complete the forms for next school year and help your students class win!
Junior / Senior Prom Information
PHS Junior/Senior Prom is taking place on Saturday, May 4th.
- Only 225 tickets will be sold
- Sales start on Monday 4/22 and the last day to buy tickets is Wednesday, May 1st
- Purchase at the Student Store, during lunches ONLY
- They are $30 each, cash ONLY
- It is a formal event
- If students are wanting to bring a guest, they must obtain a guest pass from the front office and follow the directions to have it approved by administration.
If you have questions, please reach out!
Class of 2024 Information:
Important Dates:
We know things are about to ramp up for our seniors and their families. On top of making sure grades are great, there are a lot of things going on.
Here is a document that will help to make sure you're everywhere you need to be (and your 12 grade student is too!). Students received a hard copy of this last week as well as a digital copy to keep on their phones.
Let us know if you have questions or concerns. Thank you!
Class of 2025 Information:
Junior Parent Night
Hello 11th Grade Families!
Phoenix High School be hosting a Junior Parent Night on May 9th, 6pm-730pm, in the PHS Commons.
We will be providing information related to your student's upcoming Senior Year, College/Career timeline, graduation requirements, pirate points, senior presentations, and a review of transcripts.
Dinner and childcare will be provided, so bring your future Senior and getting ready for their final year of high school!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions at jordan.ruiz@phoenix.k12.or.us
See you soon!
PTS Community Care Information
Dear PTS families,
If your home was damaged or destroyed in the 2020 Almeda fire, you may be eligible for help through ReOregon's Homeowner Assistance and Reconstruction Program (HARP). The first step is to complete the HARP Eligibility Questionnaire, which you can access by clicking here.
Complete and submit the questionnaire to help ReOregon determine your eligibility to apply for HARP. This questionnaire should take about 15-30 minutes to complete. Once you begin, you will need to finish the entire form. Do not exit or refresh the page until you are finished and have submitted your responses. See the attached fact sheet for more information.
If you are having trouble filling out your Eligibility Questionnaire, the ReOregon Call Center can help you complete your form over the phone. Call 1-877-510-6800 or 541-250-0938 to get started. The PTS Community Care team can also assist. Click here to open our Community Care directory and be sure to reach out if you need help.
Mark Your Calendar
Important Dates:
- Future Pirate Night - Tuesday, 4/23
- Site Council - Thursday, 4/25
- Grad Night Auction - Sunday, 4/28
- National Honor Society Induction Ceremony - Wednesday, 5/8
- Latino Family Night - Wednesday, 5/8
- Junior Parent Night - Thursday, 5/9
Stay Connected!
Email: kalin.cross@phoenix.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.phoenix.k12.or.us/phs
Location: 745 North Rose Street, Phoenix, OR, USA
Phone: 541-535-1526
Facebook: facebook.com/PhoenixHighSchoolPirates
Twitter: @phspirateslive