AEHS Weekly Newsletter
January 19, 2025
Good evening, Einstein Community,
I hope you are all enjoying the extended weekend. As we head into the week ahead, I wanted to share some important updates and reminders.
Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day
This week, we will be honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day with service opportunities for our students during lunch. We encourage all students to participate and take this time to reflect on Dr. King’s legacy of service and community while earning SSL hours. Please refer to the newsletter below for an update on what activities will be offered.
First Semester Countdown
As we near the end of the first semester, there are officially just six school days left before we transition into semester two. It is a great time to check in with your student on their progress. You can monitor their current standing through ParentVue, and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student’s teachers for further support.
Virtual PTSA Meeting Reminder
A quick reminder that we will be holding our virtual PTSA meeting on Tuesday, January 21st at 7:00 pm. We encourage all families to join us as we discuss important topics and updates. It is a great way to stay connected with our school community.
We are excited to welcome our students back to school on Tuesday, and we look forward to seeing you at the PTSA meeting.
Justin Krop
Principal Intern.
AEHS Calendar Items
Reminders & Dates (UPDATED)
- January 20- No School MLK Holiday
- January 21- PTSA Meeting 7pm
- January 28- End of Quarter 2
- January 29- No School for students
- Follow the AEHS Website - Upcoming Events link to see more events that are coming up at AEHS
- MCPS SY4-25 Calendar
PTSA Meeting Tuesday January 21st 7pm
Join the PTSA Meeting!
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81880255842?pwd=QVh3ZkdLN0xVYjVpWTdyb2pCejVodz09 Meeting ID: 818 8025 5842 Passcode: 438237
Donut Fundraiser (NEW)
The AEHS boys basketball program would appreciate your support!!
Order a dozen donuts for $14 and support our Varsity and JV basketball teams who earn half the proceeds! The funds go towards team-building activities and needed equipment and supplies.
Please fill out the form linked below, then send $14 via Venmo, CashApp, or Zelle according to instructions provided in the form.
Ordering closes on Friday, Jan 24th. You will receive a voucher around approximately Jan 31st and can pick up your donuts at any Krispy Kreme store with that voucher.
Thank you for your support!!! Go Titans!!
2024-25 Dance Fundraiser (REPEAT)
Help with program expenses and to send a group to the National High School Dance Festival in Pittsburgh!
Note that MCPS does NOT provide dedicated funding for Dance programs, so we rely on ticket sales to our performances and donations from the Einstein community to cover costs associated with our Dance program. Your generous donations help our dancers thrive by supporting key aspects of our program.
Your support enables us to purchase essential dance apparel, including skin-toned tights and leotards, to reflect and celebrate the diversity of our talented student body at Einstein. Donations help us bring in guest artists, such as Esperonto Bean for Popping and Locking workshops and Alana Hill to set repertoire in our classes. Additionally, contributions also fund opportunities like attending professional performances at the Kennedy Center, the Maryland Public High School Dance Showcase, the Maryland Dance Alliance Festival, and the Regional and National High School Dance Festivals. Some of our sample expenses are:
- Transportation to State Dance Showcases: $2,400
- Guest Artist: $2,000
- Ballet Barre: $1,000
- Individual cost for the trip to Nationals: $700
- Portable Dance Mirror: $500 each
- Costumes for an entire class: $600
- Dance Equipment (blocks, straps, rollers, etc.), upkeep: $250
- Dance Production costs (gaffer tape, lighting cables, gels, gobos, etc): $300
- Performance needs (hair ties, hair nets, safety pins, skin-toned tape) : $100
- Music (purchasing music rights, editing software, bluetooth): $75
- Skin-toned dance apparel: $20-50
Please consider a generous donation and make our dancers shine!
The fundraiser runs through February. The Dance program appreciates any and all contributions.
Thank you for championing the arts!
Senior Banners Early Bird Sale Ends January 31st!
Early ordering is now available for Senio Banners! Take advantage of the early bird pricing, only available until January 31th!
Albert Einstein High School is offering Class of 2025 congratulatory banners for graduating seniors and school groups. Banners are delivered direct to the school and are proudly displayed in the hallway outside the main office. Banners will be distributed to students to take home in time for graduation celebrations. The 36”x24” vinyl banners include a welded finish with grommets and are for both indoor and outdoor use. They are flexible, tear-resistant, weather-proof and are printed with vibrant fade-resistant ink.
SSL News and Opportunities (UPDATED)
The Choose Respect Video Contest (Deadline: February 16, 2025) is now open! Students may earn 10 SSL hours for quality video submissions about healthy teen dating and the impact of teen dating violence. Interested students may view the contest rules and additional information at this website.
High School Students for Outdoor Education Assistance (Ongoing) - Seeking HS students interested in assisting with the Grade 6 Outdoor Education program.
Please note that this is only an interest form – once you have expressed your interest, middle school staff members may contact you to share next steps regarding their selection process.
Additional Opportunities:
College and Career Corner (UPDATED)
Financial Aid Workshop
We’re excited to host The College Funding Coach® for an interactive webinar: "Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College" on January 23rd @ 6 PM.
Learn how to save and pay for college without sacrificing your retirement. Whether your child is heading to college soon or you have years to plan, this event is for you! This workshop will educate you on how to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Don’t miss out!
Don’t miss out—Register for your link to join the Albert Einstein High School Workshop!
UMD Summer Program Now Available
Is now accepting applications: https://exst.umd.edu/pre-college-programs/terp-young-scholars
Recordings From Last Week
Where should I Apply? How to Create the Right College List Recording - Passcode: RMHS2025!
Alumni Association News
Class of 1975 50th Reunion
Things to Know Newsletter (UPDATED)
For current MCPS news and events visit the Things to Know Newsletter for January 9, 2025
Have a general question for Einstein Staff?
Visit our AskAlbert link to submit your questions!
Newsletter Submissions
Submit Your Event to the Newsletter!
Want something included next week? All submissions MUST be submitted by Thursday each week. Please submit your topic for approval HERE.