The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
Dear Imlay Families,
A Message from Mrs. McCalley, Principal
With school starting in just one week, Imlay teachers and assistants are working hard to create an amazing learning environment, that follows COVID guidelines, for your students! Be sure to read on for all the things we are doing to help mitigate the spread of COVID. This week, Imlay staff got to know each other better, learned about embedding language objectives, worked with our literacy curriculum Wonders, and reviewed how to support social-emotional needs of students as we return to school. Check out our Instagram and Facebook pages for a quick glimpse of the staff in action!
Important update! Safety is a main priority for us. To ensure the safety of our students and staff, our campus is closed during the school day. In addition, visitors and non-HSD staff are not allowed in our classrooms and student contact areas at this time. Yes, this means you will not be able to walk your child into the classroom on the first day. However, you will be able to meet your child's teacher on Back to School Night on Tuesday, September 7th! Please see the information below for your time slot! If you need to enter the building, please come to our main office, where we can assist you.
All persons entering the building are required to wear a mask. This includes adults and children. As guidance changes, we will keep you updated.
This year Imlay Elementary will be focusing on the theme, Growing Together. This theme focuses on growing the positive path that Imlay Elementary is on. We will not settle for being good; we want to be great!
One way we will Grow Together this year is by increasing (as possible with COVID) parent engagement events that connect families to the academics and social-emotional learning occurring at Imlay. One set of community building events will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. The first event (hosted by Imlay PTA) will be held on September 14th, on Imlay's back field. You do not need to be a member of the PTA to attend meetings! We would love to have you! We will have a teacher spotlight (Yeah Ms. Winters!), Taco Trucks and a Principal's Update regarding our first couple of weeks of school.
Another way we are hoping to Grow Together this year is by communicating clearly and often! As part of the Imlay Community, our families are a vital part! Imlay uses a few communication tools to help keep you in the loop....
Remind-Remind is an app which is used across all of HSD for communicating to families. Whole school, class & individual parent-teacher or parent-principal communication will occur through Remind.
Phone Calls & Email-Please double check your email address and phone numbers on ParentVue to ensure we have the correct contact information for you! In case of an emergency with your student we will call you! Emails will also be sent with information.
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter--We use social media to share the amazing things that are occurring at Imlay! Follow us on any (and all) of the platforms to get a glimpse of what students are doing at school!
If you ever have a question, please do not hesitate to reach out to your classroom teacher, the office or myself! We would love to help out!
Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Mrs. McCalley
Imlay Elementary is a neighborhood school and we encourage students to walk to school. This will minimize the traffic concerns in the parking lot and promote physical activity. Please follow the guidance of Imlay staff members at all times in order to help keep all Imlay students safe!
School Hours:
7:50 a.m.: Doors open ONLY for breakfast
8:05 a.m.: Doors open for students to go to class
8:10 a.m.: School begins
2:35 p.m.: Dismissal time Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri.
2:05 p.m. Dismissal on Wednesdays!
This year, COVID visual health screenings will occur at the entrance doors and at the classroom doors. Students should enter the front and back door of Imlay. Only students will be allowed to enter the building at arrival due to COVID protocols.
Walking or Parking on Side Streets:
Students (and families!) are required to use the legal crosswalk on the corner of Lois and Imlay to cross Lois or Imlay. A crossing guard is placed here for student safety.
Yes, we know it is a bit further, but it is the legal crosswalk and much safer!
Parking Lot off of Imlay St.
This is the best place to park if you want to get out of your car and pick up your student.
If you wish to remain in your car, you may use the far outside curb lane circle the entire parking lot to arrive with your passenger side door by the playground/crosswalk area. You must remain in your car at all times and pull as far forward as possible.
Once your student has gotten in/out of the car, please signal and move into the other lane to exit.
Do not park in fire lanes, against curbs or blocking others. Double parking, or parking in the driving lane, is also not allowed.
Front Lot on Lois St.
This lot is for bus pick up and drop off.
The 15 minute parking spots are reserved for family members with mobility issues or for popping in to drop something off during the day.
Due to bus drop off and pick up, parents may NOT drop off or pick up their student at the front of the school in a car.
Kindergarten Dismissal:
Kindergarten dismissal is different this year! Each Kindergarten class will be brought outside to the playground area for parents to come and pick up your child. Please do not have your child leave their teacher until the teacher has checked out your student! This helps us keep everyone safe!
1-6th grade dismissal:
All students will be brought outside to the playground area for parent pick up or to walk home.
Breakfast and Lunch--What Will It Look Like?
For both breakfast and lunch, students will:
- sanitize their hands upon entering the cafeteria
- wear their mask until seated
- have access to free lunch and breakfast for all
- use a "swipe" card which we keep in the cafeteria to show if they ate a school breakfast or lunch
- pick a fruit, vegetable, main course and milk from a small selection of options
- be seated in an assigned seat with their class, socially distanced
- remove their mask to eat but put it back on to get up from the table
- put their mask on when done eating and/or leaving the cafeteria
- sanitize their hands on the way out of the cafeteria
Volunteers and Visitors at Imlay Elementary
We are looking forward to having volunteers and visitors in our school this year! For the beginning of the year, we want to focus on setting our routines with the students and developing powerful relationships. Depending on current health and safety guidelines, we hope to welcome volunteers during quarter one. More information to come! This is a great time to be sure that your background check is current! (All volunteers must have a current background check through HSD!) Go to: to fill out the volunteer application.
In addition, visitors and non-HSD staff are not allowed in our classrooms and student contact areas at this time.
School supplies & Chromebooks:
If your student is an incoming Kindergarten student or new to HSD, we will check out a Chromebook to them the first week of school!
Talented and Gifted Information
Parents are welcome to refer their child for services designed for students identified as talented and gifted. Students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test of overall reading or math or on a mental abilities test, and have other confirming evidence that they learn at a rapid rate and advanced level, are identified as TAG students. With parent input, individual plans are made to adjust the rate and level of the student’s instruction to meet his or her specific needs.
If you think your child may qualify for TAG services and want information about the referral and identification process, please contact: Arianna Siegfried 503-844-1090
Be sure to sign up for your Welcome Back Conference with each of your children's teachers! Info came via Remind or Email from your teacher!
Schedule Updates
After School Care
Nuts and Bolts Reminders!
- Breakfast and Morning Wellness is offered at Imlay from 7:50-8:05 a.m.
- The doors to class open at 8:05 a.m. Students who arrive after 8:10 a.m. will need to enter the front door, sign in at the office and take a tardy pass to their teacher.
- FOR OUR STUDENTS' SAFETY: Please remind them that the ONLY place to cross Imlay is at the corner of Lois and Imlay. Remember, kids are always watching, so please do not cross Imlay near the parking lot.
- School is out at 2:35 p.m.
- Students must be supervised on the playground after school by a parent or they may return after 3:30 p.m. This helps us be sure every child is accounted for at the end of the day. Thank you for understanding!
- If your student is absent, please call before 8:00 a.m. to let us know so we may mark their absence as excused.