Lauren's Stella & Dot Newsletter
March 2016 Edition
Happy March!
Helpful Resources:
Contact Info:
Web Site: http://www.stelladot.com/lululauren
Email: mailto:lululauren78@gmail.com
Sample Sale: https://www.smore.com/9vz9j
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lululauren78
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lululauren78/
Spring Lookbook Link: http://www.stelladot.com/shop/en_us/lookbook/spring-16-look-book?icn=spring_launch_2016q1&ici=lookbook_us
Spring 2016 Collection Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySXABU6Mgew
Summer Collection
March Trunk Show Exclusives:
Host a Trunk Show:
(Summer Preview Month)
Sun 13th (11:00-2:00 or 6:30-8:30)
Sat 19th
Sun 20th (11:00-2:00 or 6:30-8:30)
Fri 25th (free all day)
(Summer Collection Launch Month)
Fri 15th (evenings)
Sat 16th
Sun 17th
Fri 22nd (evenings)
Sat 23rd
Sun 24th (11:00-2:00 or 6:30-8:30)
Fri 29th (evenings)
Sun 30th (11:00-2:00 or 6:30-8:30)
Msg me if you prefer another date, and I'll see if I have it free.
Join My Team:
Fashion Inspiration:
Celebrity/Editorial Features:
Miranda Lambert doing what she does best in London at the C2C Country Music Festival in our Chiara Pendant! #stelladotstyle