HERO Bulletin
February Edition VHES 2022
Be sure to check out how to enter your pet in the Second Annual Cutest Pet Contest (Information & Link in this Edition) .....and there are PRIZES!!!
L-O-V-E Spelling? All About the District Spelling Bee by Camya Bardney
As some may know, this year I won the VHES spelling bee for 8th grade and moved on for the District Bee with other winners of our school. Sadly, I didn’t make it to regionals, but the experience was definitely worth participating. All the studying paid off! So in case you’d want to try out for next year, here are some tips that might help you.
Get enough sleep! – This is very important!! Getting enough rest will prepare your brain and get it all ready for those days where you need to study, and spelling will be a lot easier.
Use flashcards – spelling big or long words will help you remember how they’re spelled– because of how big the words are!
Study w/ friends! – I did this whenever I studied by myself, and it makes you actually wanna study. It’s really fun & effective.
Train your brain! – Every week I put down ten words that I had to know how to spell by the end of the week (without cheating of course). this helps your brain retain info that is important
Incorporation! – This just means studying & spelling in your everyday life. spell during breakfast, during your night routine. Anything that’s silent usually helps!
These tips were so effective and not only did it help but it increased my vocabulary and trained me. Even if you don’t win, some of these things you can do with even regular studying! Not everyday do you get to compete in a big-time spelling competition, and not every day do you learn hundreds of words. try these out and see what fits you. Happy studying!
What's Trending? by Sofia Lara
Hello Hello! Welcome back to this month’s What’s Trending! Today we are going to talk about, you guessed it Love! It is February after all, you might even call it the most romantic month of the year! We will have 4 topics for our segment, most trending romance movies, love songs, gifts, and flowers. With our further adieu let’s get into it!
For our most trending Romance Films we have,
Love Actually (2003, R)
Titanic (1997, PG-13)
The Proposal (2009, PG-13)
Romeo + Juliet (1996, PG-13)
The Princess Bride (1987, PG)
It’s not very surprising that Leonardo Dicaprio made it on here more than once! In these movies you have a mix of comedy and drama. Make sure if you are younger you watch some of these movies with your parents or guardian because of the age rating.
Next we’ll move on to Love Songs, (Honestly if you want to win my heart just play some Taylor Swift XD)
Scenic Drive by Khalid ft. Ari Lennox & Smino
I’m Yours by Jason Mraz (This is a classic y’all)
Adore You by Harry Styles
Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift (Never Doubt Taylor)
You Are In Love by Taylor Swift (Another Classic)
Our Song by Taylor Swift (I swear I am trying to hold back from Taylor)
I GUESS I'M IN LOVE by Clinton Cane (You guys this one is amazing!!!)
My Girl by The Temptations
Heck, I could have filled that whole list with Taylor Swift but I didn’t because I will not force that on you! You’re welcome! :D
Next we will move on to Gifts!
Personalized Matching Jewelry from bracelets to rings to necklaces you can’t go wrong with this gift!
Chocolates, you can’t go wrong with them. They're delicious and a Valentine's staple!
A Personal, handwritten, card made by you. It's definite to pull some heart strings!
A stuffed Animal, another classic Valentine’s Day gift, but c'mon they’re cute!
Flowers, they look pretty, they smell pretty and they are romantic classics!
And finally going off of our last gift flowers! Here are the trendiest flowers to give on Valentines day!
Roses, for obvious reasons! They are one of the most romantic flowers!
These flowers are just absolutely gorgeous and make such pretty gifts! Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this Lovey Dovey What’s Trending segment! Make sure to come back next month to see what's trending!
A Valentine's Art Project, it's sure to be a Hoot! by Joan Smith
These are step by step instructions to make a fun Valentine's Owl. If you don't want to cut and glue, you can always just trace or recreate it and make it your own!!!
Materials you'll need:
-Crayons or markers
Step 1- Print out the following sheets of paper (in the attachments)
Step 2- Color (according to the key) & Cut the shapes out
Step 3- Glue the wings (red) onto the outline of the owl (make sure it lines up)
Step 4- Glue the (orange) feet
Step 5- Glue the bottom half (light pink) of the body onto the outline (make sure it lines up)
Step 6- Glue the head (light pink) onto the top half of the outline (make sure it lines up)
Step 7- Glue the 2 largest circles (white) onto the top half (light pink)make sure they are slightly touching
Step 8- Glue the second largest circles (light blue) onto the first largest circles(white)
Step 9- Glue the 3rd largest circles (black) onto the 2nd largest circles (light blue)
Step 10- Glue the smallest circles (white) onto the 3rd largest circles (black) (make sure it is half way on the black circles) (also make sure you put one on each of the black circles)
Step 11- Glue the bow (red) onto the top left side of the upper half of the body (light pink)(make sure it lines up with the outline)
Step 12- Glue the smallest hearts (white) onto the wings(red)
Step 13- Glue the smaller rounded triangle (orange) upside down beneath in between the two largest circles (white)
Step 14- Glue the larger rounded triangle (orange) right side up beneath and slightly on top of and in between the two largest circles (make sure it is also on top of the smaller rounded triangle)
Step 15- Glue the largest heart (white)on the lower half of the body in the center
Step 16- Glue the 2nd smallest circles (white)onto the 3rd largest circles (black) (make sure that you glue them half way on/off the black circles near the smallest circles (white) (one on each black circle
Step 17- Glue the the last circle (white) onto the center of the bow (red)
Step 18- Glue the last heart (red)onto the center of the largest heart (white)
Download the PDF's for the owl materials to print
Numbered Pieces & Colors to Use
Numbered Pieces & Colors to Use
When done, it should look like this
What is Love? VHES Students Surveyed by Ava Cassidy
Ask your family, friends, loved ones, & yourself the simple question: “What is love?” Put your answers here and if it catches the HERO Bulletin’s eye, it may be featured in the next edition. :D
Click here to participate:
https://forms.gle/jX9VYrQyGKWbqojw6Loving Our School--A Garden Club Interview with Mrs. Abramson by Mikayla Campbell
You may have noticed the posts in front of our cafeteria changing to blue and green, or the newly added hopscotch at recess. Both of these and more are all creations of the Garden Club. This club allows members to join from 3rd grade all the way up to 8th Grade, and they dedicate themselves to making the school a better place. Here are the results from my interview with Mrs. Abramson, the Garden Club sponsor.
Q: How do you plan to improve the school through the Garden Club?
A: Within meetings we ask for suggestions from members on what needs to be improved, and then we carry out what we can.
Q: Why should students be encouraged to join the Garden Club?
A: Because it's a fun time, we grow and eat delicious food, and we make the school a better place.
Q: How do students use the 7 Habits while members of the club?
A: Beginning with the end in mind while planting, thinking win win while doing tasks, and we definitely synergize.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to tell me about Garden Club?
A: I would like to encourage our whole school to take pride in the garden, by fixing things that fall down, picking up trash, and enjoying the flowers and vegetables.
Be sure to check out some of the beautiful improvements Garden Club has made to our campus:
1. The painted posts in front of the Gym and Cafe
2. Garden Signs
3. Decorated rocks in the garden
4. Much, much more
**If you have any suggestions on how the garden club can improve, email Mrs. Abramson at abramson@lesd.k12.az.us**
School colors painted on the columns
Decorated rocks & beautiful plants
Painted signs
Painted benches & mural
Painted tires, wooden planters, & garden decor
Painted murals w/& 7 Habits
What Happened This Day in February by Gavin Bluth
February 1, 1865: Abraham Lincoln was at a signing in a joint house and he was signing what was later the 13th amendment
February 2, 1990: The South African president lifted the 30 year ban on congress
February 3, 1870: the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified
February 4, 1945: during the final stages of World War II, the Yalta Conference opened
February 5, 1783: Sweden recognized the independence of the United States
February 6, 1964: The British and French Governments announce commitment to build a tunnel
February 7, ALL: National Fettuccine Alfredo day
February 8,1974: Three US astronauts have returned safely to Earth after breaking the previous record for staying in space.
February 9, 2001: An American submarine accidentally struck a Japanese fishing boat and nine lives were lost.
February 10, 1996: World chess champion Garry Kasparov began a six-round match against Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer
February 11, 1752: The Pennsylvania Hospital opened as the very first hospital in America
February 12: Hug Day is celebrated
February 13,1947 - "Family Theater" was heard for the first time on the radio
February 14- the telephone was patented
February 15,1898- an explosion in Havana Harbor sank the battleship USS Maine
February 16- National Almond Day
February 17- Random Act of Kindness Day
February 18,1797 – French Revolutionary Wars: Sir Ralph Abercromby and a fleet of 18 British warships invade Trinidad
February 19th-National Mint Chocolate Day
February 20,1839 - The U.S. Congress prohibited dueling in the District of Columbia.
February 21,1965-Malcolm X died
February 22, 1732-George Washington, the first president of the United States, was born
February 23,1945- The US has taken over Iwo Jima
February 24,1868- the U.S. House of Representatives voted 126–47 to impeach President Andrew Johnson
February 25-National Chili Day
February 26,1930 - New York City installed traffic lights
February 27-National Strawberry Day
February 28-National Science DayWord Art by Mikayla Campbell
Can you spot the one you submitted?
History of Valentine's Day by Connor Gudgeon
The legendary winter holiday. Loved across the Earth. Everybody’s favorite day of the year. Valentine’s Day. Some people don’t even know how it started; they just started celebrating it.
This is the super secret origin of Valentine's Day traditions that were rolled up into the same holiday. There are many ideas and theories that may have all tied up to Valentine's Day. So, I’ll explain how the traditions started and how it evolved.
It was named after St. Valentine who is believed to be a priest in Rome. Emperor Claudius II banned marriage because “bad soldiers” were “married soldiers.” Valentine hosted secret marriages for them, this lead to him going to jail and accidentally creating traditions such as:
-Writing letters to your valentine (He fell in love with a woman and sent her notes signed, “From your Valentine”)
-Another tradition, also being celebrated in February, was started by a Pagan holiday. It was called Lupercalia, it was about springtime and love.
-Others disagree it was made in February to commemorate St. Valentine’s death.
-Then it was a Christian celebration to remember St. Valentine.
-And finally, Shakespeare normalized the holiday’s imagery in his plays and people started celebrating it.
-Eventually, in 1910, the company that will become Hallmark, started distributing candy, jewelry, and Valentine cards
People really don’t know how it started but there are many theories. A lot of them are… interesting and come from ancient rituals.
Loving the Community by Mikayla Campbell
Ah! It’s February, the season of love! So of course it’s appropriate to celebrate. That’s why the HERO Bulletin encourages you to complete at least one or more acts of kindness for your community throughout the month of February. Ways you can do this include:
Picking up litter
Leaving a kind note to a friend or family member
Helping someone when they are upset, and many more!
Every time you commit an act of kindness, you have the opportunity to tell us about it on the google form linked below the article. You can tell us what act of kindness you completed, and how it made the other person feel (If another person was involved), also, if you choose you can submit a picture of yourself serving the community, in order to get a chance to be featured in the March edition of the HERO Bulletin!
(If you are unable to submit an image through the Google Form, submit your response through a google doc / slide and email it to Mrs.Fain with your First AND Last name.)
String Art by Lola Kalorian
Happy February! This month, I’m going to be explaining how you
can create this love-ly craft! The craft I’ll be showing this month is, yes, string art! String art can be incredibly relaxing and is really fun to do with friends or family. So, let’s get started with the steps you need to make your own Valentine’s Day string art.
Patterns: Before you get started with your string art, you must first choose a pattern. For this holiday, I would recommend using patterns such as hearts, pink, and red flowers, and string art that spells out, “Love,” (If you can think of any of your own patterns, that works too.)
Materials: Wood block, or small canvas, nails (but it depends on how big you plan for your string art to be.) And of course, the string! You can choose any color for this. If you can’t have an adult help you with your string art, use these alternatives: thumbtacks, corkboard, and styrofoam. Your craft should turn out the same regardless of which materials you decide to use.
Below are examples of string art that you can make on your own!
Send your pictures to fain@lesd.k12.az.us of your string art creations!
Minnie & Mickey Mouse
Julius Caesar and Cleopatra
Carl & Ellie Fredricksen
Famous Couples Throughout Time & TV by Collin Fridrich
There have been many quote on quote couples, or actual couples throughout history. There have been real life couples, fantasy couples, and t.v. couples too. Since it is February, it is time for love and romance, so here's a few famous folks who just can’t get enough of each other.
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar/Marc Antony:
Cleopatra met Julius Caesar in 48 BCE, they would fall in love together and she would grant him a son named Caesarion. They were a happy couple for about 4 years until he was killed by his own friends in 44 BCE (because of his many attacks in the Roman Empire and not very cool stuff as well going on between him and the Romans). Soon after, Cleopatra fled, and war between a man named Mark Antony, and Julius Caesar's adopted son (and soon to be emperor) Gaius Octavious (Caesar Augustus) declared war on Caesar's killers.
After the war, Mark Antony fell in love with Cleopatra, and she fell in love with him. This would be a beautiful relationship throughout Rome and Egypt. To be forever remembered through history. And the tragic end of both Antony and Cleopatra (and Shakespere would later make a play based on these events called: Romeo And Juliet
Minnie and Mickey Mouse:
These two couples have been kickin' it since 1929, In the first Mickey cartoon EVER MADE!!! In the cartoon Mickey’s Follies. They would continue to be a great cartoon couple for 93 years!!! In the toon they sang a song and did a dance, but what was really happening was romance (sick rhyme). They continued to be lovers for years and years, being the pinnacle cartoon couples for decades and beyond!
Carl Fredricksen and Ellie Fredricksen:
These two couples have hit the hearts of all the viewers of the movie: Up. A movie of adventure, comedy, and love!!! Carl first met Ellie going into a mysterious house where Ellie was playing inside. He went in and she scared him, making him let go of his balloon. Together they tried to get the balloon upstairs, but Carl ended up breaking his arm (love at first sight). They would marry many years later and if you know how the movie goes, you know what happens next. She passed away and he decided to fulfill her dreams, to live on Paradise Falls. Throughout the movie he soon realized that he had to let her go, and get rid of the objects that reminded him of her. A very romantic and deep theme that even I had to figure it out myself.
Welp that’s it
Thank you for reading the Hero Bulletin
Aphrodite The Goddess of Love--The Real Story of Pygmalion by Rhea Cuppy
Hello Heroes! Welcome to February, the month of love. I shall tell a tale about Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Along with Aphrodite, Pygmalion and Galatea, are two Greek characters, who show that love knows no bounds. Anyways, here's a cute love story.
There once lived a gifted artist named Pygmalion in Cyprus. He didn't have a wife, nor wanted one, causing all the mothers of women in Cyprus to be very mad. They asked Aphrodite to make him fall in love with someone. She promised to do so. Aphrodite appeared to him in a dream, telling him he had to marry, and asking him if there was anyone he would consider. He only said that he loved her and only her. Suddenly, he had an idea. Pygmalion asked Aphrodite to give him time to make a statue in her liking, that way he could have someone to marry. She agreed.
For the next couple of weeks, Pygmalion set to work making the statue. All the while knowing that he was stalling the goddess for time since he didn’t want to marry. Once he was done, he slept. But when he woke up, he saw that the statue no longer looked like Aphrodite, but as another woman. He named her Galatea and instantly fell in love. Pygmalion begged Aphrodite to turn him into a statue as well, but she declined. Instead, Aphrodite saw that the statue was Pymalion’s true love, and did her magic. Galatea was a statue no longer, but instead, a real living human.
They got married and lived happily ever after.
I hope, as always, I could help you understand more and more about things, like Greek mythology. Have a wonderful February and may your heart be filled with love!
We Love Arizona--Happy Birthday AZ! by Bailey Webster
It’s Valentine’s Day, love is in the air, but did you know that it’s also Arizona’s birthday? Yep! February 14, 1912, and Arizona was crowned the 48th state, shocking I know right, imagine our state being the 3rd to the last state. But on this upcoming Love Day, Arizona will celebrate its 110th birthday! On February 24, 1863, Arizona was a part of the Territory of New Mexico and President Abraham Lincoln decided to make it a separate state from New Mexico.
Randomness Unsolved by Ava Cassidy
YOU. READING THIS. RIGHT NOW. HOLD ON FOR JUST ONE SECOND. Now that I've got your attention, just a heads up, I know these people I am about to talk about have a controversial past & everyone doesn't believe in what they believe in/agrees with. I respect that & what everyone's beliefs are, I just wanted to write something that I thought was interesting. Enjoy my little spooky love tale!
This month on Randomness Unsolved, we cover one of the most romantic love stories of all time. I’m talking about Ed and Lorriane Warren. You heard it hear folks, we’re gonna talk about ghost hunters today. VERY famous ghost hunters, mind you. They’ve covered supernatural cases like The Conjuring, The Amityville Horror, The Nun, the classic Annabelle case, and so much more. I’m going to be talking about their very romantic journey as ghost hunters as well as married ghost hunters. And with that being said, let’s get into it.
On September 7th, 1926, one of our main protagonists, was born. And that main protagonists was Ed Warren. A year later on January 11th, 1927, the other main protagonist, Lorraine Warren, was birthed into this world, she also went to an all-girl catholic school called Lauralton Hall. But even before they met, at a young age they’ve been seein’ some real spooky stuff. You know…those…spook spooks? Yeah they’ve been seein’ those. Their spooky love story begins when Lorraine is starting to see some pretty ghostly things. Later in life, she then realized “Oh wait. I’m not going insane. I can see ghosts.” Or so I’ve been told. I don’t know, man, I just tell the tales. Believe what y’all want to believe. I can’t change your mind. Even with my spooky stories. Aaaaaannnnnnywho. Our 2 main spooky love birds met at a colonial theater in 1943 where Eddie Boy was a usher. How awfully romantic. 2 years after that, at 16, they got married. Which was legal back then. We swear. Not now though. That’s-that’s illegal…nowadays….
Anyways. The good ol’ spooksters moved to Monroe, Connecticut where they resided and had their only child, Judy, who also lived there. Their house is also the home of their famous haunted museum. Cause that’s safe for their VERY young daughter. “Ah yes. Let’s start settling down in Connecticut and have a child. Let’s also put all of our most dangerous possessions in this house.” Parenting 101 right here folks. Also, who moves to Connecticut of all places??? I don’t hear from people from Connecticut. Or maybe…Connecticut doesn’t exist… Nope. Not doing that today. I’m already on the Government’s list for the whole aliens thing, I can’t get in anymore trouble now.
…I’m going to continue now with my spooky story. This said haunted museum is full of their haunted objects from all of their cases like the Annabelle doll. Later down the line, Ed died from a heart attack at age 79 on August 6th, 2006 and his dear ghost seein’ wife died at 92 years old on April 18th, 2019. They both passed away in their home, which is pretty symbolic if you ask me. I do encourage you, my dear reader, to do some research on your own. They have a pretty interesting past and it’s pretty interesting to learn about. But that’s just me being a nerd once again. I guess this mystery will remain…unsolved.
Until next month, stay random, and keep things mysterious!
Date a Man Who Will Hunt Bigfoot With You,
Detective R. V. Jackson
-What mystery would you like to see next time? Submit your submission through this https://forms.gle/t2ZemHFaKwB7c33G7 and we’ll (try to) cover it-
How to Enter the 2nd Annual Cutest Pets of Verrado Heritage Contest by Allison Rospierski, Serenity Velasquez, & Penelope Bonessi
HEY YOU! Do you have a pet? Do you like prizes? If the answer is yes, you can enter your pet(s) in the VHES 2022 Cute Pet Competition!
Please submit a photo of ONLY your pet! The students of VHES will vote on the photos alone. ( No name, grade, or teacher will be shown to prevent bias). In the next edition of Hero Bulletin, we will show pictures of the Top pets so stay tuned!
***We welcome all pets, however, you CAN'T enter your siblings, stuffed animals, rocks, imaginary or passed on animals.***
First Place: $20 gift card
Second Place: $15 gift card
Third Place: $10 gift card
Previous HERO Bulletin Newspaper Club's Newsletters
January: https://www.smore.com/m6g1d
December: https://www.smore.com/r0q4n7
November: https://www.smore.com/qhtxgNovember Recipes from Staff: https://www.smore.com/cgkzp
October: https://www.smore.com/mndsz