Weekly Update
Week of May 27, 2024
Lawrence Middle School Shines Again
Mr. Stamatelos' first period, 8th grade, Technology class received an Honorable Mention in the Capital Health 2023 Video Contest for middle school students. Over 200 videos were submitted and only 4 winners were selected. The theme of the contest was "Teens Off Screens." The goal of the contest was to raise awareness for teens and parents about the negative consequences of excessive screen time. Congratulations to Mr. Stamatelos and all of the students who worked hard on their entry. LMS Class Activity Committee will recieve $2,000.00 as part of the recognition.
The fall contest was recently announced. The theme is "Wellness Warriors - How do You Stay Healthy?" Wellness and mindfulness is part of our daily rountine at LMS; students learn to be aware of their breath and to always be the best versions of themselves. We expect that a number of entries will be submitted by LMS in the fall as students showcase this theme alongside their talent.
End of Year Activities - Mark Your Calendars Now
Permission Slips Due Soon
8th Grade Dance/Celebration – The eighth-grade dance will be held Friday, June 7th from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Lawrence High School Commons. Only eighth grade Lawrence Middle School students are allowed to attend. Formal attire is NOT advocated. School dress code applies.
During the celebration, students will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities: dancing, Mobile Game Theater, interactive photo booth and they will receive their own Class of 2028 T-Shirt. This event will be catered with a variety of hot and cold appetizers, desserts and drinks. Tickets will cost $40 per student. If your child would like a class of 2028 T-Shirt but does not want to attend the dance, they will have a chance to purchase a shirt for ($5.00).
The permission slip for the dance was recently emailed to all 8th grade parents. Additionally, each eighth grade student was given a hard copy of an explanatory letter and a dance permission slip. See below for the permission slip.
8th Grade Farewell Ceremony (save the date) – The farewell ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 13th, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Rider University in the Alumni Gym.
Each student will be recognized for successfully completing eighth grade. Students are encouraged to dress nicely (business) for the ceremony.
Each eighth grader will receive three (3) tickets to the farewell ceremony. An additional three (3) tickets will be provided for each student upon written request by the parents on a first come-first served basis. Also, if you do not need the three tickets you have been given; please return them via your student to the main office. Please contact Mary Beth Coleman at the Middle School (671-5525) mcoleman@ltps.org with ticket requests or if you have any questions.
Attached is a map of the Rider University Campus. The Alumni Gym is identified on the enclosed map. Although parking is directly behind the Student Recreation Center, please be sure to leave time to walk into the building and find seating.
LMS End of Year Video - pictures needed. More details incuding 8th Grade Ceremony Shoutouts are explained separately.
8th Grade Trip - We are excited to announce that we will be having an 8th grade trip on Friday, June 14th at Black Bear Lake in Millstone, NJ. Students will be leaving the middle school around 9:00 AM and will be returning around 3:00 PM. Please note the time change. Only eighth grade Lawrence Middle School students are allowed to attend. The trip will cost $60 per student. Please see scheduled payment plan if you wish to pay in installments. If you need other payment arrangements, please contact Jill Testa at jtesta@ltps.org. Final payment and permission slips (attached) will be due by Friday, May 31st. Please make a check or money order payable to Lawrence Middle School. Cash will also be accepted.
Reminder - As stated in the Student Handbook, students must be in attendance in school for a minimum of four hours to participate in after school or evening activities (athletics, drama productions, dances, etc.).
8th Grade Breakfast – last day of school. The LMS/LHS PTO will be organizing this event and reaching out for donations.
Inappropriate behaviors between now and until the end of the year (including attendance and failing grades) can result in a student losing their privilege of participating in the end-of-the-year activities.
Upcoming Events at LMS
There is a lot of activity at the Lawrence Middle School from now until the end of the school year. Please mark your calendar.
Friday, May 31 - Band, Orchestra and Chorus trip to High Note Festival, all day
Monday, June 3 - Band and 8th Grade Chorus Concert, 7 pm
Tuesday, June 4 - Orchestra and 7th Grade Chorus Concert, 7 pm
Tuesday, June 4 - End of Year Art Show, see Ms. Richardson with questions
Monday, June 17 - LMS Field Day
Tuesday, June 18 - 7th Grade Picnic (on-site)
Thursday, June 20 - Last Day of School, Early Dismissal
8th Grade Parents/Guardians
End of Year Video and Throwback Song
It has become an annual tradition on the last day of school to play an 8th Grade End of Year Video and Throwback Song featuring pictures of your students throughout their time in Lawrence Township Public Schools or in the community.
However, we need the help of parents/guardians to make this happen.
Please send pictures, digital images only, to lmsvideo@ltps.info
The digital images can be sent as an attachment or shared via any websites you use to store images.
Questions? Please reach out to Mr. Stamatelos, jstamatelos@ltps.org.
Rider Jumbotron
Families who wish to have a shout out along with a student picture scrolled on the Rider Jumbotron before the Farewell Ceremony should complete the form below. The form asks for the message and an image to use. A sample is also provided.
LMS Class of 2024 Shout-Out Form
Thank you for helping to celebrate the Lawrence Middle School Class of 2024.
Rising 8th Grade - World Language and Performing Arts Course Selection
Attention Class of 2029
It is time to select a world language course! The Genesis Portal will open on June 4 and close on June 10.
Please watch the video below and check out your child's email for written directions.
All rising 8th graders MUST select a world language (Chinese 1, French 1, or Spanish 1)
Please select more than one and prioritize (1st Choice, 2nd Choice)
If you are interested in taking Chorus 8, Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, or Musical Theater you will also need to select. (THIS IS NOT MANDATORY)
Please reach out to your counselor or contact the Main Office if you have any questions.
Last Week to Purchase New Tee Shirts - School Store Spring Sale
There is currently a special spring sale at the LMS School Store. A limited number of tee shirts, in limited sizes, have been ordered to close out the school year and are available for purchase. Tee shirts are $10 each. Students can bring cash or a check to Mr. Stamatelos in Room 304.
The tee shirts have a new design and come in black or sand. Please reference the picture below for the new design (the design on the shirt is only available in the color shown below). Once the shirts are sold out, students will need to wait until the Fall for the new order. If interested in the shirt, the best advice is to not delay your purchase.
Fall Sports Registration Opens June 1, 2024 - Details Below
Fall Sports Information - Please Take a Moment to Review the Process
- Please visit ltps.org to register for a sport under the athletics tab or visit: https://lawrence-ar.rschooltoday.com/
- A current sports physical is needed for all student athletes submitted two weeks prior to start of tryouts.
- A sports physical can not be older than 365 days.
- Physical paperwork can be located on Athletics page, in the Nurse’s Office or visit: Preparticipation Physical Evaluation History Form
- Must be on the Sports physical form- no other forms are valid for LMS sports.
If your sports physical is older than 90 days please complete the Health Update at https://lawrence-ar.rschooltoday.com/sites/lawrence-ar.rschooltoday.com/files/upload/HealthUpdateForm2020.pdf
Impact Test- An Impact Test is required of all student athletes. It is an online assessment/baseline for concussion testing. Please follow the steps listed below:
- Go to: www.impacttestonline.com/schools
- Enter the following Customer Id: 620F630656 and click launch Baseline Test.
- Click English or Spanish. Follow the directions on the web site. Answer the questions carefully and to the best of your ability.
- This is a baseline test. Do not be concerned with pass/fail.
All Paperwork needs to be handed in 2 weeks prior to the 1st practice date.
Attention Families Not Returning to LTPS Schools in Fall 2024
If you are moving, relocating to another district or not returning to LTPS this fall, please make sure that your child sees Mrs. Coleman, Guidance Secretary, Main Office. Parents/guardians must complete a withdrawal form in order for your child's grades and records to be transferred to the new school.