Bonsall USD, Community Resource C.
From the office of the Community Liaison, Leonor Rodriguez

Welcome District Office, room # 4.
office phone # 760.631.5200 ext. 802-1000
BUSD Community Resource Center Centro de Recursos Communitarios
Everyone is welcome!
BUSD 2nd. Native Learner Advisory Committee Meeting
February 11th., 2025 at Pala Housing Resource Center at 5:00PM
Address: 35990 Pala Temecula Rd, Pala, CA 92059
Join us, your voice matters!
Everyone is welcome!
Any questions, reach out to Leonor Rodriguez, your BUSD Bilingual Community Liaison.
leonor.rodriguez@bonsallusd.com or 760.631.5200 ext. 802-1000
11 de febrero en Pala Administration Office a las 5:30 PM¡Únete a nosotros, tu voz importa!
¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con Leonor Rodríguez, su Enlace Comunitario Bilingüe de BUSD
leonor.rodriguez@bonsallusd.com or 760.631.5200 ext. 802-1000
The Bonsall Community Engagement Initiative Team will be Hosting a Family Event
BUSD In Our Local News! BUSD en nuestras noticias locales!
BUSD Announces Advisory Committee
BUSD announces advisory committee
BONSALL – The Bonsall Unified School District announces the formation of an advisory committee to develop a comprehensive plan for facility upgrades, maintenance, and potential school site configurations and school attendance boundaries that best serve students and the broader community
. This step follows the district’s commitment to transparency and collaboration –
Amazing Coincidence Connects Three Generations
Impacts Of Bonsall Unified School Closure
Migrant Education Region 9
Luz Cervantes
Migrant Advocate
Located at Bonsall Community Center
Phone number at 760. 631-52000 Ext. # 1010
Pala Resources and Family Activities
BUSD Community Resource Center / Centro de Recursos Communitarios
- February 13rd., 2025 BUSD Regular Board Meeting
Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: Bonsall Community Center 31505 Old River Road, Bonsall, CA 92003
- President's Day - February 17-21st. 2025 No School
- 17 de febrero al 21 -No Habra Escuela
Bonsall Unified Resources for new and existing students
Dear BUSD Families,
We understand that recent discussions around immigration enforcement have raised concerns among our students, families, and community members. As a district, we want to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the safety, privacy, and educational rights of all students, regardless of immigration status.
What Families and Students Should Know:
Education for All: Every child residing in the U.S. has the right to attend public school, regardless of immigration status. Under California Education Code § 48200 and the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Plyler v. Doe (1982), students are entitled to equal access to education, free from discrimination.
Student Privacy Protections: Schools do not collect or share student immigration information with federal authorities unless required by law. Under FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g) and California Education Code § 49076, student records are protected from unauthorized disclosure.
Protection from Discrimination & Harassment: No student shall be denied rights, opportunities, or be subjected to harassment, intimidation, or bullying based on immigration status, as outlined in California Education Code §§ 200, 220, and 234.1.
Response to Immigration Enforcement Requests: Our protocol with respect to any request made by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency at any school site is described in our Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.13: Response to Immigration Enforcement; additionally, copies of these documents are attached to this letter.
We encourage families to review and update their student’s emergency contact information through the Aeries Parent Portal (located on the school’s website). Go to the Student Info section and select Contacts. If you need assistance, please contact your school’s office. In the event of an emergency, schools can only release students to individuals listed on their emergency card. If a family is uncertain about their ability to pick up their child, it is essential to designate a trusted adult who is readily available. Keeping emergency contacts up to date provides peace of mind and ensures student safety.
Our district remains committed to fostering a safe learning environment where every student feels a sense of belonging and security. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school administration.
Dr. Heather Golly
Estimadas familias del BUSD:
Entendemos que las recientes discusiones sobre la aplicación de las leyes de inmigración han generado inquietudes entre nuestros estudiantes, familias y miembros de la comunidad. Como distrito, queremos reafirmar nuestro compromiso de garantizar la seguridad, la privacidad y los derechos educativos de todos los estudiantes, independientemente de su estatus migratorio.
Lo que las familias y los estudiantes deben saber:
• Educación para todos: todos los niños que residen en los EE. UU. tienen derecho a asistir a la escuela pública, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Según el Código de Educación de California § 48200 y la sentencia de la Corte Suprema de los EE. UU. en el caso Plyler v. Doe (1982), los estudiantes tienen derecho a un acceso igualitario a la educación, sin discriminación.
• Protecciones de privacidad de los estudiantes: las escuelas no recopilan ni comparten información de inmigración de los estudiantes con las autoridades federales a menos que lo exija la ley. Según la FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g) y el Código de Educación de California § 49076, los registros de los estudiantes están protegidos contra la divulgación no autorizada.
• Protección contra la discriminación y el acoso: a ningún estudiante se le negarán derechos u oportunidades ni se lo someterá a acoso, intimidación o acoso por su estatus migratorio, como se describe en los artículos 200, 220 y 234.1 del Código de Educación de California.
• Respuesta a las solicitudes de control de inmigración: nuestro protocolo con respecto a cualquier solicitud realizada por la agencia de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) en cualquier escuela se describe en nuestra Política de la Junta y Reglamento Administrativo 5145.13: Respuesta a la aplicación de la ley de inmigración; además, se adjuntan copias de estos documentos a esta carta.
Alentamos a las familias a revisar y actualizar la información de contacto de emergencia de sus estudiantes a través del Portal para padres Aeries (ubicado en el sitio web de la escuela). Vaya a la sección Información del estudiante y seleccione Contactos. Si necesita ayuda, comuníquese con la oficina de su escuela. En caso de emergencia, las escuelas solo pueden entregar a los estudiantes a las personas que figuran en su tarjeta de emergencia. Si una familia no está segura de poder recoger a su hijo, es esencial designar a un adulto de confianza que esté disponible. Mantener actualizados los contactos de emergencia brinda tranquilidad y garantiza la seguridad de los estudiantes.
Nuestro distrito sigue comprometido con fomentar un entorno de aprendizaje seguro donde cada estudiante se sienta seguro y de pertenencia. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con la administración de su escuela.
Dra. Heather Golly
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) Coordinator
District School Safety Coordinator, Mr. John Norton, M.A. Ed. & M.S. Ed.
Students who qualify.... register for free for extended care, enrichment offerings, and intersessional days
Bonsall Elementary Lourdes Willett - 760-631-1384
Bonsall West - Francine Reed 760-721-8001
VBCS - Lisa Trujillo (760) 742-3300
SMS - Janet Villareal (760) 631-5209 Ext. 1235
Mr. John Norton, M.A. Ed. & M.S. Ed.
Bonsall Unified School District
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) Coordinator
District School Safety Coordinator
Register for February Intersessional Days/Registrese para los dias libres en febrero
February 17, 2025 - President’s Week Break
February 18, 2025 - President’s Week Break
February 19, 2025 - President’s Week Break
February 20, 2025 - President’s Week Break
February 21, 2025 - - President’s Week Break
Estoy dias seran dias de no escuela, registre a su estudiante lo mas pronto posible
Bonsall High School Early College/CTE Coordinator
Newest Monthly College & Career Newsletter
Please open and review Ms. Eryn's newsletter for important information about early college
February 2025 - https://secure.smore.com/n/5svmyb
Happy Valentine’s Day from the College & Career Center! Check Out Our Monthly Newsletter!
Topics include: Senior Updates, NEW Student Highlight, Poll of the Month, Early College Updates, new programs, supports and events, as well as important dates to know!
For more information, you can access the invitation and flyer.
girlswhocode.com | Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
Ms. Eryn Barker, M. Ed
Early College/CTE Coordinator
Our Bonsall Unified School Sites
Our Bonsall Unified School District Schools
Bonsall Virtual Academy
Bonsall Virtual Academy Newsletters
Please click and review Mrs. Tina's newsletter for important information about field trips, career days/internship opportunities, and a lot more.
Por favor, haga clic y revise el boletín de la Sra. Tina para obtener información importante sobre excursiones, días de carrera / oportunidades de prácticas, y mucho más.
The latest newsletter from Mrs. Tina Calabrese
The latest from Mrs. Calabrese https://secure.smore.com/n/enyv1
February's https://secure.smore.com/n/vnbhp
January's https://secure.smore.com/n/q5r8z
December's https://secure.smore.com/n/53m79
Tina Calabrese
760.631.5200 Ext. 1027
Adult Transitional Program
Field Trip to The Fleet Science Museum
BUSD Agricultural Program/ Programa agrícola BUSD
2024-25 School Calendar
Calendario de este nuevo año escolar 2024-2025
BUSD Intersessional Days 2025-2025 Boys and Girls Club at BES & BWES (30 Nine Hour Non-School Days) 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
April 14, 2025 - Spring Break
April 15, 2025 - Spring Break
April 16, 2025 - Spring Break
April 17, 2025 - Spring Break
April 18, 2025 - Spring Break
April 21, 2025 - Spring Break
June 9, 2025 - Summer Break
June 10, 2025 - Summer Break
June 11, 2025 - Summer Break
June 12, 2025 - Summer Break
June 13, 2025 - Summer Break
June 16, 2025 - Summer Break
June 17, 2025 - Summer Break
June 18, 2025 - Summer Break
June 20, 2025 - Summer Break
June 23, 2025 - Summer Break
June 24, 2025 - Summer Break
June 25, 2025 - Summer Break
June 26, 2025 - Summer Break
June 27, 2025 - Summer Break
For further information in English and Spanish about the four different ELPAC sections, please see the link below.
Reclassification Criteria for Multilingual Learners learning English
PTA Every Child - Every Voice
Associcion de padres y maestros!
Comienza Mejor Preparado Jornadas para padres y maestros Donde se inicia la alianza Cuando los padres y los maestros trabajan juntos como equipo, los niños tienen un mejor rendimiento escolar. La jornada para padres y maestros es el momento ideal para iniciar la alianza. Aprovecha la jornada formal dirigida a maestros y padres para mantener una conversación bidireccional enfocada. • Haz preguntas sobre los objetivos de aprendizaje de nivel académico y el progreso de tu hijo. • Analiza los puntajes de exámenes estandarizados que ha recibido: » ¿Son consistentes con las fortalezas y debilidades que el maestro observa en el rendimiento de tu hijo? » ¿De qué manera el maestro los utilizará para guiar la instrucción de tu hijo? » ¿Qué puedes hacer para ayudar a que tu hijo sea exitoso? • Cuéntale al maestro más sobre tu hijo, para que pueda hacer el mejor trabajo posible. • Si tu hijo tiene dificultades en clase (ya sean académicas o de conducta), analícenlas constructivamente y acuerden juntos un plan de acción.
Migrant Education, Fallbrook Regional District Health Center and Live Well
Luz Cervantes
Luz Cervantes
Migrant Education Region 9: San Diego and Orange Counties
San Diego County Office of Education
North County Regional Education Center, Room 120
255 Pico Avenue | San Marcos, CA 92069
* luzcervantes@sdcoe.net | luz.cervantes@smusd.org
( 760-307-1267
Katia Elicondo Marquez
1636 East Mission Road., Fallbrook, CA 92028
Lauren Barker, MPH, CPH, Community Health Program Specialist
Office of Equitable Communities
Department of Homeless Solutions and Equitable Communities
Local Resources/Recursos Locales
2024-2025 SDCOE California Indian Education Resource Guide
SDCOE California Indian Education
Check out of new 2024-25 American Indian Education Resource Guide Flipping Book. This online catalog provides an overview of SDCOE American Indian Education projects, networking opportunities, and grants that are supporting in collaboration with tribal leaders and educators. The professional learning (PL) opportunities offered in this catalog are designed specifically to ensure local education agencies (LEAs - school/districts and charter schools) can establish, expand and refine successful American Indian Education learning programs in collaboration with tribal governments, AI/AN students and families, and tribal community members.
California Indian Education for All
The SDCOE and CIEFA invite PK-12 educators, administrators, Title VI committee members, Tribal Education staff, college/university faculty, school board members, and tribal community members to attend events on our 2024-2025 CIEFA calendar. This CIEFA calendar has over 60 trainings, book clubs, institutes, conferences, talking circles, and collaboratives that will be offered for free to SD County and California LEAs, Tribal Education Centers, and tribal communities. All of these offerings are aligned to the Commitment to Ensure American Indian Student and Family Belongingness in Schools: A Community- Responsive Framework to Honor and Enhance Tribal Education Sovereignty https://bit.ly/Tribal-Ed-Sovereignty. Presenters and participants will share resources and programs related to American Indian Education, place-based learning, CA Native American Studies model curriculum, culturally responsive literacy, Native Youth Leadership, Native family and tribal community engagement, and improvement strategies to facilitate Native community leadership and agency in schools. We welcome those who share a commitment for improving belongingness, access, opportunities, and support to allow American Indian students to thrive in school. Access more resources at: https://www.caindianeducationforall.com
We look forward to seeing you for our upcoming
Native Ways of Knowing Book Club
Zoom Meeting Link: https://sdcoe.zoom.us/j/83270767133
Meeting ID: 832 7076 7133
Phone: +16694449171,,83270767133# US
Native Ways of Knowing Book Club February 6 features Caldecott Award Winning Author and Illustrator Michaela Goade Berry Song, Remember, We are Water Protectors and Being Home from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Pacific Time We look forward to seeing you for our upcoming Native Ways of Knowing Book Club. Zoom Meeting Link: https://sdcoe.zoom.us/j/83270767133 Meeting ID: 832 7076 7133 Phone: +16694449171,,83270767133# US
Join our upcoming Native Ways of Knowing webinars. K-12 educators, librarians, administrators, and tribal community are invited to learn from several renowned Native American and Alaska Native authors, professors, scholars, and change makers. Participants will access free culturally responsive literacy resources to improve representations and classroom climates for teaching and learning about California’s First Peoples. Live and interactive webinar Book Clubs are designed for participants to gain knowledge on supporting literacy, cultural competency, and culturally responsive instruction for all students, especially Native American students and families. Each session will have access to free lesson plans, resources, and instructional resources. We welcome those who share a commitment for improving access, opportunities, and support to allow Native American students and families to thrive in school.
Participants will reflect on the following:
- Whose stories do we choose to promote?
- How can we design more actively-centered Native stories and experiences?
- How can we use children's books to broaden our community conversation about race and decolonization?
- What ways can schools design programs and structures to honor Native Ways of Knowing?
Native Ways of Knowing Book Club Webinars annual calendar: https://bit.ly/2024NWOK-BookClub
Register: https://bit.ly/NWOK-Learn
Who Should Attend? K-12 Educators, K-12 Administrators, Librarians, District AI/AN Education Directors, Title VI TOSAs, Tribal Education Directors, Tribal education staff, Title VI Leaders, and tribal community
Contact: Staci Block, Ed.D. staci.block@sdcoe.net or Taylor Maki taylor.maki@sdcoe.net
Free NWOK Virtual Book Club is offered through the Office of Indian Education NYCP Federal Grant Funds
Did you miss a Native Ways of Knowing Book Club?
Access our recorded webinars here:
Friends of the Fallbrook Library
124 South Mission Road
Fallbrook, CA
(760) 451-9606
Oceanside Public Library
Civic Center Library
330 N Coast Hwy
Oceanside, CA 92054
(760) 435-5600
Monday - Thursday9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Mission Branch Library
3861-B Mission Ave.
Oceanside, CA 92058
Monday - Thursday9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
24/7/365 Mental Health Care Service for all! ¡Servicio de atención de salud mental 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, 365 días al año para todos!
Servicio de atención de salud mental 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, 365 días al año para todos! Servicio de coordinación de atención de salud mental las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año para los estudiantes, el personal y sus familias del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Bonsall
Obtener ayuda puede ser un proceso desalentador. Deje que nuestros Care Companions™ encuentren la ayuda que necesita para la depresión, la ansiedad, el estrés y más.Bonsall Unified School District partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students, staff, and their family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to your needs regardless of circumstance.
If you or someone you know needs help with mental health and substance use, Care Solace will quickly and confidentially find available providers matched to your needs:
Call 888-515-0595 (available 24/7/365)
Visit caresolace.com/demo and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Gwen Evans, MA, APCC
760.466.8879 ( Lic. # 14741)
Associate Professional Clinical Counselor
Collaborating with Fallbrook Regional Health District and BUSD
Vaccination Clinic for People without Health Insurance or with Limited Coverage
Clinic Details:
Date: Wednesday, November 22
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Fallbrook Regional Health District, Community Health & Wellness Center, 1636 E. Mission Rd, Fallbrook
Vaccines Available:
- COVID-19 (Pfizer, ages 12+)
- Flu (ages 6 months to adult)
- Hepatitis A (adults only)
This clinic is in partnership with the County of San Diego Health & Human Services and is designed to accommodate those who may not have insurance coverage. I am attaching the link for registration down below.
FREE Vaccination Clinic - Fallbrook Regional Health District
If you have any questions or plan to attend the vaccination clinic, please contact us at (760) 723-9187
Would like to schedule an appointment with a Health District Community Resource Navigator? ¿Le gustaría programar una cita con el Navegador de recursos comunitarios del distrito regional de salud?
Want to schedule an appointment Katia? Click on the calendar below!
¿Le gustaría programar una cita con la Navegadora Katia de recursos comunitarios del distrito reginonal de salud?
¿Quieres programar una cita con Katia? ¡Haga clic en el calendario a continuación!https://calendly.com/kelizondomarquez/application-assistance-appointment
NEW Partner Events!
Interfaith Mobile Unit
Mobile Community Assistance Program
Mobile Case Managers work with families living in North San Diego County to provide services.
Services Included:
- Food and Hygiene
- Transportation Assistance
- Housing Resources
- Utility Supports
- Financial Literacy
- Identification Assistance
- Employment Assistance & more...
By Appointment ONLY!
To access this service, you need to schedule an appointment with Katia Elizondo Marquez
Events & Webinars for everyone!
Post-Secondary Support
Undergrad Engineering Scholarships
ACS Scholars
Internships and Programs
STEM/Arts Undergraduate Internship/Co-op - Central Intelligence Agency
Air Force Research Laboratory
NASA Internship Program
Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Diverse Voices in Science Journalism
Society of Physics Students Summer Internship Program
American Physiological Society Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Broad Summer Scholars Program
Center for Sustainable Polymers Internship
MD Anderson Summer Research Programs
Shell Assessed Internship Program
P&G Summer Internship Program
NASA JPL Summer Internship Program
Emerging Scholars in Integrative Biology at BU
Space Force Internships
Ohio State LEGACY Postdoctoral Scholars Program
Latinas in STEM provides support to Latina college students in achieving their career goals through mentorship and networking. Working alongside community colleges and four-year institutions, we have created a substantive college volunteering pipeline for K-12 outreach. We also match Latinas majoring in STEM fields to Latina role models who can provide them with the support and encouragement they require to achieve their educational and career goals.
Free Certificates Tying Test
MiraCosta College Now Offers Typing Certificates
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, by appointment
Where: 1831 Mission Ave., Oceanside, CA 92058
Register here!
Food Justice Community Action Plan
Food Justice Community Action Plan - Community Roundtable When: Various Dates & Times Where: Various Locations Register here! View the flyer here!
First Responder - Suicide Prevention Training
First Responder - Suicide Prevention Training
When: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 10:00AM - 11:00AM
Where: Online, via Zoom
Register here!
Ciudadania y Educacion Civica
When: Every Tuesday | 5:00PM - 6:00PM (English) Cuando: Todos Los Martes | 6:00PM - 7:00PM (Spanish) Where: San Marcos Elementary Multipurpose Room 1 Tiger Way, San Marcos, CA 92069 For more information, call (760) 659-0109 or email info@unipopular.org.
Ongoing! Ciudadania & Education Civica/Citizenship Test Preparation
Community Health Updates Useful LINKS
Funding Opportunities
Opens: Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 | Apply here!
Reliable, Equitable and Accessible Charging for Multi-family Housing 3.0
Deadline: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 | Apply here!
Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF)
Deadline: Friday, January 24th, 2025 | Apply here!
The Trauma Recovery Center Grant (TRC)
Deadline: Friday. January 24th, 2025 | Apply here!
Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program
Deadline: Monday, January 27th, 2025 | Instructions here! Apply here!
Escondido Community Foundation 2025-2026 Grant Cycle
Deadline: Monday, February 3, 2025 | Apply here!
Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students
Deadline: Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 | Apply here!
Job Opportunities
Love on Your Back Distributions/Distribuciones de la organization "Amor a tu Espalda"
LOYB Distributions/Distribuciones 2024
Distribuciones en Pala de 11:30-1pm
Community Center 1:30-3 pm
- * February 7
- * March 11
- * April 8
- * May 8
"Families must contact Carol Wood at 760-224-1098 or loveonyourback@yahoo.com at least 24 hours before distribution so that we have adequate supplies for each family.
If you or a family you know needs help, please let us know! "
Special Thanks to this amazing lady, Carol Wood and all her volunteer team for all that they do to feed our families in need! We are so grateful for our LOVE on YOUR BACK Program.
Fallbrook - Food - Pantry
(760) 728-7608
Donate to the Bonsall Educational Foundation which supports BES teachers and students!
Meeting Dates for the 2024-25 school year
Meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at the Bonsall Community Center at 5 p.m.
The dates are: September 5, October 3, November 7, January 9, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1.
¡Dona a la Fundación de Bonsall que apoya a los maestros y estudiantes!
Click HERE to donate or to get more information about BEF
Transportation Department/Departamento de Transporte
Penny Rodriguez
(760) 631-5200 ext. 1022 FAX # (760) 631-1481
BUSD Breakfast and Lunch Menu
The monthly breakfast and lunch menu.
El menú mensual de desayuno y almuerzo.
BUSD is hiring! Join our team!
Please see the job postings below! If you have any questions, you can contact Meghann Cate in the Human Resources. 760.631.5200 ext. 1013
Check out all other positions available.
Military Resources
Bonsall Unified Resources for Military Families
- New Student Enrollment
- Student Portal
- Extended Care Program
- After school enrichment classes 6 crickets portal
- Volunteers
- Child Nutrition
- Transportation/Busing
Community Resources for Military Families
Child Care Resources for Military Families
- Child Development Programs, San Diego Metro Fleet and Family Readiness
- MilitaryChildCare.com
- Neighborhood House Association
- YMCA Childcare Resource Service
Children with Special Needs
- Marine Corps Exceptional Family Member Program - Camp Pendleton
- Marine Corps Exceptional Family Member Program - Miramar
- Navy Exceptional Family Member Program - San Diego
General Resources for Military Families
- Courage to Call 24/7 Helpline (877) 698-7838
- Department of Defense Educational Activity operates school worldwide for the children of Department of Defense military and civilian families.
- Financial Management for Military Families Financial planning assistance at no expense to Military families
- Fleet & Family Support Centers - San Diego
- FOCUS (Families Over Coming Under Stress) provides resiliency training for Marine and Sailors families facing the challenge of a family member’s deployment.
- Marine & Family Support - Camp Pendleton
- Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Legal Service provides legal support to active duty, reserve, and retired military personnel and their families.
- Marine Corps Community Services Miramar
- Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton School Liaison
- Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, world-wide organization, whose work is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition.
- Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission ensures that the children of military families are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals by inflexible administrative and bureaucratic practices.
- Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) is a national organization of school superintendents. Their mission is to serve school districts with a high concentration of military children.
- Military One Source is a 24/7/365 information and referral service available via toll-free telephone and Internet access. A personal and family readiness tool, Military One Source extends the existing family support system. Programs provided are especially beneficial to those geographically separated from installation services or those unable to seek assistance during traditional working hours.
- My Military Life is an app that guides families through topics such as going back to school, planning for a deployment or transitioning out of the military, etc.
- Navy San Diego School Liaison
- Operation Bigs - Mentoring program for military families. Phone (619) 218-3335.
- Operation Homefront is non-profit organization providing a hand up to military families in their time of need.
- Plan My Move Installation specific information to help families PCS
- San Diego Armed Services YMCA
- San Diego County Office of Education - Military Students and Family Supports
- San Diego Military Family Collaborative has great resources, information and free events available to military families. Visit their calendar to view upcoming events.
- SAY San Diego (Social Advocates for Youth)
- Semper Connected Camp Pendleton - The Semper Connected toolkit is a compilation of resources for military spouses and family members to use to help create social connections. Marine Corps spouses created the Semper Connected toolkit with support from Marine and Family Programs.
- The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
- Tutor.com for US Military Families provides help from professional tutors anytime you need it, for FREE. Tutors are online 24/7 and eligible military families in the Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force can take advantage of this military family program to get help with more than 16 subjects.
- United Though Reading Military Program
- U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps provides legal assistance on various topics, including pre-deployment services.
Workshops twice a week in the evenings/Talleres de Aprendizaje por las noches!
Additional Resources/ recursos adicionales
Evacuation Checklist
Keep the six “P's” ready, in case immediate evacuation is required: People and pets. Papers, phone numbers, and important documents. Prescriptions, vitamins, and eyeglasses.
Dial 9-8-8 to be connected with the San Diego Access and Crisis Line for confidential and free of charge support in learning about available resources and crisis response services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including:
- Suicide prevention and crisis intervention
- Mobile crisis response services
- Alcohol and substance use referrals
- Mental health referrals
- Community resources
- Other supportive services
Register for emergency alerts. The emergency notification system makes phone calls to people and businesses in San Diego County when there's an emergency or disaster happening or about to happen.
Accessible AlertSanDiego is a service that helps people in San Diego who are deaf, blind, hard of hearing, or deaf/blind get emergency information. Choose "Accessible Option" to get these messages in American Sign Language (ASL).
Visit AlertSD Preparedness webpage for life-saving preparedness information.
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) monitors weather and other conditions constantly to detect high wildfire risk.
As a last resort, SDG&E may need to shut off power (Public Safety Power Shutoffs, or PSPS) in certain areas to help prevent a utility-related wildfire and keep you and your community safe.
The purpose of Genasys Protect is to provide the community with a public-facing platform to view the status of their zone.
Check out this flyer for more information.
The Defensible Space Assistance Program is designed to assist homeowners that need to create defensible space, and are not able to do so because of physical, economic, or other barriers. Must be located within the five communities: Ramona, Julian, Wynola, Warner Springs and Greater Fallbrook. (Flyer attached).
NEW! All You Need to Know to Get Your Passport Ahead
Are you planning to travel out of the country this holiday ? With passport processing taking 8 to 11 weeks, or 5 to 7 weeks expedited, now is the time to apply for your passport book or card at the County Administration Center downtown. Read more here.
Appointments can be booked two weeks in advance at sdpassports.com. New appointments open daily.
To quickly process your passport application, be prepared with the following. It is worth noting that those renewing a passport, you may be eligible to apply by mail.
- Completed DS-11 Application Form
Use black ink only. DO NOT SIGN THE FORM. - Proof of U.S. Citizenship
Must be a birth certificate, Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certificate of Birth, Certificate of Naturalization or a previously issued full-validity passport book or card. - All customers applying for a passport using form DS-11 must submit a clear copy of their citizenship evidence in addition to their original or certified copy of U.S. citizenship. Birth abstracts from California and Texas are not acceptable. The long form Birth Certificate is an acceptable proof of U.S. citizenship.
- Proof of Identity
Must be a state- or government-issued identification or previously issued passport. - Passport Photo
We provide passport photo services. - Payment for Acceptance Fees
Forms of payment are cash, check or money order. There are separate fees for the County of San Diego and U.S. Department of State. Click HEREto calculate your fees. - Make an Appointment and Appear in Person
All applicants must appear in person. Note: there are special requirements for children under age 16.
Leonor Rodriguez, Bonsall USD, Community Liaison
iHablo español!
Comunicate conmigo.
760.631.5200 ext. 802-1000
Email: Leonor.Rodriguez@bonsallusd.com
Website: bonsallusd.com
Location: 31505 Old River Road, Bonsall, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 631-5200 ext. 802-1000