Knights Newsletter

A note from the principal
Expect a monthly newsletter from us, which will keep you informed about everything happening at NVMS. These newsletters are designed with the most critical information at the top, and as you scroll down, you'll find information focused on future events. This will be your "one-stop shop" to stay updated on our school community.
This month's update contains information on our school goals for instruction and achievement, activities used to meet those goals, and our progress toward meeting these goals. This issue includes information related to:
- Restorative Practices and Relationships
- Highlights from the Past Month
- Frog Dissection
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Sports
- Ways to Stay Updated
Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, our staff, or our administration team with any questions you may have. We are always happy to hear from you!
Restorative Practices and Relationships
In September, we talked about relationship building. This is building relationships: student to student, staff to student and staff to family and community. This month, North View Middle School wants to highlight Restorative Practices. Restorative Practices can only happen once relationships are built and are centered on:
- Restorative Mindset
- Relationships first
- Doing with, not to
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Repair
- Reintegration
At North View, our Restorative Practices Counselor, Ms. McGinnis, collaborates with students and staff to repair relationships and restore harmony. Staff are trained in Restorative Practices, allowing these methods to be woven into daily Social Emotional Learning and addressing small challenges early. This approach includes reflection, taking responsibility, and facilitating repairs, enabling students to reintegrate and continue learning within our community.
Fun Fact: One of our building goals is to ensure that 90% of students in conflict engage in Restorative Practices at North View to work through it. We are on track with this, already this year!
Highlights from the past month:
This month was packed with exciting activities at North View Middle School! We held a school-wide soccer tournament, participated college and career readiness experiences, and even gave students hands-on experience with frog dissections. Here are some highlights in case you missed them.
World Cup
In the spirit of camaraderie and community building, the North View Middle School community participated in our own world cup activities. Students competed by advisory in a door decorating competition and soccer tournament. Congratulations to the winning teams at each grade level!
Spirit Week
NVMS students and staff celebrated School spirit week. This is a fun time for everyone to come together and show off their pride. Themed dress-up spirit days are popular favorites, but they're really just the start. The whole idea behind spirit week is to help students feel closer to one another and part of a larger whole.
College & Career Readiness
To support college and career readiness, North View Middle School AVID students participated in field trips this month, visiting the University of Minnesota campus to learn about life in college. During the visit, students explored different departments and learned about the academic and social opportunities available to college students.
Seventh Grade Frog Dissection:
In addition to community building and college and career readiness activities our students engaged in many academic experiences. This month we would like to highlight our 7th grade science class and frog dissections. A frog dissection in a 7th grade science class can have several purposes, including:
- Learning about body systems: Students can see the different organs and body systems in a frog.
- Understanding how bodies work: The frog's organs are similar to human organs, helping students understand how the human body works.
- Practicing science skills: Students can practice scientific investigation through dissection.
- Learning dissection safety: Students learn and use safe techniques and tools during dissection.
- Seeing systems work together: Students get a hands-on look at how body systems work together.
Frogs are often used in dissections because they’re smaller, cheaper, and easy to raise for lab work. Plus, frogs’ body functions can last for hours at room temperature, making them good for study.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I come in and visit my student's classroom?
Yes. Following the appropriate protocol, visitors are allowed into our building. Please contact the main office for more information.
- Will breakfast and lunches continue to be free this year?
Yes, school meals will be provided free of charge to all students this year. It is extremely important to fill out the free/reduced meal application if you would like to continue to receive discounted services, like school activities and home internet service (upon qualification).
- Where do I find the school supply list?
Please click here for this year's school supply list.
- When does the school open?
The school building will be open for students to enter each day at 7:50 am. Please do not drop off students before this time if possible.
- Who should I contact with questions?
If you have general questions, please call the school at 763-585-7200.
- I need support with Internet Resources.
Resources are available to support families that do not have access to the internet in their homes can be found here. Internet support and resources may also be provided to families as necessary by the district. - Where can I find help and resources for parents to learn about Schoology, Chromebooks, and Google Suite tools?
Included here are resources to help families with Schoology, Chromebooks, and Google Suite tools.
Interested in Sports
Click the links that follow for important detailed information about Park Center Senior High and Osseo Senior High sports. Many sports are available for seventh and eighth-graders.
Ways to stay Upated
Monthly Newsletter
At the beginning of each month, North View Middle School will send you the "News from the View" Family Newsletter. These newsletters are organized in a fashion that the most critical information is at the top and as you scroll down the newsletter the information becomes more oriented toward the future. This is your “one-stop shop” to stay informed about the happenings of our school community.
Multilingual Facebook Pages
The multilingual Facebook pages listed below are where you can find resources, news, and information, in multiple languages, about ISD 279 Osseo Area School.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Another way to receive personalized information and be engaged in conversations related to the North View Middle School community is to attend parent-teacher conferences each trimester. Not only will you be able to meet your child's teacher, but there will also be opportunities to provide us with feedback about your needs. North View Middle School is a dynamic community; if you want to be involved and don’t know how, please ask. We can connect you to a cause, action, or person that will help you be connected to our community.
School Website
The NVMS website is a place to go to pull static information and facts about North View Middle School that could be important for a family at any point of the year. This may include but is not limited to, the daily schedule, the school calendar, how to check your student's grades using Parent Vue, and stay informed of your student's distance learning progress using Schoology.
Social Media Updates
You can also stay up to date by following me at @NVMSPrincipal or liking our Facebook page by clicking here.