Cougar Corner
August 23rd, 2024
Upcoming Dates
Monday 8/26 - 1st day of Flag Football practice (4th/5th)
Tuesday 8/27 - 1st day of Cross Country practice (4th/5th)
Monday 9/2 - No School - Labor Day
Tuesday 9/3 - PTO Meeting 4:00pm
Wednesday 9/4 - 1st day of Choir practice (3rd/4th/5th)
Friday 9/6 - Title 1 Night 6:30-8:00pm
Saturday 9/14 - Color Craze 1:00pm
Thursday 9/19 - Picture Day
Pick Up Procedures and Dismissal Info
- Changes/exceptions to the default dismissal plan must be called into the office by 3:00pm. (We are not currently using the Pik My Kid app or any other app - you must call the office to make a change.)
- If you need to pick up your child early from school you must do so before 3:30pm
- Children going home via pick up will gather by the flag pole in front of the building. Teachers will only release students from this flagpole area - we are no longer releasing students along the sidewalk on their way to the flagpole.
- If you are using the drive through pick up loop please be sure to continuously pull up as far as you can so there is no open space between you and the car ahead of you. Staff outside will direct your children to your vehicle.
Kindergarten Color Days
Let's help our new kindergarten students learn their colors by dressing in the color of the day!
Monday 8/26 - Yellow
Tuesday 8/27 - Orange
Wednesday 8/28 - Blue
Thursday 8/29 - Green
Friday 8/30 - Purple
Tuesday 9/3 - Brown
Wednesday 9/4 - Black & white
Thursday 9/5 - Pink
Friday 9/6 - Rainbow (wear as many colors as you can!)
Title 1 Night
CWE Title 1 Night
Friday, September 6
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Make an ornament for the U.S. Capitol Tree! Alaska is providing the tree and they want it decorated with ornaments that represent our great state. Come create and snack with us!
Color Craze
We are excited to report that the Color Craze is returning! Join us on Saturday, September 14 @ 1:00pm for a color filled fun run around the school. Sign ups are open now on School Pay. Proceeds from this event support our school PE program.
PTO News / Popcorn Friday
Popcorn Friday is officially underway! Popcorn is sold at recess each Friday during fall and spring (weather permitting) for .50 cents per bag. Parents can also purchase a popcorn pass in the fall that is good for the rest of this school year for $5. Passes can be purchased here:
We also need parent volunteers to make Popcorn Friday happen. If you're free to help on a particular Friday please sign up at the front office, or call the office to add your name to the list. Volunteers will start popping around 9:15am and will finish for the day around 1:15pm.
Interested in all the other things the PTO helps with? Come to our meetings! We meet the first Tuesday of the month in the library after school at 4:00pm. We hope to see you at the first meeting on September 3!
Dress for Recess
Friendly reminder to please make sure you're sending your child to school with appropriate outdoor gear for recess. Students all spend 30 minutes outside for recess every day - rain or shine! We do not have extra jackets to lend out. Thank you!
Nurse News
Welcome from the School Nurse
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year; I look forward to keeping your child safe and healthy this school year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for any concerns or updates. Please see below important school health information for starting the school year.
Immunizations: August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Immunizations are some of the safest and most effective medicines we have, and they have made many dangerous childhood diseases rare today. The State of Alaska requires all children who attend Alaska public/private schools, certified preschools, and licensed childcare facilities be immunized.
Immunization compliance for your student can be checked in ParentVUE under the health tab, by reaching out to me, or you can contact your healthcare provider. Additionally, the Alaska Department of Health now offers a secure, free application called Docket which allows easy access to your official vaccination record.
Updated immunization records can be dropped off, faxed, or emailed to the school. Immunizations must be up to date by the first day of school, for school attendance according to Alaska school requirements.
Religious Exemptions: If you are seeking a religious exemption, the State of Alaska Religious Exemption Form needs to be signed/notarized, and submitted by prior to the first day of school. These need to be completed annually as they expire on June 30th.
Medications: The nurse’s office has acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), cetirizine (Zyrtec), Tums, and cough drops for students who have parental permission to receive them here at school. Students are not allowed to have medications on them (prescription or over the counter) here at school unless there is a written authorization from a provider that is cleared through the parent & school nurse.
If your student needs to take a prescription or over the counter medication (not listed above) during the school day a Medication Authorization Form will need to be completed by your provider and signed by the parent/guardian. Prescription medications will need to be delivered to the nurse’s office in a labeled prescription bottle. As a reminder, medications need to be delivered by the parent or adult representative to the nurse’s office. Cough drops are considered medication that must be given from the school nurse’s office.
Health Plans for School: If your student has asthma, severe history of allergies/anaphylaxis, a seizure disorder, or diabetes please see the below links for the appropriate form(s) to be updated by their provider annually.
Asthma Action Plan, Allergy/Anaphylaxis Care Plan, Diabetes Care Plan , Seizure Care Plan
Health Screenings: During the school year I will be conducting health screenings (height, weight, blood pressure, vision, hearing, and dental) on new to district students per State guidelines. Additionally, a screening may take place if requested by a teacher, parent/guardian, or in-school intervention team referral. You will be contacted if any of these basic screening tests indicate that further testing or follow-up is necessary.
Kind Regards,
Suzanne Chapelle, BSN, RN, NCSN
Ph: 907-864-2103 Fax: 907-864-2180
Cottonwood Creek Elementary School