Bulldog Tales
Blue Oak Elementary Happenings
No SCHOOL Monday, May 27th
Enjoy Memorial Day Bulldogs!
Annual Parent Survey
Blue Oak had the highest rate of completion on this last year. Let's do it again! If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to complete this survey. It really does provide us with important information that we take into account when working to improve systems.
It's the busiest time of the year! Check out everything coming up:
- 5/20 - Last week of band for 4th and 5th graders
- 5/21 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to American River Conservatory (Ms. Grava & Mrs. Quintrall)
- 5/23 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Marshall State Park
- 5/24 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to American River Conservatory (Ms. Story)
- 5/24 - Staff vs 5th Grade Kickball game (parents welcome to come watch) 1:15 on field
- 5/27 - NO SCHOOL: Memorial Day
- 5/28 - 5th Grade Pool Party at CSD
- 5/29 - Mrs. Pirkl on the ROOF all day! (Color Run "punishment")
- 5/30 - 3rd Grade Egg Drop 8:30 on blacktop
- 5/30 - 4th & 5th Grade Field Day
- 5/30 - Mrs. Pirkl and surprise staff members SLIMED! (Color Run "punishment")
- 5/31 - BOLT Spirit Day: Hawaiian Day!
- 5/31 - 3rd Trimester Award Assembles (parents of recipients will be notified)
- 5/31 - Blue Oak Talent Show assembly for students
- 5/31 - PTA After School Treat $1 by Library
- 5/31 - Blue Oak Talent Show performance for families of performers 2:30 in MP
- 6/3 - Mrs. Pirkl in silly costume and roller blades all day! (Color Run "punishment")
- 6/3 - TK/K Activity Day: All students attend 7:40-11:10am
- 6/4 - TK/K Friendship Day: All students attend 7:40-11:10am
- 6/4 - 5th Grade Promotion and Clap Out 8:30am in MP
- 6/4 - Last day of school! Minimum day - 12:02 dismissal
Blue Oak Updates
- 👩🏻⚕️ Health - Please see the End of Year update from our District nurses here. This is especially important if your child has medication at school.
- 📘 Yearbook - This year's Blue Oak yearbook is finished! If you are interested in purchasing one, please visit this link.
- 💙 Incoming TK/K Students - Enrollment for new TK and K students for the 2024-2025 school year is OPEN! If you have a student who will be a new TK or K student next year (or know someone who does) enrollment is available online at our website. If you have any questions, please call our office at 530-676-0164.
- ✔️ Attendance - Even though school is winding down, there is still SO MUCH learning going on up until the very end. Please help your student be at school every day they possibly can and be on time. When students are tardy, they miss learning time and cause a disruption when entering the classroom.
- 📰 Extra Curricular Activities - We have flyers in the carousel in the office for a variety of extra curricular activities. Stop by and take a look to see if there is something that may be of interest to your student.
- 🍴 Buckeye Food Services - Information regarding Food Services can be viewed here.
- 🎂 Birthday Marquee - Interested in celebrating your child's birthday with marquee recognition? Ask the office for the paperwork and information on the $20 donation.
Attendance Questions Answered
1. What is considered an Excused Absence?
By law [EC § 48205], excused absences are: illness [(fever 100° or more, persistent runny nose (not allergy related), vomiting, diarrhea, medical/dental appointments (doctor’s note required for verification)], death in the family, specific religious reasons, required appearance in court, and exclusion from school for contagious disease.
2. What can I do if my child needs to be out of school for a length of time?
If your child must go out of town for three (3) or more days, you may request that your child is signed up for an Independent Study Contract. Please note that teachers need at least one week’s notice in order to prepare materials without interrupting their instructional time.
3. I called in to verify my child's absence; why am I still getting truancy letters?
Unless the absence was for an excused reason (those stated in point #1), the absence is considered unexcused and truancy letters will be sent in accordance with Education Code of the State of California [EC § 48260-48273]. Ed Code states that any pupil who is absent from school for 3 days or more without a valid excuse (reasons specified in point #1), or tardy in excess of 30 minutes or more, is considered truant.
Contact Information
Attendance/registration - Hilda Marinko
Secretary - Lindy Murray
Staff email addresses are first initial of first name followed by last name with address @buckeyeusd.org
For example: John Smith - jsmith@buckeyeusd.org
Email: apirkl@buckeyeusd.org
Website: https://www.buckeyeusd.org/boes
Location: 2391 Merrychase Drive, Cameron Park, CA, USA
Phone: 5306760164
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blue-Oak-Bulldogs-150579857123860/