Tuscany Heights Elementary
168th Lighthouse School in the Nation, Building Leaders
Our Mission Statement
We, THE Tigers, will be inspired to LEAD, HONOR, and EXCEL today!
Message from Administration
Dear Tuscany Heights Elementary Parents,
We hope that you've had a great weekend! We look forward to greeting our students tomorrow.
I would like to call your attention to the Run for the Heights information that was sent out earlier, yet I included the information in the eblast this week. Our BIG Fundraiser will kick-off Tuesday,February 6th. Things are a little different this year, but in an effort to give more opportunity for all students to be involved. Scroll down for the section on Boosterthon for more information. We hope that you will join us Tuesday night at 6pm for fun giveways, DJ dance party, and PTA Mtg.
On a safety note...with the recent construction happening around the Wilderness Oak and Mountain Lodge area, please talk with your children if they are walkers. We have had several phone calls regarding students walking in the streets. We can talk with them here, but we ask that you also have a safety conversation with them. Thank you!
Also, we are seeing cars parking in the handicapped parking space by the front crosswalk again. This is illegal and can result in a ticket. Please use the other spaces or the drive thru lane. Also, if you are parking and dropping off, we do ask that you walk them to the crosswalk so that the crossing guards can ensure they get across safely. You can also walk them across! We just want to use the safest practices as possible, because the morning and afternoon are incredibly busy times of the day. Thank you!
We are approaching our BIG school fundraiser; however, we will also be looking at supporting two other important causes over the next two months, Ronald McDonald
and Jump Rope for Heart. Please know that these are all great causes! We appreciate your support where you can.
Enjoy your week!
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Testing Schedule: Closed Campus until 10:45a.m. Reminder
Tuesday, February 6th- 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grade Writing Benchmarks
Wednesday, February 7th- 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Math Benchmarks
Thursday, February 8th- 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Reading Benchmarks
Tuesday, February 13th- 5th Grade Science Benchmark; 4th Grade NAEP Assessments (Select Students- Letters went home for those randomly selected)
Other Important Events:
Tuesday, February 6th- 15th- Boosterthon Run for the Heights kick-off
Tuesday, February 6th- PTA Mtg, DJ Dance Party, BRING YOUR TICKET FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, 6pm
Wednesday, February 14th- Valentine's Day Parties- Given this a party day, it will be a free day for treats with our students. See the party schedule below if you are able to attend to celebrate with your child in the specific grade levels listed.
Kinder- 8:35-9:20
3rd- 10:30-11:15
5th- 9:25-10:10
Please know that deliveries are not something we are able to manage through the office. Latex balloons are not allowed on campus due to allergies and we do not allow students to receive glass items. Therefore, we ask that you share those goodies with your children at home. Thank you for understanding.
Library News
What's Happening In Music?
PTA News
PTA Meeting- February 6th at 6pm- THE Run for the Heights Kick Off and Dance Party is Tuesday evening. The meeting starts at 6pm with a live DJ and door prizes to follow! Every student will receive a raffle ticket at the school Pep Rally that afternoon. Bring it to the meeting and enter to win cool prizes. Must be present to win!
Run for the Heights with Boosterthon- THE Run for the Heights is finally here! This year is a little different with the run occurring during the school day on February 15th and ALL students will participate. Tuesday, we will kick off the program with an awesome Pep Rally to get our students fired up to help Tuscany Heights. Please support us by asking friends and family to pledge your child for the Fun Run. (Remember, students will run 30-35 laps.) Enter all pledges at FUNRUN.COM, and your student will be rewarded the very next day. Plus, your student will receive a FREE prize just for being registered on funrun.
BOX TOP Collection time- Our winter Box Tops contest is currently underway and the class in each grade level that brings in the most Box Tops by February 23rd will earn a “HOT COCOA PARTY”. From February 19th through the 23rd we will also have a Box Tops Shop where students will be able to exchange box tops for GREAT SURPRISES!! START COLLECTING NOW!!
HEB is having Bonus Box Top days through February 6th. Buy 10 Bonus Box Top items in one transaction and get 60 BONUS BOX TOPS! Remember each Box Top provides $0.10 to Tuscany Heights so, 60 Bonus Box Tops is $6 for the school! Learn more at http://www.cashforyoureducation.com/
5th Grade Students- Remember Wild Wednesdays, 5th graders wear your class shirts every Wednesday and show your class spirit!
Directory- is live at http://www.tuscanyheightspta.org/. Password: tuscany#1
Valentine’s Day Parties- February 14th. Please RSVP to Mrs. Light @ slight@neisd.net
Volunteer Opportunities- Plug in with Tuscany and volunteer. There are many areas that need your help. Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Go Kids Challenge
It’s that time of year for our students to participate in the Go!Kids Challenge! Go!Kids Challenge is a six-week program that encourages students to be active and make water their drink of choice. Students have a tracking log they will keep in their leadership binders at school during the six-week challenge. If they can accomplish completing at least 5 of the healthy habits listed for each week during the 6 weeks, they will receive ONE FREE 1-day ticket to Sea World! Students will be responsible for logging their healthy choices in their tracker by bubbling in each healthy choice they made. The Go!Kids Challenge will run January 15th through February 23rd. We encourage all of our students to participate. Parents, feel free to make those healthy choices with your students as well! Thank you for your support!
-Your THE Coaches
NEISD's Family Engagement Link
Run for the Heights Boosterthon
Run for the Heights has been our annual fun-run fundraiser, the one big fundraiser, for our school since Tuscany Heights opened. We are making a few changes this year to support getting all students involved. We wanted to reach out to our families now as the kick-off is coming up next month.
This year, we are working with Boosterthon to make this an event during the school day so that all of our students are impacted by the wellness benefits that come from our annual run. We are excited about the change and having all of our students involved. Please see the letter below for more details about our upcoming Run for the Heights kick-off since it will include all of our staff and students.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Ian's Foundation
Ian's Foundation was formed in memory of Ian Fincke who tragically passed away at the age of 16, in October of 2008 as the result of fatal wounds sustained during a skateboarding accident. Ian was a previous student at Hardy Oak Elementary, Barbara Bush Middle School and both Reagan and Johnson High Schools. The foundation was formed to advance the safety and welfare of San Antonio youth through education and scholarship awards. To date over $40,000 in scholarships has been awarded. Ian's Foundation also promotes helmet safety in the San Antonio and surrounding area and supports STRAPS (South Texas Regional and Paralympic Sports). STRAPS was inspired by Ian's Foundation as a way to allow anyone in San Antonio with physical disabilities the opportunity to enjoy the game of soccer. You can read more about the foundation at www.IansFoundation.org.
We will be offering our annual spring soccer clinic for the San Antonio youth as one of our major fundraisers for the Ian's Cup scholarship fund. The clinic will be held on Sunday, March 4th at the Mays YMCA from 2-4PM (with registration from 1:30-2:00) The cost of the clinic is $30 if pre-registered and $35 the day of the clinic. It will include a 2hr clinic as well as a 2018 Ian's Cup t-shirt. The deadline for t-shirt pre-orders and pre-registration for the soccer clinic to ensure a 2018 Ian's Cup t-shirt the day of the clinic is Sunday, February 18th but pre-registration for the clinic will remain open through Saturday, March 3rd at 6PM. Trainers will include local high school coaches, club trainers and high school soccer players from Johnson and Reagan, as they must volunteer at one of the foundation's community service events to be eligible for a scholarship. You can read more about the events at www.IansCup.org.