Third Grade News
May 17, 2024
We wanted to say a huge thank you to all of our families for all of the support and love you have shown us this year! It has been an honor to work with your children and we can't wait to see all of the incredible things they do! We feel so appreicated and wish you the best summer with your kids!
Thank you PTA for a wonderful In-and-Out Burger Lunch!
Living History was one for the History Books!
Fantastic job to all of our students and to Ms Diaz for all of her hard work in coordinating and bringing it all to life!
Dear Bransford Families,
We are so excited about the last week of school and FIELD DAY!!!! If you are planning to attend
Field Day, you are required to Raptor in as a visitor and wear your badge all day. To speed up
the process, you can drop by the day before, on Monday, May 20th from 7:15 am to 3:00 pm, to
print your badge for Tuesday. If your badge is missing or not seen, you will be sent to the front
to Raptor in. In addition, restrooms are available inside for visitors by entering the front door
Field Day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21st. We will begin promptly at 8 am with our amazing
choir singing the National Anthem. After, we will transition into the events and rotations.
Lunch is scheduled from 11:40-12:40. (sack lunches will be available for purchase in the
cafeteria) Your child needs to be prepared to eat at 11:40 am. We are giving our Texans a full
hour so they can come inside, eat, rest, and cool off for the remainder of the events. We ask
that you allow your student to come inside, rest, and recoup in their classroom with their teacher
and classmates.
Please consider packing your child a sack lunch. Because this day is so busy and the schedule
is different, we can't guarantee the lunch you may bring to them will be delivered in time for their
lunch break. We certainly do not want them to miss their next event waiting for their lunch.
Because of space and safety, we ask that you stay out of the building during lunch/break. We
appreciate your support in allowing our Texans to take a break with their teacher and class. Go
have some lunch yourself and cool off! Then, come back at 12:40 for the remainder of Field
There are a few things our Texans should make sure they bring:
1. A water bottle w/student’s name on it (we will have refill stations around the field).
2. Sunscreen (please apply before school)
3. Sack lunch from home (or purchase one in the cafeteria)
4. Cash for concessions (this is a fundraiser for 4th grade!)
5. Towel (we have a few water games!)
THE GOLDEN CLEAT has returned!!! This is a sportsmanship award that goes to the BEST
competitors, leaders, and helpers during Field Day! We will award ONE class for each grade, so
be sure to let your Texans know we will be on the lookout!
Please let me know if you have questions! We are excited!
Coach Bardin & Coach Smith
Families Can Access Test Scores on Scheduled Dates
Results for the STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate tests are expected to be available on the dates listed below:
Tuesday, May 14 - TELPAS Alternate Score Release for Listening/Speaking and Reading/Writing for grades K-2 Emergent Bilingual
Friday, June 7- STAAR End of Course English I, English II, Biology, Algebra I, U.S. History Score Release
Wednesday, June 12 - TELPAS Score Release for Listening/Speaking and Reading/Writing for grades K-12 Emergent Bilingual
Friday, June 14 - STAAR grades 3-8 Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies Score Release
Thursday, June 20 - STAAR Alternate 2 grades 3-8 and End of Course Score Release
Friday, August 2 - June STAAR End of Course Score Release
Families can access their children’s results through Skyward Family Portal on the release dates. Instructions on how to access scores in Skyward are here. If for any reason, your child’s results are not in Skyward, they can be accessed through the Texas Education Agency’s Family Portal, which will require an access code. Instructions on how to obtain the access code for your child can be found here. To learn more about the exams and what grade levels or students take the respective tests, visit TEA’s website.
A Note from the Nurse
Dear Parents,
The health and safety of all students is important to the staff at Bransford Elementary. We are asking that if your child has been out sick this week and has been diagnosed, please call the campus and let the nurse know.
In an effort to keep our students healthy and in the classroom, I wanted to share a few lifestyle hygiene habits. We can’t keep everyone from getting sick, but we sure can try.
Wash your hands!! Before you eat, after you eat, when you use the restroom, after PE, after you sneeze, anytime you can. When in doubt, wash your hands.
If you cough or sneeze, use your sleeve. (The students can demonstrate this for you)
Respect personal space. Keep a little distance between you and your friends, and you and your teachers.
Only visit the nurse for things that cannot be taken care of in the classroom. At any time during the day there may be a sick student in the clinic, so the healthiest place to be is in the classroom. Teachers have band aids for little cuts and scrapes.
Wear weather appropriate clothing. If there is snow on the ground, students should wear closed-toed shoes, pants and a jacket.
While we practice these healthy habits at school, we also ask that you do your part in assessing your student’s health at home. If your student has a fever of more than 100.0 degrees, or is experiencing vomit/diarrhea, district policy requires them to stay home. Only when your student has been symptom free without the use of any medication for more than 24 hours may they return to campus.
In the event that your student is staying home from school, please call the front office and let us know. As always, we are here to answer any healthy hygiene habits questions.
Thank you,
Andrea Bernsen, MSN, BSN
School Nurse
Calling All Pianists!
Would you like to share your love of piano music with your friends and teachers? If you do, we are looking for students who would like to volunteer to play our beautiful red piano at the front of the school in the mornings to welcome students as we start our day. Please click the link below to find a sign up genius and more information.
Here's our day!
Things to Know!
- Third Grade is a stress free zone! If something seems to go wrong, just let us know and we'll work through it with you!
Students are welcome to bring in a non breakable, LABELED, sealing water bottle with water in it (please no soda or colored drinks) to drink from during the day in our classroom.
Lunch time is at 12:30 each day and recess is at 1:00.
Students are welcome to bring one dry, nutritious snack to class each day. We will have a designated snack time in the morning since our lunch is later at 12:30.
Students will have PE everyday so please send gym appropriate shoes or them to change into if they want to wear sandals or flip flops the rest of the day.
Important Dates
5/21 - Field Day (more info to come later)
5/22 - Hop and Pop (for students during Specials)
5/22 In classroom awards celebration
5/23 - Last Day of School! Early Release at 11:45 am
ELAR: We have started our very short book club with the book Frindle by Andrew Clements and we will continue in our story this week too. Along with that, we will be reading some African folktales about Anansi the Spider, who is always up to no good. These folktales provide a great opportunity to talk about an author's purpose and message. I know that it is getting harder for these sweet kids to fous as we approach the final days of the school year and they are doing a wonderful job of hanging in there. I will do my best to entertain them and keep them interested in class until then!
Science and Social Studies
Science: This week we spent some time reviewing space and the planets to prepare for our final Science TEKS check. We will be taking our TEKS check next week on Monday (hopefully before the end of year energy becomes too much for them to focus for a test!)
I can't believe we are down to our last week! How fast it has gone and how much we have learned! They are without a doubt, amazing Math Detectives- ready to take on any challenge!
This week we reviewed our properties of multiplication using mental math, partial products, and the properties to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. We remembered to start in the ones column and multiply straight up, then over to the tens column and then add any numbers that were carried.
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with your children and am beyond proud of all they have accomplished. Thank you for all of your continued support as we learned how to become exceptional mathematicians as well as extraordinary humans. Here's to a wonderful third grade year!
2. Please make sure to charge your Chromebooks each night so we are ready to go in the morning!
3. Change at the end of the day - If you need to change how your student is getting home and it is the day of, please call the office and Shelly Sartin will make sure we get the information. With our specials at the start of the day, we don't have another break throughout the day and we don't want to miss an important notice! Thank you!
4. We change a lot during the day between the classes and when the kids have to carry all of their things in their arms, things will get dropped. For this reason, they are able to take their backpacks with them between classes or bring a smaller tote bag that can fit their chromebook, folders, supplies, and sealed water bottles. As long as it is school appropriate in its theme, we are fine with a tote of their choosing!
Your Third Grade Teachers
Jenna Flink jenna.flink@gcisd.net
Alex Diaz alexandra.diaz@gcisd.net