McCarthy Family Update
November 8, 2024
Hello McCarthy Families,
I hope you are doing well and enjoying this incredible "fall" weather! I continue to encourage the students and staff to get outside and stay as active as possible, and I extend the same sentiments to you. Inevitably, the weather will match the month and we should all take advantage as long as we can!
Once again, Term 1 was a whirlwind and went by incredibly fast. Now, the holiday hustle is here and there is no doubt that the two week winter recess will be here before we know it. We have three early dismissal days in this stretch, along with parent-teacher conferences and some opportunities to see our incredible student musicians and ensemble staff in action. Keep an eye on the McCarthy Weekly Bulletin for concert dates, and more. See you there!
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read these updates and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Stay well,
Veteran's Day
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the Veterans in our McCarthy Community and beyond. This holiday is of utmost importance and it is vital that we pause to thank and support those who have served, or are serving, in our Nation's Armed Forces. I look forward to attending Chelmsford's annual Veteran's Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11th, at 11:00am. The event will be held at the Chelmsford Veteran's Park, located between McCarthy and the Central Administration building. Hope to see you there!
Student Leadership Conference
Our 8th grade student leaders, the "PRIDE Reps", enjoyed a leadership conference at Southern NH University in October. Thanks to the New England League of Middle Schools (NELMS), over 250 middle schoolers met to discuss leadership, school initiatives, and how they can "Be the Change" in their own communities.
Many thanks to the McCarthy teachers who also attended the event; Kim Briand, Sheila Kish, Dan McAuliffe, and Jake Warnock. This is an exceptional group, and I can't wait to see what they do next...stay tuned!
Project 300 is a huge part of the McCarthy School history. This annual event is the largest contributor to the Merrimack Valley's food collection for our friends and neighbors in need. We have already received donations from CHS Girl's Soccer and a few other organizations who are regular contributors, and I anticipate we will receive more in the coming weeks even before our "official" start.
8th Grade math teacher, Tom Gallagher, is spearheading this year's campaign, along with a group of dedicated students and staff. Over the next year or two, you will notice a deliberate shift in the leadership of this initiative from staff to students. Of course we will always have staff involved, but we are working to use Project 300 as an opportunity to let our students develop and demonstrate critical leadership skills.
I was able to help deliver the goods to the Salvation Army in Lowell last year, my first year as McCarthy Principal, along with a group of exceptional students. I am quick to admit that I did not understand the gravity of Project 300. I now understand how much the entire Merrimack Valley depends on us. I am confident that we will not only continue this McCarthy tradition, but we will significantly improve the experience for the students, staff, and families who participate. Most importantly, we will continue to support the people who rely on our collective generosity.
Parent - Teacher Conferences
For the third consecutive year, we will be offering parent/teacher conferences at the middle school level. You had a chance to meet your child’s teachers back in September at our Open House/Curriculum Night to hear general information about the school year. We have created and scheduled two additional opportunities for you to meet with your child’s teachers to discuss your child’s progress. Meetings are limited to 10 minutes and may be in person, on the phone, or virtual.
These conferences are open to all parents and guardians who wish to meet. If your child is experiencing difficulties in a particular class, we encourage you to schedule a meeting with that teacher. If you have no concerns and the teacher has not reached out, you are welcome to make an appointment, however, you are not obligated to sign up for a conference at this time. If a concern arises at any point later in the year, you can certainly reach out to a teacher/team and request a phone call or meeting as we have always done.
Again this year, we are utilizing scheduling software called PTCFAST which will allow you to make an appointment with individual teachers. For example, if you only have a concern with your child’s ELA teacher, you will schedule an appointment with their ELA teacher. There will be 2 early release days reserved for conferences: Wednesday, November 20th, and Thursday, December 12th. Both days are early dismissals for students at 11:00am. Conferences will take place on those days beginning at 12:00pm. Team teachers (ELA, math, science, social studies and world language) teachers will offer conferences on both 11/20/24 and 12/12/24 Special Education teachers and specialist teachers will be offering conferences only on November 20th.
To schedule a conference, please use this link: https://ptcfast.com/schools/McCarthy_Middle_School
McCarthy Vestibule & School Safety
The new vestibule has been up and running for a few weeks. McCarthy staff member, Mrs. Holland, has been doing an exceptional job as she manages the students and visitors who come in and out throughout the school day. We may make adjustments along the way as we learn the routine, but folks seem to be getting the hang of the change fairly easily.
All guests who want to enter the school are asked to scan their license or ID card, in order to receive a printed badge to wear upon entry. When visitors are ready to depart, they can simply scan the badge at the same kiosk to sign out. Students who are late to school are also required to come through the vestibule area in order to sign in and receive a pass to class.
This added layer of security and convenience was much-needed at McCarthy and we are grateful for everyone's patience and flexibility as we adjust to the change.
McCarthy School Activities Packet
Arrival & Dismissal
The new morning procedure is working well and we do not intend to make any changes at this time. We have been opening the doors for students (buses & drop-offs) at 7:55 instead of 8:00. This is giving our students some extra time to get breakfast, go to their lockers, and get to class on time. It has also alleviated some issues they were experiencing at Parker.
We have enlisted the support of our teachers in order to help ensure student safety at dismissal. The new structure of having the buses in front of the building has been working well and seems to be more efficient than last year's procedure. Many thanks to our SRO Officer Linstad, for helping to keep order in the rear lot where students (who do not ride the bus) are picked up.
Important Dates
November 11th: No School - Veteran's Day
November 14th: PTO Meeting, 6:30PM in Library
November 15th: Picture Retakes
November 20th: Early Dismissal-Parent Conferences
November 27th: Early Dismissal (11:00 AM) - Thanksgiving Break - School re-opens on Monday, December 2nd.
December 12th: Early Dismissal-Parent Conferences
December 20: Winter recess begins at dismissal (2:30pm).
January 6th: School Reopens
If your child is going to be absent from school, you can either email or call to let us know.
Email: mccarthy_attendance@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Please Send Email: Prior to 9am on the day of the absence (same as current voicemail option)
Please Include:Child’s name, Grade, Reason for absence
I encourage you to use the email option when reporting an absence, dismissal, etc. Parents are still free to use the phone system to report absences, but you are encouraged to use email for greater office efficiency.
If you prefer, you can certainly call the attendance line prior to 9:00am, at 978-251-5122, choose Option 1.
In order for an absence to be marked as "Excused", families will need to provide medical documentation.
Thank you for your understanding.
McCarthy Middle School
Email: parksj@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://mccarthy.chelmsfordschools.org/
Location: 250 North Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5122
Instagram & Twitter ("X"): @Principal_Parks