Westland Update- Week of May 6
A Note from Ms. Serino, Westland Principal
This Week- The Week of May 6
Educator Appreciation Week- During the week of May 6th, consider sending a note of thanks to a staff member who has made a difference for you or your child.
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing- All students will complete MAP testing on the mornings of Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 9. (We have shifted by a day due to the internet outage on Monday.)
Girls Soccer Game- Our girls soccer team hosts Cabin John on Tuesday, May 7th. All Westland student fans are welcome.
PTA Meeting/Conversation with Counselors- On Tuesday, May 7th at 7:00 PM join our Westland counselors in a conversation about transitions and changes between grade levels.
Colorsplash Fun Run- Join us on Westland's track on Saturday, May 11th from 5-7 PM. Sign up below to run, walk or volunteer.
Looking Ahead to Next Week- Week of May 13
No School on May 14- It is primary election day in Maryland!
MCAP Social Studies Test for 8th Graders- Our final testing occurs on the mornings of May 15 and 16. All students will attend 1st period and then 8th graders will begin testing. We change the order of periods on May 16 with periods 6 and 7 moved to the morning.
Final Day for Activity Buses is May 16- Thursday is the final day for activity buses for the year.
Spanish 3 Field Trip to the Gala Hispanic Theater- Spanish 3 students head to the Gala Hispanic Theater on Friday, May 17.
Share a Quick Note
Staff/educator appreciation week is THIS WEEK. Take five minutes to write a note to a Westland staff member who you or your child would like to thank.
Parent/Caregiver Zoom Session on May 13
Kids Going to Camp? Support a Westland Fundraiser
My family? We use a sharpie, but if you are inclined to label your kids' belongings, why not help a Westland fundraiser along the way?
8th Grade Parents- Save the Date- May 31
Have you been dying to chaperone a Westland field trip?
What if I told you it was to Dave and Busters?!!?!?
Details will follow but we will need many parents to attend our school-day, 8th grade trip to Dave and Busters on Friday, May 31st. If you can hold that date (and complete the volunteer training) we would love to have you laugh with our kids losing/winning tickets at Deal or No Deal and slashing kiwis and pineapples as Fruit Ninjas.
Student Service Learning News
Check Out Our STAR Lessons
* New Events Are Added in Bold Font
- Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- Jewish American Heritage Month
- Week of May 6- Educator Appreciation Week!
- Tu, 5/7- Girls Soccer v. Cabin John at Home
- Tu, 5/7- Parent Teacher Association meeting in the evening
- W, 5/8- MAP Testing (all grades) in the AM- day 1 of 2
- Th, 5/9- MAP Testing (all grades) in the AM- day 2 of 2
- Sat, 5/11- Colorsplash 2K Fun Run, 5-7 PM
- M, 5/13- Parent Zoom about Supporting LGBTQIA Kids
- Tu, 5/14- No School- Election Day
- W, 5/15- 8th Grade State Social Studies Testing Day 1 of 2
- Th, 5/16- 8th Grade State Social Studies Testing Day 2 of 2
- Th, 5/16- Final Day for Activity Buses
- F, 5/17- Spanish 3 Field Trip to Gala Hispanic Theater
- M, 5/20-W, 5/22- Outdoor Education for Buxton's Students
- W, 5/22-F, 5/24- Outdoor Education for Sayeh's Students
- M, 5/27- No School- Memorial Day Holiday
- W, 5/29- 5th Graders Visit Westland
- F, 5/31- 8th Grade Celebration Trip during School
- Tu, 6/11- 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony at BCC HS 6:30-8:00 PM
- Th, 8/22- New Student Orientation 8:15-12:00
- Th, 8/22- Back to School Night for Parents 6:30-8:30 PM
Westland Middle School
Email: Alison_L_Serino@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/westlandms/
Location: 5511 Massachusetts Avenue, Bethesda, MD, USA
Twitter: @AlisonSerinoWMS