Provider Insider, Spring 2025
April, May, June 2025

Welcome to Spring!
As the weather warms up and flowers begin to bloom, we are excited to share the latest news,
activities, and important reminders from Clackamas CCR&R.
We are receiving requests for assistance in supporting children’s behavior that challenges
adults, a part of our work that can be both demanding and rewarding! Effective training often
involves understanding the root causes of the behavior, remaining patient, and using strategies
that guide the child toward more positive behavior.
I’d like to offer the following approaches for supporting children with behaviors that challenge
1. Understanding the Child's Needs:
- Children may exhibit challenging behavior due to unmet needs, such as hunger, fatigue, or the need for attention. Observing patterns can help identify these triggers.
- Assess the child's social, emotional, and developmental needs to determine if there are underlying factors influencing behavior.
2. Establishing Clear and Consistent Expectations:
- Set clear, age-appropriate rules and expectations, and communicate them consistently. Children thrive on routine and knowing what is expected.
- Use positive reinforcement to reward desirable behavior and remain consistent with consequences for misbehavior.
3. Using Positive Behavioral Strategies:
- Modeling: Demonstrate the behavior you wish to see in the child. Children often learn by example.
- Praise and Rewards: Reinforce positive behavior with praise or small rewards. Ensure the reinforcement is meaningful to the child.
- Time-in instead of Time-out: When children act out, instead of sending them away, "Time-In" —providing a calming, quiet space and talking about their feelings. This helps them regulate emotions and learn social skills.
4. Communication Techniques:
- Practice active listening and validate the child’s feelings. For example, saying “I see you're frustrated because…,” helps the child feel understood and builds emotional intelligence.
- Offer choices to give the child a sense of control over situations. For example, "Would you like to do this first or that first?"
5. Behavior Modification:
- Break down complex behaviors into smaller, manageable goals. Focus on one specific behavior at a time.
- Use reinforcement schedules (e.g., rewarding the child after a specific period or number of desired behaviors) to gradually reduce challenging behavior.
6. Seek Support and Training: Consider training in behavior management techniques. Training offered this quarter by CCR&R:
- Childhood Mental Health: What It Is and Why it Matters
- Give Me 5: 5 Key Practices to Prevent Challenging Behavior
- Apoyando a Niños y Familias Que han Experimentado Trauma/Supporting Children & Families Who Experienced Trauma
- СДВГ: Название стимула переменного внимания: Черта (VAST)/ADHD Variable Attention Stimulus Trait (Russian)
- Calm the Storm: Transforming Emotional Breakdowns to Breakthroughs
- Involucrando a las Familias en el Desarrollo de sus Hijos/Engaging Families in Their Child’s Development (Spanish)
- Does Love Fix It All? The Power of Positive Guidance
- Team Centered Approach for Difficult Behavior
7. Self-Care for Adults:
- Caring for a child with behaviors that challenge us can be emotionally draining. Ensure that you are also supported and have time to recharge. A calm and patient adult can more effectively address a child's needs.
Happy Spring!!
Sandy Meados, CCR&R Program Coordinator
Focus on the Pyramid Model
Our Purpose
In the first five years of life, experiences and relationships stimulate children’s development, creating millions of connections in their brains. Their brains develop connections faster in the first five years than at any other time in their lives. Our hope is that these newsletters will give you tools to help support your child's social and emotional development and prepare your child to enter preschool and Kindergarten ready to learn!
The Pyramid Model
The Pyramid Model is a framework for supporting the social and emotional development of our children. The goal of the Pyramid Model is to create an environment where every child feels good about coming to school. We do this by designing classrooms that promote a child's interest in learning and by building positive relationships among children, families, and staff.
Why do we use the Pyramid Model? Click the links below to learn more.
Supporting Your Child(ren) With Big and Small Transitions
For some young children, moving from one activity to another (e.g., playing with toys to dinner time, playing outside to bath time, watching a movie to brushing teeth), results in confusion, frustration, or challenging behaviors. Adults can help children predict what is coming next, which helps make transitions smoother
- Use a timer. Show the timer and say, “Five minutes of play, then dinner.”
- Provide a verbal warning that one activity is ending and another is about to begin (e.g., “We’ll finish this book, then brush our teeth and go to bed.”).
- Offer a transition object or toy. Ask your child if they would like to bring something with them (e.g., “How about if a truck comes in the car with us? I bet he would love to sit next to your car seat!”).
- Use first/then language. Try statements like:
- “First, clean up your dishes, then we can play blocks together.”
- “First, wash your hair, then play in the bath.”
- Use visual supports, such as a visual schedule, first/then board, or cue cards. You can download instructions and templates [here].
- Make transitions fun! If you need to leave the park, try:
- “We can skip to the car.”
- “Ride on my shoulders to the car.”
- Sing a silly or familiar song. Most children love music! Use technology to get creative—many personal devices and apps play clean-up songs (e.g., Alexa, Spotify), and YouTube has many transition songs and videos for preschoolers.
- Give your child a job during the transition. Children love to be helpers! Your child can:
- Put napkins on the table while you get dinner ready.
- Put all the shoes away when you get home.
- Be the “checker” who makes sure everyone has their backpacks before leaving for school.
Hands on Learning Opportunities Resource Guide
Would you like to include more hands-on learning opportunities or field trips to your curriculum? Take a look at this resource guide that Clackamas CCR&R has put together for our providers! This resource guide is accessible year-round! Click here to find fun in your area!
Inclusive Partners Tip of the Month
Did you know….
Using visuals in your classroom can help reduce anxiety and supports emotional regulation?
Posting and using visual schedules and expectations helps children have security in knowing what is coming next in the daily routine. This also helps adults be consistent which is an important trauma responsive and inclusive practice. Everyone feels safer and less anxious when they know what to expect and what is happening to and around them.
Visuals use words and/or pictures to communicate expectations. Some children might benefit from having access to individual sets of visuals showing the daily schedule, behavior expectations, and emotional regulation tools. A bonus of using visuals is that they promote literacy development and support multilingual classrooms as well!
Using visuals is an example of an inclusive practice that supports all children regardless of age or ability. Reach out to us at Inclusive Partners for some ideas for purchasing or creating visuals for your childcare space! Call 971-673-2286 or email DELC.InclusivePartners@ode.oregon.gov
Spanish Literacy Cohort
When: Apr. 26, 9am-330pm & May 3, 9am-1pm
Where: all classes held on zoom
Language: Spanish
Cost: $60 (OCCD scholarships apply)
Trainer: Lucia Aleman
ORO information: Set 2, 3 HGD 3 hrs, LEC 6 hrs.
Trainer: Lucia Aleman
¡Únase a sus compañeros hispanohablantes para disfrutar de 3 clases de Lucía Alemán, todas relacionadas con la alfabetización! Es una excelente manera de aprender más y ganar horas ORO. Todas las clases en español/Todas las clases en español. Las clases son:
- Los libros de cuentos transformados cantan estructuras narrativas alternativas (86917)
- JARDINERÍA DE PALABRAS Cultivando palabras, fomentando la alfabetización y haciendo crecer el cerebro (86918)
- Más allá de los libros de cuentos: seis estructuras narrativas sensacionales (86919)
Join your Spanish speaking peers to enjoy 3 classes from Lucia Aleman all related to literacy! It's a great way to learn more and earn ORO hours. All classes in Spanish/Todas las clases en español. Classes are:
- Transforming Storybooks sing Alternative Story Structures (86917)
- WORD GARDENING Cultivating Words, Nurturing Literacy, and Growing the Brain (86918)
- Beyond Storybooks: Six Sensational Story Structures (86919)
Understanding and Guiding Behavior (UGB) Cohort
When: May 1, 8, 15 & 29, 6pm-9pm
Where: all classes held on zoom
Language: English
Cost: $60 (OCCD scholarships apply)
ORO information: Set 2, UGB 12 hrs., ARC: IT & PS
Trainers: Aoife Magee, Joyce McCoy, Rhonda Schock & Ami Russell
Take a deep dive into Understanding and Guiding Behavior with these 4 Set 2 training in May. It's a great place to remember and refine your techniques and maybe even learn some new tricks! Classes are:
- Exploration of Developmentally Appropriate Practices and Theories of Guiding Behaviors (86920)
- Emotion Coaching for Young Children (86921)
- Developing Impulse Control in Young Children (86922)
- Built for Success Supporting Positive Behavior Through Intentional Program Design (86924).
Anti-Bias Education for Children and Ourselves (2nd edition) Bookclub (Set 3!)
When: May 6, 20, 27, Jun. 3 & 10, 6pm-9pm
Where: all classes held on zoom
Language: English
Cost: $100 (OCCD scholarships apply) (COST INCLUDES A COPY OF THE BOOK!)
ORO information: Set 3, DIV 3 hrs, FCS 3 hrs, HGD 3 hrs, LEC 2 hrs, & PPLD 1 hrs, ARC: n/a
Trainer: Kelley Lawson
Participants will critically examine the first 6 chapters of the book, Anti-Bias Education for Young Children & Ourselves by Louise Derman-Sparks & Julie Olsen Edwards helping children and families celebrate diversity & foster a sense of fairness for all. Participants will come away with a strong foundation of what "Anti-Bias Education" means and some tools to practice in their programs. Participants will receive a FREE copy of the book with their registration!
Personal and Professional Development (PPLD) Cohort
When: Jun. 5, 12, 19 & 26, 6pm-9pm
Where: all classes held on zoom
Language: English
Cost: $60 (OCCD scholarships apply)
ORO information: Set 3, DIV 3 hrs, FCS 3 hrs, HGD 3 hrs, LEC 2 hrs, & PPLD 1 hrs, ARC: n/a
Trainer: Aoifee Magee, Joyce McCoy & Lorena Rodriguez
Join us for this opportunity to participate in some classes that remind you to take care of your best asset to the classroom and children & families. What is that? It's YOU! We have some great trainers to take you on a journey to strengthen your Personal and Professional Development. Classes are:
- Self-care for the Caregiver Creating Balance While Caring for Young Children (86925)
- Applying the NAEYC Code of Ethics in Child Care Environments (86926)
- Professionalism in Child Care (87029)
- Ethics, Confidentiality, and Respecting Families (86927)
Getting Started: Becoming a Provider
There are two paths to becoming a child care provider: becoming a Licensed Child Care Provider or become a Listed Child Care Provider with DHS. Read below to learn the benefits of each type of provider and what trainings each type of provider needs to complete.
Become a Licensed Child Care Provider
As a licensed Family Licensed Child Care Provider, you can care for up to 10 children at one time. To become a licensed provider through Office of Child Care (OCC), you will need to attend a free, two part Introduction to Registered Family Child Care. Part 1 can be found online at Educadium. See dates below for Part 2. You will also need to complete the required Health and Safety Schedule listed below before applying (we offer two kinds of CPR, but you only need to take one).
Upcoming Introduction to Registered Family Child Care Part 2 sessions:
- Apr. 10, 9am-12pm (86751)
- May 8, 9am-12pm (86752)
- Jun. 12, 9am-12pm (86753)
Pre-registration required. Call us at Child Care Resource & Referral of Clackamas County at 503-675-4100 to register.
Become a Listed Child Care Provider with ERDC/ODHS
As a Regulated Subsidy DHS Listed Provider, you can care for up to 3 children at one time. Being “listed” throughEmployment Related Day Care (ERDC) Department of Human Services (DHS) means that you are approved to receive subsidy payment for child care of approved families. To become listed through DHS, you will need to attend a free, two part ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation. Part 1 can be found online at Educadium. See dates below for Part 2. Providers must be active and have received a letter telling them they need to take the ERDC/ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation, which we offer once per month. https://www.oregon.gov/DHS/ASSISTANCE/CHILD-CARE/Pages/Provider-Listing.aspx
Upcoming sessions of ERDC Child Care Provider Orientation Part 2:
- Apr. 17, 9am-11am (86754)
- May 15, 9am-11am (85755)
- Jun. 18, 9am-11am (86756)
Pre-registration required. Call us at Child Care Resource & Referral of Clackamas County at 503-675-4100 to register.
NEW! Getting started with Spark - Introduction to Spark
Spark is Oregon's Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS). It is a voluntary program designed to support and recognize high quality early childhood care and education programs. Sign up for an introduction class today.
Upcoming sessions of Introduction to Spark:
Health and Safety Schedule
Four trainings need to be taken before turning in Child Care Listing Form to ODHS.
- Introduction to Child Care Health & Safety: available on demand, free
- Foundations for Learning: available on demand, free
- Safe Sleep Packet: available on demand, free
- Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect: available on demand, free
- Food Handler Packet: available on demand, free. The Food Handler test can be taken online.
- CPR and First Aid Certification* Adult, Infant, and Child, $65. Upcoming classes:
- In-person CPR and First Aid Certification*
- CPR & First Aid Apr. 12, 9am-3pm (Spanish) (87006)
- CPR & First Aid May 17, 9am-3pm (86758)
- CPR & First Aid May 24, 9am-3pm (Spanish) (86760)
- Blended CPR and First Aid Certification* (First Aid online, CPR in person)
*The CPR and First Aid class is required for child care licensing and must be renewed every two years. Licensed family child care providers (only the person named on the license) renewing their license can take this training at no cost by emailing ccrr@clackesd.org or calling 503-675-4100 to register. If you registered before contacting us and paid, no refund will be issued. All others must register online at pdnetworks.soesd.12.or.us . Provider applying to be license exempt take the Health & Safety set before the CCR&R training.
Upcoming Trainings
Click the links to learn more and register!
A key to the Oregon Registry Training codes is available below the list of upcoming trainings.
Please read our registration and training policies and distance learning policies and procedures before registering.
April 2025
Exploring Music to Support Child Development and Self-Regulation (87630)
Language: English
CKC - LEC 1.5 hr, UGB 1.5 hrs.
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Nina Rhodes
Date: April 1, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - 1.5 DIV & 1.5 HGD, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Laurys Duno
Date: Apr. 2, 6pm-730pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - FCS, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elda Perez
Nurturing Your Team: Effective Retention Strategies for Preschool Success (STATE) (87030)
Date: Apr. 3, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - PPLD, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Sara Smart
Childhood Mental Health: What It Is and Why It Matters (SEIU) (86934)
Date: Apr. 7, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set One, ARC: IT, PS, SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Hannah Huber
Развитие личности детей предподросткового и подросткового
возраста (The Development of Personality of Preteen and Teen Children) (STATE) (Russian) (86935)
Date: Apr. 7, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
CKC - HGD, Set 3, ARC: sa
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Alona Halychanska
The ABC's of Observation & Assessment: Exploring Common Terms and How to Use Them (STATE) (86936)
Date: Apr. 8, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - OA, Set 2, ARC: IT, PS
Cost: $20
Trainer: Kelley Lawson
JUST ADDED! Understanding Sensory Processing in Young Children (87702)
Date: Apr. 9, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - HGD, Set 1, ARC: IT & PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer Elana Cohen
Shining the Light on the Art & Science of Caring Practices in Early Childhood Education (86937)
Date: Apr. 10, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - HSN/ Set 2, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Aoife Magee
Give Me Five 5 Key Practices to Prevent Challenging Behavior (86938)
Date: Apr. 16, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tracy Branscomb
Mi Estrés está Mandando mis Decisiones: Examine Cómo el Estrés Crónico Afecta al Cuerpo
Física, Mental/Cognitivamente, Emocional y Conductualmente/My stress is driving my
decision(s): Examine how chronic stress affects the body physically, mentally/cognitivally,
emotionally and behaviorally. (STATE) (Spanish) (86939)
Date: Apr. 18, 6pm-9pm
CKC - PPLD, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Karen Ramirez
Cradling Literacy: Emergent Literacy in Two Languages (STATE) (86940)
Date: Apr. 22, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - FCS, Set 2, ARC: IT
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Kathleen Walker-Henderson
Apoyando a Niños y Familias Que han Experimentado Trauma/Supporting Children and
Families Who Have Experienced Trauma (STATE) (Spanish) (86941)
Date: Apr. 23, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - 1.5 FCS & 1.5 SN, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Date: Apr. 24, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set 1, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Yolanda Gordon
Date: Apr. 24, 6pm-830pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - PM, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: online
Trainer: Lucia Aleman
Date: 4/29/25 6-9pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer:Rhonda Schock
Observing Children: Looking and Learning (STATE) (86943)
Date: Apr. 29, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - OA, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Danielle Stamm-Thomas
Once Upon a Time: Centering Storytelling at the Heart of Early Literacy Development (86944)
Date: Apr. 30, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Stephen Karmol
May 2025
Cover your Assets: Build a Contract to Protect Your Business (SEIU) (86945)
Date: May 5, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set One, ARC: IT, PS, SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Hannah Huber
СДВГ: Название стимула переменного внимания: Черта (VAST) (ADHD: Variable
Attention Stimulus Trait (VAST)) (STATE) (Russian) (86946)
Date: May 5, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
CKC - SN, Set 2, ARC: PS, SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
Date May 5, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - DIV, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Laurys Duno
Calm the Storm: Transforming Emotional Breakdowns to Breakthroughs (STATE) (86949)
Date: May 6, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - HGD, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Megan Barella
Date: May 7, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Meredith Villines
Date: May 12, 6pm-730pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - FCS, Set 2, ARC: IT & PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elda M Perez
Do You See What I See? (87455)
Date: May 13, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - OA, Set 2, ARC: IT
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Candi Stark
Date: May 13, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Jennifer Cork
JUST ADDED! Understanding Sensory Processing in Young Children (87703)
Date: May 14 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - HGD, Set 1, ARC: IT, PS
Location: Online
Trainer: Elana Cohen
Date: May 14, 6pm-9pm
CKC - PM, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rhonda Schock
Rincón Acogedor (Cozy Corner) (STATE) (Spanish) (86954)
Date: May 15, 6pm-7pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - UGB, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Bertha Camacho
Date: May 20, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - OA, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rachel Peng Su
Date: May 20, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Sandy Meados
Date: May 21, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - OA, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Lucia Aleman
Give Me Five 5 Key Practices to Prevent Challenging Behavior (86923)
Date: May. 22, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: ?? part of a cohort
Location: Online
Trainer: Tracy Branscomb
Date: May 27, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - OA, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rachel Peng Su
Date: May 22, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Sandy Meados
Date: May 27, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Sandy Meados
Date: May 28, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - HSN, Set 2, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Aoife Magee
Date: May 29, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Sandy Meados
June 2025
Does Love Fix it All? The Power of Positive Guidance (SEIU) (86962)
Date: Jun. 2, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set One, ARC: IT, PS, SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Hannah Huber
Date: Jun. 2, 6pm-730pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - FCS, Set 2, ARC: IT & PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elda M Perez
Date: Jun. 3, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - HGD, Set 2, ARC: IT, PS & SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Aoife Magee
Leadership: Don’t Manage LEAD 1-3 hour version (STATE) (86966)
Date: Jun. 4, 12pm-2pm
Language: English
CKC - PPLD, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Joyce McCoy
JUST ADDED! Understanding Sensory Processing in Young Children (87711)
Date: Jun. 11, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - HGD, Set 1, ARC: IT, PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elana Cohen
Date: Jun. 11, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set 1, ARC: IT & PS
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Tonia Snook
Развитие эмоционального интеллекта. «Я и мои эмоции. Удивление и интерес/The
Date: Jun. 16, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
CKC - UGB, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $10
Location: Online
Trainer: Alona Halychanska
Date: Jun. 17, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - FCS, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Karen Ramirez
Give Me Five 5 Key Practices to Prevent Challenging Behavior (86970)
Date: Jun. 18, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tracy Branscomb
Date: Jun. 23, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set 1, ARC: IT & PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Nicole Singleton
Team-Centered Approach for Difficult Behavior in the Classroom (STATE) (86971)
Date: Jun. 24, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - 1.5 OA & 1.5 UGB, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Amy Williams
Family Handbooks & Gathering Information from Families (87043)
Date: Jun. 25, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Teresa Ashford
Date: Jun. 30, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
CKC - HSN, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
Language: Spanish
CKC - FCS, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elda Perez
Oregon Registry Training Key
- DIV – Diversity
- FCS – Families & Community Systems
- HGD – Human Growth & Development
- LEC – Learning Environments & Curriculum
- OA – Observation & Assessment
- SN – Special Needs
- UGB – Understanding & Guiding Behavior
- HSN – Health Safety & Nutrition
- PPLD – Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
- PM – Program Management
- Set One training presents introductory knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to provide an overview of basic principles, theories, and/or research. Participants are expected to gain basic, introductory knowledge of session topics.
- Set Two training presents intermediate knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to build on previous knowledge by having professionals use what they have already learned and experienced to think in depth and to learn more. Session are developed assuming that participants already have basic knowledge of the subject in order to participate at this intermediate level of complexity.
- Set Three training presents advanced knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to provide in-depth study of the session topic. Sessions provide opportunities for analysis, comparison, critical examination, evaluation, research, and/or practical study. Set Three participants are expected to already have significant and/or intermediate knowledge of and professional experience in the session topic.