Week 3 Announcements
Are you having any struggles in your course?
By now, the introduction to the course is done, and you are starting the coursework for the class. Let Ms. A know ASAP if you are having any difficulty!
Grades are updated in PowerSchool
The first assignments were due last Friday at Midnight! All submitted assignments have been updated and entered. Please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks! - Ms. A
Reminder: Course instructor will change in a few weeks!
Reply Etiquette!
Don't forget to apply all the rules of conversation that you would in person to online discussions! When someone posts something to you, respond in a way that continues the conversation.
Want to re-do an assignment?
My philosophy is about Growth Mindset! I give lots of feedback on your assignments, so check it out by going to the submission details or your grades page. You are always welcome to update an assignment.
PowerSchool is set up now!
Grades have been updated and are in PowerSchool now! Check it regularly! Zeroes are entered for missing assignments, so get them in soon!
Contact Ms. A with Questions
Text #: 631-494-2462
Email: aadams@kpbsd.org
Website: www.teachingjedi.com
Location: Seward High School, Swetmann Avenue, Seward, AK, United States
Phone: 907-224-9074
Twitter: @teachingjedi