October 2024 Newsletter
From the Principal
Dear WHS Families,
This fall, Westwood High School implemented an updated Internet-Enabled Device (Cell Phone) Policy to help students develop healthy habits regarding the use of technology and internet-enabled devices in school. While we recognize the use and importance of these devices in our daily lives, the updated policy ensures that technology serves to enhance, rather than detract, from sustained engagement, attention, and connection during active learning periods.
We have collected some initial feedback about the policy from students and staff, and are now seeking your perspective. Please take a few moments to share your feedback via the October 2024 Internet-Enabled Device Survey for Families.
Our building-based and district Task Forces are meeting regularly throughout the year to provide and share feedback about stakeholder experiences as they relate to the new policy; research approaches in other districts; and make any identified recommendations about policy revisions next spring.
Thank you!
Amy L. Davenport
Principal, Westwood High School
Summer Reading Event
As the culminating event for our One School, Many Stories summer reading program, author Jennifer De Leon visited Westwood High School where she led two assemblies about the power of storytelling. De Leon is the author of two young adult novels, Borderless and Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From. She is also the author of White Space: Essays on Culture, Race & Writing and is a creative writing professor at Framingham State University.
De Leon talked to WHS students about how stories can help people embrace their differences and showcase diversity. She also led a hands-on creative writing workshop that allowed participating students to develop their storytelling skills.
National Merit Scholarship - Commended Students
In September 2025, more than two-thirds (about 34,000) of the high scorers will be designated Commended Students. They will be named on the basis of a nationally applied Selection Index qualifying score that may vary from year to year.
In recognition of their outstanding ability and potential for academic success in college, NMSC will honor these students by sending Letters of Commendation to them through their high schools. Although Commended Students will not continue in the competition for National Merit Scholarships, some may be candidates for Special Scholarships offered by corporate sponsors (see sponsor list). NMSC will notify those candidates in November 2025.
News from Guidance
Guidance Website
Parents are encouraged to visit the Guidance Website, for information on topics such as navigating the college search process, applying for financial aid, scholarship opportunities, internships as well as the Guidance Calendar. In addition to the website, parents and students are encouraged to follow the Guidance Instagram account.
Parent Talks
Guidance run Parent Talks give parents the opportunity to meet with guidance counselors and discuss topics including the college application process, standardized testing and course selection. The meetings will continue to be virtual and recorded and posted to the website for those unable to attend. A Zoom link will be provided to all parents the week of each meeting. The meetings will be recorded and posted on our website afterwards. All meetings are 8:30-9:30 a.m. Future dates:
September 13th - for parents of 12th grade students
October 18th - for parents of 10th and 11th grade students
November 22nd - for parents of 9th grade students
March 7th – for all parents
Financial Aid Night
The Guidance Department is excited to offer a Financial Aid presentation being held online by a MEFA representative on Tuesday, October 22nd at 6pm via zoom. This presentation will provide information and clarity on the entire college financial aid application process. You'll learn about financial aid applications and types of financial aid, the factors that determine your aid eligibility, how colleges determine the amount of aid to offer, and the details of financial aid offers. Please sign up online here. You will be sent a zoom link the day before the meeting. The meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the guidance website the next day if you are unable to attend.
Information for Seniors
Students applying to colleges with November 1st deadlines should submit transcript release forms to the Guidance Office by October 25th. The Transcript Release Form, and other relevant forms, can be found on the Senior Page of the Guidance Website.
Financial Aid Forms
-FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, at fafsa.gov
-CSS Profile, at cssprofile.collegeboard.org is required by some colleges in addition to the FAFSA (colleges that require Profile)
Free assistance available for completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
FAFSA Day provides free assistance to students and families completing a FAFSA. This statewide program is administered by the Massachusetts Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators with the assistance of many community-based organizations. Visit FAFSA Day website for details including dates. This will be a virtual event this year.
Information for Juniors:
Juniors may take the Digital PSAT on Saturday, October 26th at 7:30 a.m. Registration closed September 16th for the test.
The Junior Year College Planning Timeline forecasts college related events for the school year.
Information for Sophomores:
Sophomore Seminars
Guidance counselors will lead Sophomore Seminars during term 2, topics include standardized testing, stress management and career exploration. Students will be given an overview of options for college majors and careers, and complete a career interest inventory on Naviance.
Information for Freshmen:
Freshmen Seminars
This month counselors are presenting the first of three Ninth Grade Guidance Seminars. Topics include accessing resources at the high school, graduation requirements, and the importance of extracurricular activities. The second round of seminars will take place in December.
Information for all students:
Learner’s Permit Information:
In order to fulfill the residency/proof of enrollment requirements for a learner's permit, students can print out both documents directly from their Aspen account.
1. Proof of Enrollment Letter - under the “My Info” tab, go to Reports, scroll down to Proof of Enrollment
2. Report Card - on the Aspen homepage, left side in PDF form.
Job Board
The Guidance Office maintains a job board, where we post job opportunities called in by local businesses.
News from the Health Office
October 2024
We have had a great start to the school year!
Grade 9 Physicals
All students entering Grade 9 must provide a recent physical.
Physicals should be dated 2/1/2023 or later.
For students with upcoming Fall/Winter physicals, please submit after the exam.
Health Screenings
Information regarding health screenings for students in grades 9 and 10 can be found here and will also be sent in the next week.
A physical exam with the appropriate screenings can be submitted or parents can opt-out here
Emergency Action Plans
Most provider offices provide their own Seizure, Asthma and Allergy Action/Emergency Plans. These are acceptable forms and should be submitted to WHS.
If your child’s office does not have a standard form, you can download one HERE.
Please submit forms annually following your child’s appointment.
Forms are valid for one year from the appointment date.
No additional provider orders or forms are required in addition to the action plans.
IMPORTANT: Aspen Allergy Update
Please log in to your student’s ASPEN account and update their allergy information annually.
If your child does not have food allergies, please still complete the update and select NONE.
Over the Counter Medications
Tylenol (acetaminophen), motrin (ibuprofen), tums, and cough drops are available to students in the health office with parental/guardian consent. You can complete the attached form and submit it. Please complete a separate form for each student. Forms need to be completed annually.
2023-24 Parent Consent OTC form
Students with fever or acute illness should remain home.
The link to guidance regarding common illnesses is HERE
Injury/PE excusals
A provider note is required for accommodations or excusals from PE/Wellness class due to student injury or surgery. All paperwork should be submitted to the health office.
Information Delivery
All emergency action plans (asthma, allergy/anaphylaxis, diabetes, seizure) and physicals can be submitted to the health office in person, via email, mail, or fax (781-326-2695).
Please call or email the health office if you have any questions or concerns.
Dawnmarie Shu RN, MSN
(781)326-7500 x3353
Laura Cucchi RN, BSN
(781)326-7500 x3361
Fall Play Information
October 25 @ 7:30
October 26 @ 2:00 & 7:30
Update from Athletics
Registration for Winter Sports runs October 15-November 15. Please register before the deadline to give the coaches a chance to organize before tryouts begin on December 2nd!
Click on WHS ATHLETICS for schedules, registration, payment, etc.
Matthew Gillis, mgillis@westwood.k12.ma.us ~ Athletic Director
Paul Lilla, plilla@westwood.k12.ma.us ~ Athletic Trainer
Martha Laughna, mlaughna@westwood.k12.ma.us ~ Athletic Department Administrator
Key Club Thanksgiving Drive
Hello, the WHS Key Club is excited to announce our annual Thanksgiving Drive!
We will be collecting donations from Nov 1- Nov 14, and all contributions will go to the Westwood Food Pantry. The drive is going to be a competition between the grades, and whichever grade donates the most will be receiving a prize. Collection bins will be located in the main lobby.
This is a great opportunity for students and families to come together and support those in need!
High-need items this year include:
Thank you so much for your support!
The WHS Key Club
Cherryl Wu & Meaghan Greally, Thanksgiving Drive Leaders
Attention: Parents of Seniors
To the Parents/Guardians of the Class 2025:
The Senior Video Crew is beginning to gather materials for the Class of '25 Senior Video. We are seeking group photos or videos of important moments during middle school (plays, events, field trips, dances). If you have any photographs or videos of members of the class of 2025 in Middle School we would appreciate it if you could send them to us at our email address: seniorvideo@westwood.k12.ma.us .
Thank You-
Senior Video Crew
Academics in Action
Marine Biology Visits Woods Hole
The Marine Biology classes at WHS had an incredible opportunity to embark on a research cruise out of Woods Hole, thanks to the Zephyr Education Foundation, our supportive administration, the science department, and a generous grant from the WHS PTO! During the cruise, students collected organisms using a bottom dredge, observed multiple marine habitats in real-time via a live camera towed behind the ship, and had the chance to handle and learn about the collected organisms. Once back on land, students explored the WHOI Discovery Center and dock, toured the MBL’s Redfield Laboratory, and visited the Woods Hole Aquarium.
We're thrilled to share that the Marine Biology program at WHS has grown to three sections this year, allowing us to bring over 75 students on this exciting adventure across two days! A heartfelt thank you to the PTO, the science department, and the WHS/WPS administration for their continued support in making these once-in-a-lifetime experiences possible!
Anatomy Visits Northeastern
The experience continued as WHS students collaborated with graduate Physical Therapy students. They engaged in hands-on activities, such as using ultrasound technology to view muscle movements, assessing reflex actions, and evaluating joint mobility. This direct interaction with advanced diagnostic tools and expert guidance was invaluable. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive and excellent partner in Northeastern University, which significantly enriches our students' educational journey.
News from the TEC Classroom
The students from the TEC program returned to work, or started new positions, at their community vocational worksites.
Ava started working at PolkaDog bakery in Westwood. Matthew returned to his jobs at Unity Farm in Sherborn, and at the Phoenix Academy Culinary Arts program in Norwood. Christo returned to his job at Mass Audubon in Canton. Trinity began working at the TEC Campus School in Walpole. Christian resumed his duties delivering lunches for the Meals on Wheels program in Westwood.
We are grateful for our community partners who give our students an opportunity to learn valuable work skills. We are very proud of our hard working students!
Community Resources
Update from SEPAC
Update from ANGP
All Night Grad Party/Promenade Planning Underway: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
Help us celebrate WHS Class of 2025. This is a great way for parents of middle and high school students to see this 30+ year WHS event while paying it forward for all future graduates. It is a lot of fun!
ANGP not only runs the amazing All Night Graduation Party, but also puts up Lawn Signs for all the graduates, hangs the gorgeous Grad Wall Banner around the track, and coordinates the Promenade for the junior/senior prom! Click here to sign up for a volunteer shift!
Parents/Guardians of 2025 Graduates:
Make sure your senior is aware of upcoming events for the 2025 Graduating Class!
Log onto Aspen through a desktop computer. On the Right, you will see “ANNUAL VERIFICATION FORM." Click “HERE” to access the Verification Page.
On the window that opens, select the blue “Verify & Update” button next to your senior’s name.
In the numbered menu on the left, choose “4. Technology and Media Permissions” and make sure “YES” is selected under the “Release of Information to Affiliated School Groups.”
Press green SUBMIT FORM button to finish.
Contact Us:
email westwoodangp@gmail.com
Follow Us: For updates, pictures, more details and some fun teasers about the event!
Instagram: westwoodangp
Facebook: Westwood ANGP
Important Dates
- October 16: Early Release
- October 29: Picture Day Make-Ups
- October 30: Early Dismissal
- November 5: No School (In Service Day)
- November 11: No School (Veterans Day Observance)
- November 13: Early Release
- November 27: Early Dismissal (Time TBD)
- November 28 & 29: No School
- December 11: Early Release
- December 20: Early Release
- December 23 - 31: Vacation
- January 1: No School (New Year's Day)
Reports to Families
TERM 1 (44 days) Last day of term: November 1st
Progress Reports Grades due: Friday, September 27th at 12:00 PM
Available to students: Friday, September 27th at 3:30 PM
SPED Progress Reports Due: Wednesday, November 20th
Report Cards Grades due: Friday, November 8th at 12:00 PM
Available to students: Friday, November 8th at 3:30 PM
TERM 2 (43 days) Last day of term: January 17th
Progress Reports: Grades due: Friday, December 6th at 12:00 PM
Available to students: Friday, December 6th at 3:30 PM
SPED Progress Reports Due: Friday, February 7th
Report Cards: Grades due: Friday, January 24th at 12:00 PM
Available to students: Friday, January 24th at 3:30 PM
TERM 3 (44 days) Last day of term: March 28th
Progress Reports: Grades due: Friday, February 28th at 12:00 PM
Available to students: Friday, February 28th at 3:30 PM
SPED Progress Reports Due: Friday, April 11th
Report Cards: Grades due: Friday, April 4th at 12:00 PM
Available to students: Friday, April 4th at 3:30 PM
TERM 4 (44 days) Last day of term: June 9th
Progress Reports: Grades due: Friday, May 2nd at 12:00 PM
Available to students: Friday, May 2nd at 3:30 PM
SPED Progress Reports Due: Friday, June 13th
Report Cards Grades due: Monday, June 17th at 12:00 PM
Available to students: Monday, June 17th at 3:30 PM
J-TERM (5 days): June 10th - 13th, June 16th
Important Dates for Seniors
Last day of senior classes: May 23rd
Grades Available to Students: Wednesday, May 28th, at 3:30 PM
Class Night: May 30th
Graduation: June 1st (Time TBD)