RMS Monday Message
May 13th, 2024
Important Dates
5/13 - NJHS Induction @ RMS Gymnasium 6:30pm
5/14 - NYS 8th Grade Science State Test
5/16 - 5/17 - 7th Grade Boston Trip
5/17 - 5/30 - Book Fair
5/17 - Quarter 4 5-Week Mark
5/21 - 6th Grade Trip to Roller Magic (See Below)
5/23 - 5/28 Memorial Day Break
5/29 - 6th Grade Trip to Roller Magic (See Below)
6/4 - 6th Grade Field Trip to Boundless Adventures
6/4 - PTO Meeting @ RMS Library 7pm
6/10 - Honors Tea @ BHS Theater
6/11 - 9th Grade Orientation (for current 8th Grade Students & Families) 6pm @ BHS
6/14 - 8th Grade Formal Time TBA
6/19 - Juneteenth - No School
6/24 - 1/2 Day for Students
6/25 - 1/2 Day for Students and Last Day of School for Students in BCSD
6/25 - 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Time TBA
RMS in DC!
Thank you Mr. Soltish for all of your planning and organizing for an awesome trip for our students!
Appreciation @ RMS!
Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week and we wanted to give a shout out to our Faculty and Staff @ RMS for all that they do to make RMS such a great school. We appreciate all of the fun and engaging lessons that you plan, the words of encouragement that you give, and all of the things you do above and beyond to help our students succeed. Thank you!
NY State Testing
1. The 8th Grade NYS Science Computer-Based Test will be on Tuesday, May 14th.
2. NYSESLAT 2024, Listening, Reading, Writing Sessions: Monday, May 13, 2024, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Monday, May 20, 2024.
Questions? Contact Mr. Carofano @ carofano.m@beaconk12.org
Happy Mother's Day!
Last weekend was Mother's Day and we hope that all of the moms and those in a motherly role that are apart of our school community had a great day. Thank you for all that you do!
Attention 8th Grade Students/Families!
Attention 7th Grade Students!
Applications are available for students interested in applying for the Advanced Art class for 8th grade. Please ask your Art Teacher for an application or stop by 1st period to room A110 to see Ms. Charter. Electronic applications are preferred but hard copies will be available in the main office. All applications are due by June 14th.
Attention 6th Grade Families!
6th Grade is going to Roller Magic!
On 5/21, students who have Ms. Eraca, Mr. Lange, Ms. Murray, Ms. Simms and Ms. Lepere, Ms. Gonzalez, Ms. Alzate, and Ms. Laderach for Homeroom/1st Period will be going on their trip.
On 5/29, students who have Ms. Cotto, Ms. Benson, Ms. Briehof, Mr. Henry, or have Band for for Homeroom/1st Period will be going on their trip.
Be on the lookout for permission slips, which are going home this week with students. All slips and payment is due back on May 14th.
Questions? Contact Ms. Pucino @ pucino.a@beaconk12.org.
A great job to all of our Band and Chorus students on their Spring Concert performances this past Thursday evening. You always do such a wonderful job and it has been great to see how much you have progressed since the beginning of the year with all of the hard work you have put in. We are proud of you!
7th/8th Grade Band Earns "Superior" Status!
This past Friday (5/10), RMS Band Students in 7th and 8th Grade participated in the Trills and Thrills Program. We traveled to Neptune High School (NJ) and performed a few of our songs in front of professional judges and then enjoyed the rest of our day at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ. The judges gave us a score of "Superior," which is the highest rating that they give. Congrats!
RMS Modified Athletics
Below are the home modified athletic contests for the next two weeks. Download the rSchool App to view the most up to date schedules for Beacon Athletics! Good luck to all of our Bulldogs as they wind down their Spring Seasons!
5/20: Modified Baseball vs. Monroe-Woodbury 4:15pm @ Memorial Park
The Buy-One-Get-One-Free Book Fair begins on Friday!!
From Ms. Eveland's Literacy Classes!
In AIS Literacy class we wrote notes to every teacher in RMS to show our appreciation to them for Teacher Appreciation Week! Students wrote thoughtful notes to help make every teacher’s day. We then went around and hung them on their doors.
'23-'24 8th Grade T-Shirt Order Form
May is National Speech-Language-Hearing Month!
Rombout welcomed a new Speech-Language Pathologist this school year, Amanda Tarrant. We appreciate Ms. Tarrant and Ms. Rosario, our Speech Therapists, who help students with language and communication skills.
RMS Club News
1. Week 6 eSports Updates: RMS defeats LaGrange in Rocket League (3-2), RMS defeats LaGrange in Super Smash Bros (3-2), LaGrange defeats RMS in Madden (2-0). Next week is the spring season championship. Rombouts record heading into are as follows: Rocket League 7-0, Madden 3-4, Smash Bros 6-0.
RMS PTO Corner
The next PTO meeting is Tuesday May 14th at 7pm. Join us, along with Mr Soltish, on zoom to hear about what is happening in RMS. Follow this link to join the meeting:
The PTO is in dire need of people to hold all positions and volunters for next year in order to continue supporting RMS. Please consider volunteering. Contact us at romboutpto@gmail.com to find out what each position does or find out at our next meeting. The time commitment needed is less than in elementary the schools.
The PTO is pleased to be hosting the National Junior Honor Society reception on May 13th. We will also be hosting our annual Honors Tea on June 10th for students that made the Honor roll all 3 quarters of the year. Please be on the lookout for more information coming soon. As always, thank you for your support.
About RMS
Questions or Concerns? Contact the Main Office at 845-838-6900 ext. 4131.
Follow us on Instagram and X (Twitter) - @RomboutMS
School Address: 84 Mattaewan Rd, Beacon, NY 12508
Principal: Mr. Brian Soltish - soltish.b@beaconk12.org - ext. 4131
Assistant Principal (Last Names A-L): Mr. Michael Carofano - carofano.m@beaconk12.org - ext. 4105
Assistant Principal (Last Names M-Z): Ms. Amanda Pucino - pucino.a@beaconk12.org - ext. 4144
Rombout Middle School Assistant Principal (Last names A-L)