Lewis Elementary News
Lewis Calendar
TOMORROW – Bottle Drop - drop off blue bags outside main doors between 7:45- 8:15am
TOMORROW – Lunch Recess - Yo-yo sale from the NED show in the main office, 11am - 12:05pm
TOMORROW – Lewis Dines Out at Papa Murphy's from 3 to 8pm
2/3 Monday – PTA Meeting
2/12 Wednesday – Deadline to sign up to join the band at the Lewis⚡Rocks event
2/12 Wednesday – Talent Show permission slips due
2/20 Thursday – Book orders due- Order a signed copy of Speechless by Aron Nels Steinke
2/26 Wednesday – Early Release - Pick up your child at 11:50am
2/27 Thursday – Talent Show Auditions, 2:45 - 4:45 pm
3/1 Saturday – Lewis⚡Rocks! - Benefit Concert for 5th Grade Science Camp
3/5 Wednesday – Fifth Grade visits Sellwood Middle School
3/6 Thursday – Author visit - Aron Nels Steinke, for Grades 3 - 5
3/12 Wednesday – Sellwood Counselor, Adam Kennybrew, visits the Fifth Grade to talk about forecasting
NED show Yo-yos for sale TOMORROW, Thursday 1/30
In the main office, from 11am to 12:05pm, during lunch recess.
Students should bring exact cash amount or a check made out to Lewis Elementary, to the main office with the form.
Check out their website:
PTA News - Lewis Dines Out at Papa Murphy's tomorrow
Talent Show is coming!!
Calling all Lewis talent! The Talent Show is coming!! Permission Slips are now available in the main office and will be due Wednesday, February 12th. Auditions will be held on Thursday, February 27th from 2:45-4:45 pm. All acts must be present at auditions to participate in the show. If you have questions please contact Sarah Kohn at skohn@pps.net, Natalie Speer at nspeer@pps.net, or Cyndi Redmond at credmond@pps.net. Looking forward to seeing the talent!
Lewis⚡Rocks! Saturday, 3/1
Tickets for the 2nd Annual Benefit Concert for 5th Grade Science Camp are on sale now!
Lewis Elementary's favorite rock band, Dead Famous, had such a great time last year, they are going to play another gig to help raise funds for fifth grade science camp, and they want you to join the band! Any and all parents, teachers, and staff are invited to play guitar, bass, drums, keyboards or take the lead on vocals for a song or two, and to jam live with the band on stage. If interested, Contact Tim Anderson at timnitis@yahoo.com by 2/12 to sign up, spots are limited!!!
This epic concert will be Saturday, March 1st from 5-8p.m. at The Heist (on Woodstock). Space is limited so make sure you buy tickets early!
Author Aron Nels Steinke is coming back to Lewis on March 6th!
Orders are due by February 20th.