The Bronco Beat
News for the Week of July 24
Message from the Principal
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Blue Creek Elementary School! We are thrilled to have your family join us for another year of growth, learning, and discovery. This year, our theme is "Discover your POWER," where POWER stands for Purpose, Ownership, Wonder, Effort, and Reflection.
At Blue Creek, we believe that every student has the potential to be a powerful learner and leader. This year, we will focus on helping each student discover and harness their POWER in meaningful ways. To learn more about Bronco POWER and each House, please visit our school website:
Important Transportation Update:
To keep the safety of our students and staff a top priority in our dismissal process the following dismissal times will be enforced.
• Car Pick Up Line will run from 3:30-3:50PM
• Parents coming to pick students up that ride the late bus can do so after 3:50PM, if you are able to pick them up before 3:50PM, send a message to their teacher via ClassDojo to change their afternoon transportation. Beginning Tuesday we will not allow parents to come to the office to check students out from late busses until 3:50PM.
• Parents picking students up from the YMCA need to do so at 3:50PM or after. This will prevent a delay in the car line and keep unnecessary transitions occurring while students are waiting for their car.
Other helpful items that will assist in speeding up the Car Pick Up line are:
• Parents that need to buckle in their Broncos need to pull up to the Handicap Spots.
• Parents must stay in their car
• Have students enter on the driver’s side if possible
• Parents should not wave kids on; our staff will take care of student movement into the car pick up lane.
• Be courteous to our staff, refrain from profanity. Our staff are doing all they can to ensure our students arrive to you safely and in a timely manner.
SaySomething App
We would like to remind our families about the Say Something reporting platform.
Say Something provides students and adults a secure, anonymous reporting platform for concerns related to violence, suicide, bullying, self-harm and other forms of threatening behavior. Tips are received by trained personnel, who will notify the proper authorities, whether they be school administrators or law enforcement.
The platform is easily accessible via the 1:1 tools on student devices. Tips can also be submitted via phone, on the Say Something website, or through the Say Something mobile app.
School safety is a community effort, and we thank our students, staff, and families for their support as we work together to keep one another safe. Remember, if you see something, please say something.
You can find more information about Say Something here: Say Something Anonymous Reporting System.
Is Your Contact Information Up to Date?
In order to stay up to date on the latest from the district, including crisis communications and notifications of changes to the school schedule, we encourage our families to ensure that their most recent contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses, is on file at their schools. Having current and accurate information is essential in our effort to provide the OCS family with important notices and updates.
If you or someone you know has not been, or has stopped, receiving district notices, please contact your school’s data manager to confirm that your contact information is entered correctly.
Upcoming Events
Sep. 10, 2024 - PTO Meeting in the Art Room
Sep. 18, 2024 - Early Dismissal - Half Day Hat Day
Sep. 18, 2024 - Broncos in the Park (hosted by PTO) 1:30-3:30PM
Donations Needed
At the end of last year, Reveur students asked for a game night. We are looking for any board games, card games, outdoor equipment, etc. so that we can provide a great time for our students. We are also looking for small prizes to give out throughout the night (fidgets, playdough, candy, stickers, etc.). Thank you for your help and support!
More Information on the Houses of Blue Creek
Car Pick Up and Drop Off
All students will be issued a number to be utilized in case they are a car rider at any point during the school year. Families will be provided two sets of student cards. These cards must be displayed either on the dash or sun visor for staff to see during afternoon pickup. Students will not be called to cars without number cards being displayed. Cars with no number cards will have to exit the staff parking lot and circle around (via HWY 53) to the office to present photo identification to get verified after the first week of school. There will be NO exceptions to this policy.
Car Arrival Procedures:
Cars will enter the parking lot through the center driveway. Once you enter the driveway, you will make an immediate right and follow the driveway behind the last row of parked cars along the fence (parallel to the road). At the end of the row, you will make a 180-degree left and follow the driveway between the rows of parked cars. At the end of the row, you will now make a 180-degree right turn and pull up the first available staff member. Once your child(ren) exit the vehicle, you will exit the parking lot through the driveway next to the tree line. Please make sure once you enter the driveway, you turn right. The area and driveway to the left is used for bus arrivals and dismissals.
Car Dismissal Procedures:
When picking your child(ren) up from school, the exact same traffic pattern will be used in the afternoons that is used in the morning. You will pull up to the next free cone that will have a staff member present. You will need to have the card(s) that have been provided to you visible in your car. (We suggest attaching it to the back side of your visor). Your child(ren) will have a card that matches the number(s) you have on the card in your car. Your child will be called to report to one of the 6 cones, and a staff member will assist your child(ren) to getting into the car. This will allow a quick and safe dismissal of children in the pickup line.
Early Check-Outs
This year, the latest we will allow early check out will be 2:45PM. This will ensure our staff has the ability to get our students where they need to be for dismissal without the added confusion of students being called out during transitions.
School Bus Information
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
The OCS School Nutrition office is accepting online and paper meal benefit applications for the 2023-2024 school year!
Apply online at or visit the School Nutrition site for more information and printable applications.